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Prevent as Early as Possible, Know the 7 Causes of Sensitive Teeth that Can be Caused by Consuming Certain Foods and Drinks

Prevent as Early as Possible, Know the 7 Causes of Sensitive Teeth that Can be Caused by Consuming Certain Foods and Drinks Illustration (credit: freepik) - Teeth are one of the body parts that have an important role. In general, humans use teeth to chew food. So that later the food is easier to digest. Unfortunately, teeth are also prone to various health problems, one of which is sensitive teeth. Although it is commonly experienced by many people, not many know the causes of sensitive teeth.

However, it is very important to know the causes of sensitive teeth. Because by doing so, we can take preventive measures. Moreover, when remembered, sensitive teeth can be very painful. When experiencing sensitive teeth, eating activities can also be disrupted. So, what are the causes of sensitive teeth?

Summarized from various sources, here are some causes of sensitive teeth that you should know.


1. Plaque Buildup

Leftover food debris in the teeth can turn into plaque. Not only does it cause dirtiness, but plaque buildup can also lead to tooth damage. Accumulated plaque that is not cleaned can cause the enamel layer of the teeth to thin. As a result, the teeth become more sensitive and prone to pain.

Therefore, brush your teeth regularly. If necessary, use dental floss and mouthwash for better dental hygiene.

2. Incorrect Toothbrushing Technique

Brushing your teeth is indeed one of the most effective ways to maintain dental hygiene and health. However, toothbrushing cannot be done carelessly. Instead of clean and healthy teeth, improper toothbrushing can cause tooth sensitivity.

One common mistake is brushing the teeth too hard. This can potentially damage the enamel layer of the teeth, making them more sensitive and reducing their strength. In addition, the excessive use of toothpaste and using a toothbrush that is too stiff should also be considered. Both of these can also be the cause of tooth sensitivity.

3. Using Mouthwash Too Often

In addition to brushing your teeth carelessly, excessive use of mouthwash can also cause tooth sensitivity. Mouthwash does have several ingredients that are good for preventing bacterial growth in the mouth. However, excessive use can actually damage the teeth.

So, use mouthwash in moderation. Just use it twice a day after brushing your teeth with the appropriate amount. To be safer, it is advisable to avoid mouthwash that contains alcohol and is acidic.

4. Teeth Grinding Habit

For those of you who have the habit of grinding your teeth, it is best to start avoiding this habit. Teeth grinding habit can also trigger increased tooth sensitivity. This is because grinding your teeth can affect the erosion of the enamel layer. In addition, this habit is also believed to have an impact on the disturbance of the middle layer of the tooth, which is connected to the nerves.

5. Habit of Chewing Ice Cubes

For some people, chewing ice cubes has become a habit. Some people choose this method to quench their thirst or relieve spiciness. Unfortunately, this method is not good for dental health. The habit of chewing hard and cold ice cubes can also have an impact on the enamel layer of the teeth. Especially if chewing ice cubes is done after consuming hot or warm food.

6. Consumption of Soda Drinks

Soda drinks are indeed very enjoyable to consume on a bright day. However, it is important to know that excessive consumption of soda drinks can have negative effects on health. Including, it can disturb dental health. The contents in soda drinks can affect the enamel layer of the teeth. Therefore, consuming them excessively will trigger sensitive teeth.

But don't worry, you can still consume soda drinks. In addition to consuming them in sufficient amounts, to avoid eroded enamel, it is recommended to rinse your mouth every time after consuming soda drinks. By doing so, the negative effects of soda drinks on the enamel layer of the teeth can be minimized.

7. Sour Foods and Drinks

Sour foods and drinks are one of the things that should be avoided if you don't want to experience tooth sensitivity. This is because sour foods and drinks can affect the enamel layer of the teeth. As a result, tooth sensitivity will increase, making it more prone to experiencing tooth sensitivity and pain. Some sour foods and drinks that should be avoided include orange juice, tomatoes, fruits, and yogurt.

Those are some important causes of tooth sensitivity that you should know. So, avoid the above things if you want to be free from tooth sensitivity. Hope it's useful!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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