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12 Benefits of Soybeans for Health that are Rarely Known

12 Benefits of Soybeans for Health that are Rarely Known Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Soybeans are one type of legume that is quite often consumed by the community. Soybeans, which have the Latin name Glycine Max, are popular because they can be processed into various types of food, ranging from tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soy sauce, tauco, flour, and oil. In addition, soybeans have many benefits for the health of KLovers.

Soybeans themselves have many different colors, including green, yellow, black, and brown. In Indonesia, the most widely cultivated type is the yellow and black ones. Usually, the yellow ones are used as the main ingredient for making tempeh, tofu, and soy milk. And the black soybeans are often used for making soy sauce.

Soybeans have a slightly sweet taste and contain a variety of other high-quality nutrients. Some of them are manganese, selenium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamin C, omega 6, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, and vitamin K.

So it's no wonder that soybeans have many benefits for health. However, what are the benefits? According to various sources, here are 12 soybean benefits that you must know. Let's check it out.

1. Heart Health

The first benefit of soybeans is good for heart health. Being an important vital organ, the heart must always be healthy. And to have a healthy heart, you must also live a healthy lifestyle.

One of them is by consuming soybeans. Yup! It turns out that soybeans are very good for providing nutrition to your heart. This is because the protein content in soybeans has been proven to prevent various health problems, including heart health in older men.

2. Preventing Obesity

The next benefit of soybeans is that they can prevent obesity. Soybeans have long been trusted by many people to help with dieting, usually in the form of tofu, tempeh, or milk. So it's no wonder that soybean products can prevent obesity.

Obesity itself is a condition that is avoided by everyone. Obesity is a chronic condition caused by the accumulation of fat in the body. If left untreated, this can have negative effects on the body, such as the onset of hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

The isoflavone content in soybeans has hormonal effects that can inhibit adipogenesis, thus reducing the expansion of fat tissue. In addition, soybeans can also affect the reduction of bad cholesterol levels in the body. Therefore, consuming soybeans or soy-based products regularly will have a positive impact on weight loss.

3. Relieving Stress

The benefits of soybeans for the body also function to relieve stress, KLovers. This is because the content of vitamin B12 contained in soybeans can make compounds that make us happy after consuming them. Vitamin B12 can regulate serotonin metabolism, which is a hormone regulator in the brain and is responsible for stabilizing emotions and bringing about feelings of calm and happiness. So it's no wonder that consuming soybeans can create a feeling of happiness in our bodies.

4. Promoting Bone Health

Not only does it relieve stress, but the other benefits of soybeans are that they can promote bone health, KLovers. Not only cow's milk, but soybean-based foods also have good content in nourishing bones to keep them healthy. This is because soybeans contain calcium.

Calcium is the main ingredient for bone formation. If you lack calcium intake, it can easily lead to osteoporosis, especially in old age. Even vitamin D in soybeans functions the same as that found in cow's milk, which is to strengthen bones. You can get this nutrition from soybean preparations such as tempeh, tofu, and milk.

5. Preventing Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a condition where the prostate gland cells transform into malignant cells, causing the prostate to enlarge, harden, and form lumps. The prostate gland is located below the bladder in men. These lumps usually grow larger as a person ages, which is why prostate cancer is often experienced by older men.

To prevent this condition, you can consume soybeans. This is because soybeans are a source of phytoestrogen, or unique plant hormones that can inhibit testosterone production in men. Therefore, this can help prevent the risk of developing prostate cancer in men.

6. Immune System

It turns out that soybeans also have benefits in maintaining the immune system, KLovers. This is because soybeans contain vitamin A and vitamin D, which can serve as sources for the immune system in our bodies. Vitamin A functions as a protector of the body against foreign organisms, such as pathogenic bacteria.

This vitamin enhances the activity of white blood cells and antibodies in the body, making the body stronger against toxins and attacks from microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses. As for vitamin D, it strengthens the immune system in the body.

