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7 Benefits of Dutch Eggplant for Health, Powerful in Preventing Anemia - Hypertension

7 Benefits of Dutch Eggplant for Health, Powerful in Preventing Anemia - Hypertension Benefits of Dutch eggplant (credit: flickr) - Not in accordance with its name, eggplant from the Netherlands actually does not originate from the land of windmills. This fruit actually comes from the Amazon region, South America. Despite coming from a distant place, it turns out that Dutch eggplant is quite popular in Indonesia. Dutch eggplant has a refreshing sour taste, making it suitable for making juice. In addition to being refreshing, the benefits of Dutch eggplant also make it increasingly admired.

In addition to being made into juice, Dutch eggplant is also often processed into jam, syrup, and used as a salad mixture. Just like other fruits, Dutch eggplant contains many vitamins and nutrients that are good for the body's health. It's no wonder that many people consider Dutch eggplant juice as their main health drink.

So, what are the benefits of Dutch eggplant for the body?


1. Improving Eye Health

Until now, we must be familiar with carrot juice as a beneficial drink for eye health. Apparently, bitter melon also has similar benefits. Just like carrots, bitter melon also contains a lot of vitamin A that is needed for the eyes. As we know, sufficient intake of vitamin A will make our eyes healthy and well-maintained.

2. Good for Skin Beauty

If you desire to have bright and healthy skin, bitter melon juice can be one of the ways. The contents in bitter melon fruit are believed to be very good for maintaining skin health. Not only moisturizing and brightening, bitter melon also contains flavonoids, phenols, and anthocyanins that are believed to be beneficial in preventing premature aging.

3. Boosting Immune System

The next benefit of Dutch eggplant is that it can improve the body's immune system. Dutch eggplant contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B complex. This type of vitamin is the most supportive of the metabolic process. Through the metabolic system, the nutrients from the food we consume can be absorbed by the body. As a result, the body feels more fit and healthy.

4. Regulating Blood Pressure

Dutch eggplant is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure. Consuming juice or Dutch eggplant is believed to effectively lower high blood pressure or hypertension.

This ability is due to its potassium content. The potassium in Dutch eggplant is what helps lower blood pressure. Moreover, consuming Dutch eggplant juice regularly is believed to maintain heart health.

5. Prevent Anemia

One of the amazing benefits of bitter melon is that it can prevent anemia. Anemia is a condition when the body lacks white blood cells. As a result, someone who has anemia often feels weak and tired. Anemia is also a dangerous disease as it can disrupt heart activity.

Fortunately, bitter melon is one of the fruits that can help overcome anemia. This is because bitter melon contains good iron to support red blood cell production. Therefore, consuming this fruit juice is suitable when experiencing anemia symptoms.

6. Improves Digestion

Bitter melon has a relatively high fiber content. With this fiber content, bitter melon is beneficial for improving digestion. Consuming bitter melon juice is believed to keep us away from various digestive disorders, such as constipation and diarrhea. Not only that, consuming bitter melon regularly is believed to be healthier for the digestive system. 

7. Preventing Cancer

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases today. One way to prevent this deadly disease is by consuming Dutch eggplant. According to, Dutch eggplant contains lycopene compounds that function as antioxidants.

As we know, antioxidants in the body are useful for neutralizing free radicals that can trigger cancer cells. That is why consuming Dutch eggplant juice can be one way to prevent cancer naturally.

8. How to Make Dutch Eggplant Juice

As mentioned several times, one way to enjoy the benefits of Dutch eggplant is by turning it into juice. However, because it is not a familiar fruit, some of you may still be confused about how to make Dutch eggplant juice. However, Dutch eggplant juice is proven to be refreshing and healthy. Here is a recipe for making Dutch eggplant juice that you can follow.

Ingredients needed:

- 100 grams of Dutch eggplant

- 100 grams of yogurt

- Syrup or honey as desired

- Granulated sugar as desired

- Crushed ice as desired

How to make:

1) Clean and cut the Dutch eggplant into small pieces.

2) Put the Dutch eggplant and yogurt into a blender, then add granulated sugar and syrup or honey.

3) Add the crushed ice.

4) Turn on the blender until all the ingredients become smooth like regular juice.

5) Once done, pour the Dutch eggplant juice into a glass, and it's ready to be enjoyed.

Those are some of the benefits of Dutch eggplant. If you are interested in experiencing its benefits, you can try practicing the recipe. Enjoy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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