Kapanlagi.com - Coffee is one of the most popular drinks enjoyed by many people, and it is also a very easy drink to get. Not only is it a drink, but the benefits of coffee are also very numerous for the body's health. That's why coffee is not only used for consumption, but it can also be used as herbal medicine and beauty treatments.
Coffee is a plant that utilizes its seeds to be made into a drink. Coffee has many different types and ways of serving. However, besides that, black coffee without sugar, or commonly known as bitter coffee, can provide health benefits for the body, KLovers.
What are the benefits of black coffee without sugar for the body? According to various sources, let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Boosting Energy

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The first benefit of coffee is that it can increase energy in the body when we feel tired and uninspired. This is because coffee contains substances that can stimulate nerve function, so we can be more enthusiastic and not easily tired.
In addition, coffee also has a bitter and acidic taste, so drowsiness and fatigue in the body will quickly disappear. You can consume robusta coffee if you want to experience coffee with a stronger taste to eliminate drowsiness.
2. Reducing the Risk of Cancer
The next benefit of coffee is that it can reduce the risk of cancer. Almost all coffee has benefits for cancer prevention. This is because coffee contains antioxidant acids that can effectively protect body cells from harmful free radicals.
These substances can damage body cells and cause various diseases, including cancer. In a study, it has been proven that coffee can prevent the development of cancer in the body. This includes prostate, lung, breast, and pancreatic cancer.
Therefore, if you want to avoid cancer, you can consume black coffee without sugar in the right amount and not excessively. You can even consume one cup every day for your health.
3. Lowering Cholesterol Levels

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Everyone has cholesterol levels in their body, there are good cholesterol levels and there are also bad cholesterol levels. And it is the bad cholesterol levels that can harm the body, such as experiencing high blood pressure, stroke, and heart problems. Therefore, reducing bad cholesterol levels is good for body health.
To reduce cholesterol levels, you can use the benefits of bitter black coffee. Because bitter black coffee contains antioxidants that can increase good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the body, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation that can lead to heart attacks.
You can consume coffee in the right amount and not excessively, KLovers, so that the benefits of coffee can be well received by the body. Because coffee that has been mixed with sugar and milk has different nutritional content.
4. Good for Heart Health
Not only able to lower cholesterol levels, the benefits of coffee are also very good for your heart health. Yup! Besides cholesterol, it turns out that heart disease can also occur due to various factors. That's why paying attention to heart health is the best thing for a healthier life.
And the way to do it is by using black coffee without sugar. In fact, drinking two small glasses of black coffee a day can protect you from heart failure. If not consumed excessively, coffee can reduce the risk of heart failure by up to 10 percent. So, you can consume coffee in the right amount, KLovers.
5. Reducing the Risk of Diabetes

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Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is the main source of energy for human body cells. However, if the amount of glucose in the human body is excessive, it can cause various disorders in the organs.
However, by regularly consuming coffee in the right amount, it turns out that it can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes in the body. A study also found that those who increased their coffee consumption by at least one cup per day for 4 years had an 11% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to those who did not increase their coffee intake.
6. Prevention of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease
In a recent study conducted by the Brain Institute in Canada, it is surprising to find that various types of coffee can prevent the onset of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease in the elderly. This is because coffee contains a compound called phenylindane, which can inhibit beta-amyloid and tau proteins. Both of these proteins are commonly found in the brains of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients.
That is why the presence of phenylindane compounds can hinder the growth of these proteins. Phenylindane is formed during the roasting process, which gives coffee its bitter taste. So if you want to reduce the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, you can start consuming coffee now in the right amount and not excessively.
7. Reducing Stress Levels

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Usually, coffee often becomes a companion to work on a task or deadline. And because of that, someone experiences a lot of pressure, leading to stress and depression due to the amount of work. When someone chooses to drink coffee to accompany their work, it can calm and alleviate stress levels.
Yup! Coffee is one of the drinks that can reduce stress in someone. After consuming coffee, you will feel more relaxed, happy, and more enthusiastic in continuing activities.
This is because coffee influences chemical substances in the brain to make someone more alert, and the impact of neurotransmitters will help the body fight stress symptoms. Therefore, you can use the benefits of black coffee to reduce the stress and depression you are experiencing.
8. Relieving Headaches
Not only stress, it turns out that coffee can also help relieve headaches in individuals, KLovers. Sudden headaches can certainly disrupt your activities. And to overcome this, you can use black coffee without sugar to relieve headaches.
By consuming black coffee without sugar, and the right amount, it can relieve soothing headaches. Therefore, you only need to make a cup of warm black coffee at home to eliminate headaches and provide a calm effect.
9. Losing Weight

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It's not unfamiliar that coffee can help someone lose weight. This is because the caffeine content in black coffee can help burn fat. In fact, experts have found that black coffee without sugar can boost the body's metabolism and burn fat quickly.
So it's no wonder that coffee is widely used by individuals for weight loss programs. However, if you want to do this diet, you should pay attention to your eating patterns, KLovers. Or consult with a nutritionist first to avoid harming your body.
10. Skin Beauty
Not only capable of providing health to the body, it turns out that black coffee without sugar can also make the skin look beautiful and healthy. Many people know that coffee is used in various main beauty ingredients, from skin to hair.
If you want to get healthy skin naturally, then you can use the benefits of coffee. This is because coffee contains antioxidants that can provide health to the facial skin. In addition, coffee extract also has content that can protect the skin from UV rays to keep the skin well-maintained.
The content of vitamin B3 in coffee can also provide protection against skin cancer and wrinkles. So it's no wonder that coffee can provide natural health to your facial skin and of course it's safe.
11. Prevent Premature Aging
Premature aging is a condition where the skin appears older than its age. The causes can come from free radicals such as pollution, smoke, and even sun exposure. If this condition occurs at a young age, it will definitely disrupt one's appearance.
The signs of premature aging can be identified by the appearance of wrinkles on the face, especially around the eyes, mouth, forehead, and the presence of fine lines on the facial skin. To overcome this condition, you can use coffee for facial skin care and to prevent premature aging.
This is because the high content of antioxidants and caffeine in coffee can counteract free radicals and prevent premature aging. The method is quite easy, you just need to consume black coffee without sugar or you can also make a coffee mask and use it twice a week.
12. Treating Acne
And the last benefit of coffee is that it can treat acne. One of the things that makes many people lack confidence is acne. That's why there are many natural ways to get rid of acne, one of which is by using the benefits of black coffee.
The antioxidants, stimulants, and chlorogenic acid in coffee can be used as a powerful acne treatment. You can use a coffee face mask or consume coffee regularly in the morning to get these benefits.
Those are the 12 benefits of black coffee without sugar for your body's health. But remember not to rely solely on coffee, KLovers. You also need to adopt a healthy lifestyle by paying attention to your diet and exercise, so that it can provide a good balance for your body.
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