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6 Recipes for Various Side Dishes to Accompany Lebaran Ketupat That You Must Try, Practical and Special

6 Recipes for Various Side Dishes to Accompany Lebaran Ketupat That You Must Try, Practical and Special Illustration (credit: - Lebaran ketupat is incomplete without delicious and appetizing side dishes. Various typical dishes such as chicken opor, beef rendang, to spicy fried liver always accompany the deliciousness of ketupat. The combination of savory, spicy, and sweet flavors makes these dishes even more delightful.

Not only are they delicious, but the side dishes for ketupat are also easy to make with simple ingredients. From rich spiced coconut milk to refreshing spicy sambal, each dish of Lebaran ketupat has its own uniqueness. For those looking for ideas, this article is the right choice.

What dishes are suitable for Lebaran ketupat? Let's try various recipes below for a more special Lebaran feast! Check it out, KLovers.

1. Yellow Chicken Opor

Opor ayam is a traditional Lebaran dish with a rich coconut milk broth that is full of spices. The combination of tender chicken and the infused yellow spices makes it the perfect companion for ketupat. Its delicious taste ensures that opor ayam is always present on the dining table during Lebaran. Here is how to prepare this dish for Lebaran ketupat:


- 1 whole chicken, cut as desired

- 500 ml thick coconut milk

- 500 ml thin coconut milk

- 3 pieces of bay leaves

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, bruised

- 4 pieces of kaffir lime leaves

- Salt and sugar to taste

Ground spices:

- 6 shallots

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 3 candlenuts, roasted

- 1 tsp coriander, roasted

- 1 piece of turmeric, burned

- 1 piece of ginger

How to make:

1. Sauté the ground spices until fragrant.

2. Add bay leaves, lemongrass, and kaffir lime leaves.

3. Add the chicken, stir well until it changes color.

4. Pour in the thin coconut milk, cook until the chicken is tender.

5. Add the thick coconut milk, salt, and sugar.

6. Cook until done while stirring to prevent the coconut milk from splitting.

2. Beef Rendang

Beef rendang has a rich spice flavor with a tender texture and absorbed seasonings. The cooking process, which takes quite a long time, produces rendang with a distinctive taste and long-lasting quality. It is suitable as a companion to ketupat for a special Eid dish. Here is the procedure for making this dish for Eid ketupat:


- 500 grams of beef, cut into pieces

- 750 ml of coconut milk from 2 coconuts

- 3 pieces of bay leaves

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, bruised

- 4 pieces of kaffir lime leaves

- 1 piece of galangal, bruised

- Salt and sugar to taste

Ground spices:

- 6 shallots

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 5 candlenuts, roasted

- 1 tbsp of coriander, roasted

- 1 piece of turmeric

- 2 pieces of ginger

- 3 large red chilies

How to make:

1. Sauté the ground spices until fragrant, then add the bay leaves, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, and galangal.

2. Add the beef, stirring until it changes color.

3. Pour in the coconut milk and cook on low heat until the beef is tender and the sauce thickens.

4. Stir occasionally to ensure the spices are well absorbed.

3. Spicy Fried Liver

Spicy fried liver has a perfectly blended spicy, sweet, and savory flavor. This dish is made from beef or chicken liver cooked with a rich red spice mixture. The delicious combination of flavors makes it a perfect complement to ketupat. Below are the steps to prepare this dish for Lebaran ketupat:


- 250 grams of beef/chicken liver, diced

- 250 grams of potatoes, diced

- 3 pieces of bay leaves

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, crushed

- 500 ml of diluted coconut milk

- Salt and sugar to taste

Ground spices:

- 6 shallots

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 4 candlenuts, roasted

- 3 large red chilies

- 5 bird's eye chilies

- 1 piece of galangal


1. Fry the liver and potatoes until cooked, then drain.

2. Sauté the ground spices until fragrant, then add the bay leaves and lemongrass.

3. Add the liver and potatoes, mix well.

4. Pour in the coconut milk, cook until the spices are absorbed and the sauce thickens.

5. Adjust the taste before serving.

4. Siamese Pumpkin Vegetable

The Siamese pumpkin vegetable has a savory and fresh taste from the coconut milk and spices. Its soft texture and light coconut milk make it one of the popular side dishes for ketupat during Eid. Here is how to prepare this dish for Eid ketupat:


- 2 pieces of Siamese pumpkin, cut into matchsticks

- 500 ml thin coconut milk

- 3 pieces of bay leaves

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, bruised

- Salt and sugar to taste

Ground spices:

- 6 shallots

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 3 candlenuts, toasted

- 1 piece of turmeric, burned

- 1 piece of galangal


1. Sauté the ground spices until fragrant, add the bay leaves and lemongrass.

2. Pour in the coconut milk and cook until boiling.

3. Add the Siamese pumpkin, stir well.

4. Cook until the Siamese pumpkin is tender and the sauce thickens slightly. Adjust the seasoning and serve.

5. Egg Stew

Egg stew has a sweet savory taste with a thick soy sauce broth and a distinctive spice aroma. This dish is very practical to make and is suitable as a side dish for ketupat that is easy to serve for the family during Eid. Here are the steps to make this dish for Eid ketupat:


- 6 hard-boiled eggs

- 500 ml water

- 2 bay leaves

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, bruised

- 5 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce

- Salt and sugar to taste

Ground spices:

- 6 shallots

- 4 garlic cloves

- 3 candle nuts, roasted

- 1 piece of ginger

- 1 teaspoon of ground pepper

How to make:

1. Sauté the ground spices until fragrant, add the bay leaves and lemongrass.

2. Add water and sweet soy sauce, stir well.

3. Add the hard-boiled eggs, cook until the spices are absorbed and the broth thickens. Adjust the taste and serve with ketupat.

6. Bajak Sauce

Bajak sauce is a sauce with a spicy, sweet, and slightly sour taste. It is perfect as a complement to ketupat and other Eid dishes to provide a tantalizing spicy sensation. Here are the steps to make this dish for Eid ketupat:


- 10 large red chilies

- 5 small red chilies

- 6 shallots

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 2 tablespoons of grated brown sugar

- 1 teaspoon of roasted shrimp paste

- 1 teaspoon of salt

- 2 tablespoons of tamarind water

- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil


1. Sauté the chilies, shallots, and garlic until wilted.

2. Blend together with shrimp paste, salt, and brown sugar.

3. Heat the oil, and sauté the sauce again until cooked.

4. Add tamarind water, and mix well.

5. Cook until the sauce releases oil, then serve.

These are some Eid ketupat dishes that you can make yourself at home. There are many more recipe recommendations that you can find by reading articles on Because, if not now, when else?


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