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11 Benefits of Drinking Warm Water, Can Relieve Menstruation - Stress

11 Benefits of Drinking Warm Water, Can Relieve Menstruation - Stress Illustration (credit: pixabay) - It is a well-known fact that drinking water is very beneficial for the body's health. Therefore, many suggest that we drink 2 liters or 8 glasses of water per day. But what about drinking warm water? Are the benefits of drinking warm water the same as drinking cold water?

Warm water actually has its own benefits. What are the benefits of drinking warm water? Here are some of them:

1. Overcoming Nausea

If you, especially mothers or pregnant women who often experience morning sickness, you can use warm water as a remedy. Because, drinking water is indeed one of the effective remedies for relieving nausea during morning sickness.

2. Relieve Joint Pain

Warm water has the benefit of relieving various types of pain, one of which is joint pain. This is because drinking water can address various issues that can trigger joint pain, such as dehydration, tense nerves, poor blood circulation, and so on.

3. Relieve Stress

Not only does drinking warm water relieve physical pain, but it turns out that it can also relieve stress. This is because drinking warm water can induce a sense of relaxation in the muscles of the body. In addition, drinking warm water is also believed to calm our minds. So, it is not surprising that drinking warm water is believed to relieve stress.

4. Relieve the Flu

The benefits of drinking warm water to relieve the flu have been proven by many. Various flu symptoms such as stuffy nose and sore throat can be relieved by simply drinking a glass of warm water. In fact, warm water can also reduce the risk of dehydration during flu.

The benefits of drinking warm water to relieve the flu will be maximized if combined with other beneficial herbal ingredients, such as ginger, lemon, or honey.

5. Soothe Throat Discomfort

If you ever experience throat discomfort, don't rush to buy medicine. Because the throat discomfort you are experiencing can be cured by drinking warm water. Just like the relaxing effect that occurs in the muscles of the body, drinking warm water will also make the throat more relaxed and comfortable.

Similarly, to relieve flu symptoms, you can also add honey, ginger, or other ingredients.

6. Relieve Menstrual Pain

The cramping pain caused by menstruation is often experienced by many women. This pain is generally caused by the contraction of the uterus muscles. However, don't worry when experiencing pain due to cramps during your period, you can drink warm water.

The mechanism is similar to the benefits of drinking warm water to relieve stress and throat problems. Drinking warm water when experiencing menstruation will make the cramped uterus muscles more relaxed. By doing so, the pain caused by cramps during menstruation will be relieved.

7. Improve Blood Circulation

The next benefit of drinking warm water is good for blood circulation. It turns out that drinking warm water regularly in the morning will affect the smooth circulation of blood in the body. Because warm water that we drink is believed to widen the arteries and veins. This will make the blood flow more smoothly.

So, indirectly, drinking warm water will also have an impact on preventing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

8. Overcoming Headaches

Drinking warm water turns out to be suitable for consumption when you are experiencing a headache. This is because warm water can also overcome various causes of headaches. Well, one of the causes of headaches is dehydration and stress.

By consuming warm water, it can prevent the headache you are experiencing from getting worse. To overcome headaches, it is advisable to drink warm water regularly in the morning.

9. Losing Weight

For those of you who are on a diet program. In addition to juice and infused water, warm water can also be included in your list of healthy drinks. This is not without reason, because drinking warm water is believed to make our digestive system function better.

Well, for those of you who want to start a diet program by drinking warm water, it is recommended to drink it at night before bed.

10. Overcoming Constipation

One of the benefits of drinking water is good for digestive health. It turns out that warm water also brings the same benefits. Warm water can facilitate digestion. Drinking warm water is believed to overcome constipation. This is because warm water is believed to be able to dissolve particles that inhibit digestion.

11. Body Detoxification

The last benefit of drinking warm water is related to the disposal of toxins in the body. Warm water is believed to facilitate the detoxification process of our body. The detoxification process or the disposal of toxins will occur when our body sweats when drinking warm water.

Those are 11 benefits of drinking warm water for health, hopefully it can be one of the solutions to your health problems.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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