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10 Ways to Overcome Self Depression Without Going to a Psychologist

10 Ways to Overcome Self Depression Without Going to a Psychologist Illustration (credit: freepik) - Depression can generally happen to anyone. Self-depression usually occurs when someone is facing threats, pressures, or something new. This can happen due to the body's reaction to certain conditions.

In addition, this condition can also occur due to mental health disorders that affect a person's way of thinking, behavior, and emotions. If that's the case, then it will certainly affect the daily life of someone experiencing depression. In fact, depression itself can reduce productivity, as it will experience continuous mood changes.

In addition, depression can also cause symptoms such as sleeping more and some others experience difficulty sleeping or loss of appetite. In addition, someone who is experiencing depression will feel prolonged sadness, difficulty concentrating, and feeling lack of energy.

However, depression can actually be overcome, and everyone also needs to know how to overcome depression to help themselves and people around them. Because, depression can attack anyone regardless of social status, geography, demographics, or age. Well, here are a series of ways to overcome depression that you need to know. Let's directly check out the complete review.


1. Finding a Confidant

The first way to overcome depression is by finding a confidant. When you are feeling down, don't spend it alone. This will only make you more depressed. You can share your story with your family or close friends.

Express all the issues that happen so that sharing feelings can make your heart feel lighter. Even though confiding sometimes doesn't find a solution, at least you need a place to be listened to. By doing so, your chest will feel lighter.


2. Spending Time Going Outside

Furthermore, when you experience depression that greatly disturbs your mind, it is good to spend time refreshing yourself by going outside. Because if you choose to constantly confine yourself at home, it will only make your soul more oppressed.

Try to go out and find a place that can provide tranquility. Fresh air and exposure to sunlight will make your body feel fresher.


3. Meditation

The next way to overcome depression is by practicing meditation. It's no secret that many people meditate to find inner peace and tranquility. To achieve maximum results, you can arrange the room as best as possible. For example, by using aromatherapy or playing calming music. Meditation has been proven effective in making you relax and calm.


4. Switching to Pursue Hobbies

Depression tends to make you withdraw and enjoy solitude. If done continuously, this will certainly make you sink deeper. Therefore, it's good for you to engage in activities that you enjoy, such as pursuing your hobbies. Choose hobbies that make you forget about problems and temporarily divert negative thoughts.

Express yourself creatively through various hobbies such as music, writing, sports, and so on. You can also join organizations or communities. Meeting people will give you positive energy.


5. Favorite Food Consumption

The next way to overcome depression is by consuming your favorite food. By doing so, your mood will improve immediately. Foods that often make your mood better are ice cream and chocolate. This way, your mind will be much calmer and can create feelings of happiness and joy.


6. Healthy Food Consumption

Not only consuming your favorite food, but you also need to consume healthy food. Because by consuming healthy food, it can help fight depression. Foods that contain folate such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and avocado, as well as omega-3 fatty acids such as tuna can help reduce symptoms of depression. So, avoid fast food and high saturated fat foods.


7. Positive Thinking

Overcoming depression can be done by always thinking positively and using logic. Although it is certainly not easy, but if done with intention, it can help control your emotions. Try to stop thinking about the problem to avoid negative reactions. Trying to forget it for a moment can make you more relaxed.


8. Quality Sleep

Managing sleep habits to be of high quality turns out to be able to overcome depression. If you have difficulty sleeping, this should be immediately changed by maintaining consistent sleep and wake times. Because if you lack sleep, it can worsen your depression condition. Keep away from all things that disturb your sleep, such as computers, TVs, and phones when it's time to sleep.


9. Consume Green Tea

Most people with depression lack the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin helps regulate anxiety and depression. The lack of this important chemical can cause chronic mood disorders. To overcome this, you can consume green tea. This way, your mood will quickly improve.


10. Slowly Solving Problems

The most important step in solving a problem is how to solve it. Because heavy problems are the cause of depression. You can solve problems gradually one by one and control emotions so that depression slowly disappears.

Those are a series of ways to eliminate depression that you can do when suddenly feeling a chaotic mood. Hopefully, it is useful.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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