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43 Javanese Proverbs as Cultural Heritage with Profound Meaning and Life Advice

43 Javanese Proverbs as Cultural Heritage with Profound Meaning and Life Advice Javanese Proverbs (credit: PBG/Muhamad Ridlo) - Indonesian cultural wealth is unparalleled. One of the popular ones is Javanese culture with its enduring heritage. From language, customs, to other legacies, they can provide deep messages and meanings about culture. Like Javanese proverbs, which are cultural legacies with various messages and wisdom about communal life.

Recognizing Javanese culture can be done through various Javanese proverbs that are still preserved to this day. These Javanese proverbs provide meaningful messages about communal life and other noble values. Often, Javanese proverbs can be inspiration and advice to live a better life, never give up, be polite to others, and respect each other.

Various Javanese proverbs are popularly used in society and known by various generations. In fact, most people make Javanese proverbs their life motto. These Javanese proverbs can make people realize their mistakes and improve their lives if they are not suitable.

As a cultural heritage, Javanese proverbs contain deep meanings and advice about life. The following points summarize these Javanese proverbs, which are cultural legacies with deep meanings, as compiled by from various sources.









1. Javanese Proverbs Full of Life Messages

Javanese proverbs that can convey various messages about life can make you introspect yourself to live a better life. The following Javanese proverb can be a reflection for you again.

Javanese proverb:

1. Ana catur mungkur

This Javanese proverb means, "Avoiding arguments and conflicts as much as possible in order to solve problems wisely."

2. Dhuwur wekasane, endhek wiwitane

This Javanese proverb means, "Suffering leads to greatness."

3. Gupak pulut ora mangan nangkane

This Javanese proverb means, "Not enjoying the sweetness of fortune, but being dragged along when suffering or hardship comes."

4. Anak polah bapa kepradah

This Javanese proverb means, "A child's behavior has an impact on their parents, if a child behaves badly, the parents will also be affected negatively, and vice versa, if a child's behavior is good, the parents will also be affected positively."

5. Bener saka kang Kuwasa iku ana rong warna, yakuwi kang cocok karo benering Pangeran lan bener kang ora cocok karo benering Pangeran

This Javanese proverb means, "Truth in the universe comes in two types, truth that aligns with God's teachings and truth that contradicts God's teachings." True when aligned with God's guidance or teachings and false when contrary to the values of God's teachings"

6.Ana dina, ana upa

This Javanese proverb means, "Every struggle always has tangible results."

7.Adhang-adhang tetese embun

This Javanese proverb means, "Expecting something with whatever results, like hoping for dewdrops."

8.Gliyak-gliyak tumindak, sareh pakoleh

This Javanese proverb means, "Efforts made slowly but eventually reaching the goal."

9.Kena iwake aja nganti buthek banyune

This Javanese proverb means, "Strive to achieve goals without causing damage."

10.Ngundhuh wohing pakerti

This Javanese proverb means, "Whatever we do will yield appropriate results."

11.Mikul dhuwur mendhem jero

This Javanese proverb means, "A child who honors their parents' dignity."

12. Rukun agawe sentosa, crah agawe bubrah

Pepatah Jawa ini memiliki makna, "Living in harmony will surely bring peace, on the other hand, if always quarrel will surely separate."

13.Lamun sira durung wikan alamira pribadi, mara takona marang wong kang wis wikan

That Javanese proverb means, "If you haven't understood your own nature, you should ask someone who has understood it."





















2. Ancient Javanese Proverbs Full of Profound Meaning

Various ancient Javanese proverbs, which are part of this cultural heritage, also have such deep meanings. The following are some of those ancient Javanese proverbs that can inspire you.

14.Manunggaling kawula gusti

The meaning of this proverb is "The unity or union between a servant and the attributes of his Lord."

15.Manungsa iku kanggonan sipating Pangeran

The meaning of this proverb is "Humans possess the attributes of God."

16.Sluman slumun slamet

The meaning of this proverb is "Even though not careful enough, still given safety."

17.Sabar sareh mesthi bakal pikoleh

The meaning of this proverb is "Whatever work, do not be done in haste in order to succeed."

18.Dhemit ora ndulit, setan ora doyan

It means "In the form of prayers and hopes to always be given safety, there are no obstacles and hindrances."

19. Tuna sathak bathi sanak

The meaning of the proverb is "Lose wealth but gain friends."

20.Becik ketitik, ala ketara

The meaning of the proverb is "Good deeds will always be recognized, and bad deeds will eventually be known as well."

21.Nglurug tanpa bala, menang tanpa ngasorake

The meaning of the proverb is "Attacking without troops, winning without demeaning the opponent, the noble and responsible knightly nature."

22.Kaya banyu karo lenga

This Javanese proverb means "Never harmonious like water and oil that cannot mix."

23.Jaman iku owah gingsir

The meaning of the proverb is "Space, time, and era will always be dynamic and change."

24.Sepi ing pamrih, rame ing gawe

This Javanese proverb means "Doing a job without feeling selfish."

25.Dhuwur wekasane, endhek wiwitane.

This Javanese proverb means "Suffering that yields glory."

26. You are there because of your parents.

This Javanese proverb means "Your existence is due to the creation of your mother and father, so both parents must be respected."

27. Cakra manggilingan

It means "Life is dynamic like a rotating wheel, it doesn't go high when praised and doesn't fall when insulted. Keep doing good, right, and always remember God."

28. Desa mawa cara, negara mawa tata

It means "Every region has different customs or rules."

29. Tunggak jarak mrajak tunggak jati mati

It means "Bad things are rampant while good things are scarce."

30. Kesandhung ing rata, kebentus ing tawang

This Javanese proverb means "Encountering unexpected misfortune."
















3. Javanese Proverbs with Community Advice

Various Javanese proverbs also provide advice on community life. This can be a lesson for a more harmonious and respectful community life. The Javanese proverbs with advice on community life are as follows.

31. Kacang ora ninggal lanjaran

It means "Children always imitate their parents."

32. Dudu sanak dudu kadang, yen mati melu kelangan

This Javanese proverb means, "Although there is no blood relation, it feels like being part of the family, so when there is grief, one feels sad and lost."

33. Sembur-sembur adus, siram-siram bayem

This Javanese proverb means, "A goal that is achieved because of the support of many people."

34. Obah ngarep kobet mburi

It means, "All actions of a leader always affect their subordinates."

35. Menthung koja kena sembagine

This Javanese proverb means, "Describing someone who feels like they have deceived others, but in reality, they themselves have been deceived."

36. Lambe satumang kari samerang

This Javanese proverb means "A person who has been advised many times but still doesn't listen."

37. Kebat kliwat, gancang pincang

This Javanese proverb means "Hasty actions are never perfect."

38. Dandhang diunekake kuntul, kuntul diunekake dandhang

It means "Bad things are considered good, while good things are considered bad."

39. Beras wutah arang bali menyang takere

This Javanese proverb means, "Something that is broken cannot be restored to its original condition."

40. Ngundhuh wohing pakerti

This proverb means, "Whatever we do will yield appropriate results."

41. Adigang, adigung, adiguna

It means "Relying on strength, power, and intelligence."

42. Quiet in reward, busy in work

It means "Doing work without expecting anything in return."

43.Too much thunder but little rain

This proverb means, "Talking too much but never providing evidence."

So those are 43 Javanese proverbs as a cultural heritage that have profound meaning and advice about life.

Source: and










Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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