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6 Habits Tonight Can Succeed, Make Your Body Slim

6 Habits Tonight Can Succeed, Make Your Body Slim Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Not only looking at habits in the morning or afternoon, it turns out that paying attention to night habits can successfully make your body slim, KLovers. Even though these habits may seem trivial, they are actually effective in losing weight.

Usually, someone who is on a diet will pay attention to their activities in the morning and afternoon, not paying too much attention to activities at night. And starting from now on, KLovers, this habit must be noticed because it may support your success in losing weight.

What are some night habits that can successfully help you lose weight at night? Reported from various sources, let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Sufficient Sleep

The first habit at night that can help with weight loss is getting enough rest. In fact, staying up late is not what makes someone slim, getting enough sleep is the key to achieving a slim body.

Getting enough rest can help regulate a person's metabolism, and digestion becomes healthier and smoother. In addition, lack of sleep or staying up late will only make the body more fertile.

Lack of sleep will disrupt hormones, causing stress, disturbed metabolism, and feeling hungry. This will cause you to consume more food, leading to weight gain.

2. Have Dinner Early

Having dinner early is indeed one of the main things in losing weight. Yup! If you consume food too late, your sleep will automatically be later too, KLovers. To achieve an ideal body, it doesn't mean reducing the portion of your meals.

Eating at the right time is the correct way, and you should also pay attention to your dinner. It is advisable to have dinner before 8 p.m. This is because the most effective insulin secretion occurs in the morning, so eating late at night and in large portions will only make the body fatter.

3. Finding the Right Snack

Who says you can't have snacks at night? If you still want to snack, you can choose snacks that are high in protein. Snacks under 150 calories won't make you gain weight, instead, protein-rich snacks have benefits for muscle protein synthesis.

In addition, you can also consume snacks that are high in fiber like fruits. Or you can simply drink water, because besides making you feel full, it can also help with digestion in the morning.

4. Brain Activities

Another good habit to lose weight at night is engaging in brain activities, or better known as activities to stimulate the brain. This is because boredom can lead to cravings for unhealthy food.

So it's a good idea to find ways to keep your brain from getting bored. But not watching movies, KLovers, you can read books, write a diary, or take a shower while listening to podcasts.

5. Sleeping in the Right Temperature

Apparently, the temperature while sleeping can also affect your body to lose weight, KLovers. In a study conducted in 2014 by Maastricht University Medical Center, the Netherlands, it was found that those who were exposed to cold air while sleeping were more likely to lose weight.

This is because cold temperature can increase brown fat. Brown fat functions to burn calories to produce body heat, and the more brown fat, the more weight will be reduced. So it's good to pay attention to the room temperature, KLovers.

6. Sleeping with Dim Lights

And the last nighttime habit to lose weight is to sleep with dim lights. This is because bright lights can disrupt the body's circadian rhythm and increase cortisol hormone production.

Cortisol hormone is one of the stress hormones that can increase belly fat. If this hormone increases, it can increase appetite and fat retention. So you can make your bedroom lights dim, KLovers, so that you can feel comfortable while sleeping.

Those are 6 nighttime habits that can effectively make your body slim. Besides being able to make you slim, these nighttime habits can also make your body healthy. Good luck trying them out.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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