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Although Good for Health, There Are Actually 6 Health Risks of Eating Eggs Excessively

Although Good for Health, There Are Actually 6 Health Risks of Eating Eggs Excessively Illustration (credit: - Eggs are one of the foods that contain a lot of beneficial nutrients and vitamins for the body. In addition, eggs are a type of food that is easy to make with popular recipe variations. However, unfortunately, despite being healthy because of the nutritional content and vitamins, there are health risks that can arise from frequent egg consumption.

There are several popular types of eggs that are usually consumed by the community. They include free-range chicken eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, goose eggs, and brown chicken eggs. Although they come from different animals, these eggs provide almost similar benefits that contain beneficial nutrients and vitamins for the body.

For example, they are rich in protein, vitamin A, lutein, vitamin D, minerals, and so on, which are beneficial for body health. However, there are several health risks of excessive egg consumption that can be experienced if they exceed the normal limit. According to, based on research conducted by several participants, older men, heavier, less active smokers, those with high cholesterol, a history of diabetes, and high blood pressure tend to consume more eggs.

So what are the health risks of excessive egg consumption?

The health risks of excessive egg consumption are found in several points below. So by knowing the risks of eating too many eggs, we can be more cautious about the potential negative effects. Here are 6 health risks of eating too many eggs summarized from various sources.


1. Prone to Acne

One of the health risks of eating eggs excessively is related to the negative effects on the skin. In this case, excessive egg consumption is likely to worsen acne conditions on the skin. This is because eggs are known as animal foods that are usually made with various selected recipes and processed carbohydrates that have negative effects on the body, as reported by

The impact will increase oil production on the skin, which is related to the cause of acne. In this case, the excessive oil can worsen acne conditions and cause inflammation on the skin. However, further research is still needed to determine the exact effects of this negative impact.

2. Increasing Cholesterol

The risk of excessive egg consumption is that it can increase cholesterol levels. Cholesterol itself is a health disorder that occurs due to high levels of bad cholesterol or known as LDL. There are several causes of high cholesterol, one of which is the impact of certain foods, including eggs.

In this case, it is known that one egg contains at least 186 milligrams of cholesterol, as reported by Therefore, if egg consumption is excessive, the body is more prone to an increase in cholesterol levels, which can lead to certain health risks. The amount of egg consumption is also associated with physical activity performed to avoid serious consequences for the body.

3. Vulnerable to the Risk of Diabetes

Excessive consumption of eggs also carries the risk of developing diabetes. According to, research has shown that daily consumption of chicken eggs can potentially increase the risk of diabetes type 2 by 55% in men and 77% in women.

Meanwhile, according to, research on older men with overweight, sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol, history of diabetes, and high blood pressure tends to consume more eggs.

4. Weight Gain

Although eggs are commonly used as a healthy diet menu, excessive consumption of eggs carries the risk of weight gain. This is because eggs contain 75 calories per egg. Especially if you consume this food excessively. Therefore, it is recommended to consume eggs within normal limits and balance it with physical activity to maintain an ideal weight.

5. Experiencing Allergies

The next health risk of excessive egg consumption is experiencing allergies. This condition can mainly occur in those who have egg allergies. However, not everyone has the same history of adverse effects. If you are one of the people who experience egg allergies, limiting the amount of consumption needs to be considered. According to, the effects that arise when experiencing an allergy to eggs include nausea, bloating, and vomiting.

6. Excess Protein

Although protein is an important nutrient that the body needs, having an excess of protein actually has the opposite effect. This is because there are several adverse effects of excess protein, including calcium loss, digestive disorders, and kidney-related diseases.

According to, the high protein content in eggs can be risky in damaging the kidney's function as a body organ to filter toxins in the blood. This effect can be particularly high-risk for those who have a history of kidney disease.

So those are the 6 health risks of excessive egg consumption. However, eggs are one of the food ingredients that contain beneficial nutrients and vitamins for the body as long as they are consumed in the right amount and not excessively. The above mentioned effects can also be experienced differently by each individual.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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