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7 Types of Quality Floor Tiles, Choose According to Their Functions

7 Types of Quality Floor Tiles, Choose According to Their Functions Types of floor tiles (credit: pixabay) - To beautify the residence, the use of ceramic is very important to create a luxurious and clean impression. Ceramic itself comes from the word keramikos in Greek. It is a form or form of clay that hardens using the firing method. Along with the times, almost all residences have used ceramics. Especially if the installed ceramics look shiny without any dust sticking. Of course, this makes you feel more comfortable at home.

Moreover, there are various types of floor ceramics sold in the market, from texture, color to patterns that make you confused about which one to choose. Basically, the selection of floor ceramics has several considerations according to their respective advantages. Well, the following will discuss the types of floor ceramics that can be a reference for your residence. Curious? Let's see the following review.


1. Regular Ceramics

The first and most commonly used type of ceramic is regular ceramics. Yes, regular ceramics are the most popular type of ceramics in the market. The size of regular ceramics varies greatly. Starting from 30 square cm to 80 square cm. In fact, you can also find regular ceramics with elongated sizes, namely 15 x 30 cm.


2. Pavers Ceramics

Next, the type of ceramic that you can use as a reference is paver ceramic. Paver ceramic also has another name and is commonly called roofing tile. This type of ceramic is famous for its thickness because it is made from clay. Usually, the thickness of paver ceramic is up to 1 inch and is widely used as tiles for swimming pool edges, yards, and house terraces.

As for the advantages of this type of ceramic, it is very popular because it is not slippery. So it is suitable for outdoor area decoration.


3. Porcelain Ceramic Types

Porcelain ceramic is one of the most sought-after ceramic types by many people. Although it is similar to regular ceramic, this ceramic is equipped with a glossy glass coating so the result is not slippery. Most of the colors of porcelain ceramic are white and gray. However, now you can find various other colors.

The advantages and disadvantages of this type of ceramic are that porcelain patterns can resemble wood, making it look unique. It is resistant to scratches and water. However, if this type of ceramic is placed in an area that is too hot, it will be more prone to damage and breakage. Another weakness is that it is difficult to cut this ceramic.


4. Terrazzo Ceramic Types

Do you already know this type of ceramic? Terrazzo itself is made from a mixture of cement and sand and the top is coated with a hard material like marble chips. Generally, this type of ceramic is used in outdoor spaces. In addition, terrazzo ceramic is also considered very easy to maintain. However, the price offered for terrazzo ceramic is quite expensive and the installation process is quite difficult.


5. Marble Ceramic Types

Marble is one of the most popular types of floor ceramics from ancient times until now. The expensive price of marble ceramics gives this type of ceramic a luxurious and elegant impression. Marble floors are unique because the fibers are not the same between one tile and another. This type of ceramic floor is suitable for installation in various rooms, especially dining rooms and family rooms.

When you want to use marble floors, you need to pay attention to how to care for them, such as avoiding scratches on the floor and cleaning immediately if it gets stained.


6. Types of Natural Granite Ceramics

Next, the type of ceramic that you need to know is natural granite ceramics. This type of ceramic offers a relatively expensive price, so it is widely used for luxurious buildings. Ceramics obtained from mining are very suitable for beautifying bedrooms, family rooms, and even living rooms.

The advantages of natural granite ceramics are having natural colors, smooth surfaces, thin nat joints that give the impression of being integrated, and durability up to 10 years. However, this type of ceramic still has disadvantages, such as difficult maintenance, inconsistent colors, and heavy weight making it difficult to cut.


7. Mosaic Ceramic Types

Mosaic ceramics are one of the types of ceramics that are widely used for residential homes. The characteristic of this ceramic is that it tends to have small sizes. This is what gives value and its own beauty to this type of ceramic. Usually, this ceramic is often used for bathrooms and other hallways. Mosaic ceramics can provide a different variation with attractive color combinations.

Those are some of the most commonly used types of floor ceramics. So, which type of ceramic is your favorite?



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