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7 Things That Do Not Cancel Fasting, Worship Remains Smooth

7 Things That Do Not Cancel Fasting, Worship Remains Smooth Illustration (credit: freepik) - During fasting, there are certainly prohibitions that should not be done. Of course, this is avoided to maximize fasting worship so that it is not canceled. However, do you know? It turns out there are several things that are allowed to be done while fasting.

Fasting means restraining oneself from eating and drinking and all actions that can cancel fasting, from dawn until sunset. Fasting itself is to increase the devotion of a Muslim to Allah SWT.

In performing fasting, many of us are still confused about what can be done. Many of us only know the prohibitions. Therefore, you need to know what is allowed when fasting:



1. Gargling and Putting Water into the Nose

The Prophet Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

And be diligent in istinsyaq (putting water into the nose during ablution) except if you are fasting.

Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah explained, As for gargling and istinsyaq (putting water into the nose during ablution), it is allowed for those who are fasting and this is agreed upon by the scholars. The Prophet Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the companions also gargled and put water into the nose while fasting. However, it is prohibited to do it excessively.

2. Bathing to Refresh the Body

Taking a bath while fasting with the intention of refreshing the body is allowed. It can be done because the water does not directly enter the body and only intends to strengthen worship so as not to feel weak.

It is narrated from Abu Bakr bin Abdurrahaman that he was informed by one of the companions of the Prophet Saw. I have witnessed the Prophet Saw. pouring water on his head while he was fasting, due to thirst and hot weather (Narrated by Ahmad, Malik, and Abu Daud with a authentic chain of narration).

3. Kissing, for Those Who Can Control Themselves

Kissing for married couples does not invalidate fasting, but it is important to remember that one must be able to control oneself. In addition, kissing does not invalidate fasting unless semen is released during foreplay. (Syarh An Nawawi, 4/85)

In a hadith, Aisha narrated that the Prophet kissed and touched her while he was fasting. And he was the one who could control himself the most. (Muttafaq 'Alaih).

4. Cupping and Blood Donation

Performing cupping and blood donation while fasting is allowed. However, it should not make you weak during fasting.

It is narrated from Ibn Abbas that he said,

The Prophet once underwent cupping while he was fasting. However, cupping is disliked if it is feared to weaken the body.

It is narrated from Tsabit al-Banani that he said, Anas bin Malik was asked, Do you dislike cupping for those who are fasting? He answered, No, except if it causes the body to become weak.


5. Wake up in a state of janabah

For married couples who have sexual intercourse at night and wake up in the morning after performing the dawn prayer, they are allowed to fast. However, after that, it is obligatory to perform a major ablution and the dawn prayer until the time of breaking the fast.

Based on what is narrated from 'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) and Umm Salamah, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) once woke up after dawn had risen while he was in a state of janabah because he had been intimate with his wife. He then performed a ritual bath and fasted.

6. Using Eye Drops and Kuhl

A person who is fasting and then gets an eye infection is allowed to use eye drops. This does not invalidate the fast because the eyes are not directly connected to the stomach cavity.

As for the rule regarding using kuhl (eyeliner) while fasting, it is considered permissible. This is because Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not mention using kuhl as something that invalidates the fast. If using kuhl could invalidate the fast, surely the Prophet would have explained this to his followers.

7. Using Miswak while Fasting

Using miswak is something recommended in Islamic law, as mentioned in the saying of the Prophet peace be upon him:

If it were not to burden my ummah, I would have ordered them to use miswak every time they perform ablution. (Narrated by Bukhari no. 27)

From the above hadith, it can be seen that the Prophet peace be upon him did not specify the command to use miswak only for those who are fasting. If using miswak would invalidate the fast, surely he would have explained it and the news would have reached us.

That was a discussion about things that are permissible while fasting. Is it clear now? May it be beneficial knowledge.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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