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5 Popular Book Recommendations for Muslim Women, Enhancing Knowledge and Faith

5 Popular Book Recommendations for Muslim Women, Enhancing Knowledge and Faith Book recommendations for Muslim women (Credit: - Nowadays, there are many book recommendations for Muslim women that you can read. Not only containing rules, commands, or prohibitions, these books can be considered progressive.

These book recommendations for Muslim women not only contain knowledge about religion, but also contain thoughts about gender justice. The explanations are also inseparable from Islamic narratives with clear references.

If you are looking for popular book recommendations for Muslim women, please read the following reviews.



1. Critical Thinking for Muslim Women - Nur Rofiah

Critical Thinking for Muslim Women is one of the recommended books for Muslim women that you should not miss. This book, written by Dr. Nur Rofiah, consists of 4 chapters, namely Religion for Women, Understanding the Transcendent, Humanity Before Diversity, and Fragments of Reflection.

As the title suggests, this book will invite you to start thinking critically. Its contents can be justified because the author herself is a female scholar who actively advocates for gender justice in Islam. She voices this in various forums, both at the national and international levels.

The strength of this book also lies in its neat and simple language, making it easily understood by readers from various backgrounds. Discussions such as women's biological or social experiences and the role of humans as stewards of the earth will open your mind. The thoughts of Dr. Nur Rofiah through this book are clearly needed by Muslim women.



2. Controversial Muslim Women - Kalis Mardiasih

Next, there is Controversial Muslim Women as a book recommendation for Muslim women for you to read. This book contains a collection of writings about various phenomena or experiences of women. The writing style in this book is firm, but not preachy. In addition, the language chosen is simple and easy to understand.

The issues discussed in this book include trends of celebrity hijrah, debates on syar'i and non-syar'i hijab, pre-marriage seminars, and other more serious phenomena. When reading it, you feel invited to reflect and understand how angry the author is with the Islamic narrative that is always imposed on women.

However, every topic discussed in this book still considers the aspects of Islamic law. In fact, through this book, you will realize that Islam can be a religion that guarantees equality for women and does not limit the space and public role in various professions.



3. Don't Go Too Far on Your Hijrah, You Might Get Lost! - Kalis Mardiasih

Don't Go Too Far on Your Hijrah, You Might Get Lost! is a book recommendation for Muslim women written by Kalis Mardiasih. Hijrah is a popular term used to refer to people who want to learn about Islam again. In fact, this phenomenon has also been introduced by celebrities in the country. However, this increasingly popular hijrah phenomenon has a rather terrifying side. In fact, learning about Islam means learning about goodness.

Unfortunately, hijrah brings about a habit for people who easily label others as infidels or blame others who don't take the same path. Based on personal experience, the author presents various events related to the hijrah phenomenon, such as hate speech both on social media and in sermon pulpits, to shouts of takbir when bullying is about to occur.

This book also includes touching stories, one of which is the story of Marlina, a woman who became a domestic worker in Malaysia. Marlina may have forgotten to pray, but she continues to fight for her family. She still wants to take care of her mother even though she knows that her money has been spent on gambling.



4. Sister Fillah You'll Never be Alone - Kalis Mardiasih

Still from Kalis Mardiasih, Sister Fillah You'll Never be Alone is a recommended book for Muslim women that you must read. Similar to the previous work, this book still carries the message of women's equality, especially Muslim women who are currently facing challenges of conservatism and religious extremism.

When reading this book, you will find various stories of events that may seem trivial. However, those events actually disturb the author. The uneasiness occurs in religious preaching content that does not recognize ethics and respect, poor widows who often receive negative stigma from society, and so on.

Through this book, you will also learn about the biological experiences of women associated with religious arguments (interpretation of the phrase "women lack intelligence"). The author's voice in this book is worth hearing and reflecting upon.



5. Islam Women-friendly Religion - KH Husein Muhammad

There are still more book recommendations for Muslim women titled Islam Women-friendly Religion. Yes, you may have often heard that women's roles are limited to domestic spaces and should not be active in public spaces, for fear of causing slander. There is also a teaching for wives to submit to their husbands. Based on this, the question arises, does Islam marginalize women?

KH Husein Muhammad seems moved to provide an answer and defense for women through this book. Until now, classical books that have been the main reference in shaping the values, norms, and culture of pesantren (Islamic boarding school) apparently subjugate women. Interpretations from such perspectives are the cause of inequality towards women.

Now, by reading this book, you will find an explanation from Kiai Husein Muhammad about the definition and relationship between monotheism, sharia, fiqh, and women's fiqh. The messages of monotheism in the Qur'an are revealed according to the cultural conditions of a certain era that carry the same vision and mission, namely equality and justice for all mankind (p. 98).

So, KLovers, those are some of the most popular book recommendations for Muslim women worth reading to increase knowledge.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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