This is because the active molecules contained in vitamin D play a crucial role in bone metabolism, muscle function, and can also affect the immune system. That's why soybeans are one of the plant-based foods that can help maintain our body's immunity and prevent diseases.

7. Helping the Metabolism Process

The metabolism process is indeed very important for the body, making the body healthier. And soybeans are one of the foods that can help the metabolism process in the body. This is because the content of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin (vitamin B3) found in tempeh plays a role in the body's metabolism process. These two substances activate the enzymes needed by the body to function properly.

Not only that, a smooth metabolism process will help those of you who are trying to lose weight. This is because a good metabolism process will also burn calories in the body properly. So you won't experience fat accumulation, which leads to obesity. It's no wonder that consuming processed soybeans such as tempeh, tofu, and milk can help in the weight loss process.

8. Preventing Constipation

Constipation is indeed one of the things that often bothers someone. Because besides being difficult to defecate, constipation also makes a person feel uncomfortable and the body also feels uncomfortable. Even if it happens frequently and severely, constipation will cause someone to suffer from hemorrhoids, piles, and even stomach cancer.

To prevent constipation, you can use the benefits of soybeans. This is because soybeans contain protein, fat, and carbohydrates. In addition, the isoflavone content contained in soybeans is also good for improving intestinal absorption, which can make digestion smoother.

9. Increasing Fertility

Apparently, not only preventing constipation, the other benefits of soybeans can also increase fertility in women, KLovers. In fact, soybeans can improve fertility in women who are trying to conceive or undergoing fertility treatment.

In a study of 36 women who did not have a period for six months, those who took 6 grams of soybean powder per day had higher ovulation and menstrual cycle rates compared to those who did not consume soybeans.

That is why, if you want to have a baby soon, it is good to consume soybeans regularly. So that the level of fertility in women increases rapidly. You can consume various types of processed soybeans such as milk, tempeh, and tofu.

10. Preventing Anemia

Anemia is one of the mild diseases, where sufferers lack iron intake, making them easily tired, unenthusiastic, and having pale skin. Therefore, iron is needed by the body to produce red blood cell components known as hemoglobin.

If you experience anemia problems, you can prevent it by regularly consuming soybeans. This is because the benefits of soybeans can effectively overcome anemia problems.

Because soybeans contain vitamin B12, which will facilitate the process of red blood cell production. As a result, the production of red blood cells will proceed according to the needs and you can avoid the threat of blood deficiency or anemia.

11. Accelerating the Recovery Process of Children

Then another benefit of soybeans is that it can accelerate the recovery process in children. In soybeans, there are lactose and riboflavin which can speed up the energy recovery process, so children will become more energetic and quickly recover from illness or fatigue.

The lactose and riboflavin content in soybeans is also very suitable for consumption by adults, for example, when exercising or when doing various activities that require prime stamina. So soybeans are also very suitable for accelerating the recovery process in the body.

12. Brightening and Moisturizing the Skin

And the last benefit of soybeans for the body is that it can brighten and moisturize the skin. This is because soybeans contain vitamin A and vitamin D which are certainly good for skin health. Vitamin A acts as a vitamin that helps repair tissue in the skin.

This is because if someone lacks vitamin A, the skin will easily become dry and scaly. That is why vitamin A content helps moisturize and control oil on the skin. In addition, vitamin A can also brighten the skin, control acne, and disguise fine lines which are early signs of aging.

Then, the next benefit of vitamin D for the skin is that it can stimulate the production of D3 nutrients in the epidermal layer of the skin. When we can consume vitamin D maximally, it triggers the process of dead skin regeneration to perfection, so the skin becomes smooth, beautiful, and clean. That is why consuming soybeans is very good for getting healthy and beautiful skin.

Those are the 12 benefits of soybeans for the health of adults and children. There are many benefits of soybeans for body health and skin health that have been proven. In fact, soybeans can also provide health benefits to vital organs and overcome some serious illnesses.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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