Kapanlagi.com - Okra is a very soft and slimy vegetable. This plant has a long and tapered shape at the end, similar to a woman's fingers. That's why okra is also called Lady's Finger in English. Having healthy content, it's no wonder that okra has many benefits for the body.
Its shape, which is almost similar to chili, does resemble real chili at first glance. Vegetables with the scientific name Abelmoschus esculentus generally grow in tropical countries. Okra has a texture that is too soft and sticky, making it less popular. However, okra is one type of vegetable that has many benefits.
In okra, there are mineral contents such as potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium. Even okra also contains vitamins A, B, C, and vitamin K. In 100 grams of raw okra, there are 30 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, 7.6 grams of carbohydrates, 0.1 grams of fat, 21 mg of vitamin C, 88 mcg of folate, and 57 grams of magnesium which are very good for the body.
What are the benefits of okra for body health? Reported from various sources, let's check it out KLovers.
1. Preventing Anemia

Preventing Anemia (credit: Freepik)
The first benefit of okra is that it can effectively prevent anemia. Anemia is a disease caused by a lack of red blood cells or red blood cells that do not function properly in the body. This leads to reduced oxygen flow to the organs.
The symptoms given to anemia patients are fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, or rapid heartbeat. Therefore, you can overcome this by using the benefits of okra.
This is because the nutrients found in okra can help increase the production of red blood cells in the body. And help heal anemia, as well as improve blood flow in the body.
2. Reducing Asthma
The next benefit of okra is that it can reduce asthma. Asthma is a disease that is classified as mild but can become severe if not treated quickly. That's why if you have this disease, it can be quickly resolved.
And the way to overcome it is by using the benefits of okra. This is because the antioxidants and vitamin C in okra are good for those who have asthma. By consuming okra regularly, you can actively reduce the risk of asthma attacks.
3. Maintaining the Health of Pregnant Women

Maintaining the Health of Pregnant Women (credit: Freepik)
Not only for treating diseases, it turns out that okra has another benefit, which is maintaining the health of pregnant women. Yup! Pregnant women indeed need a lot of good nutrition for the fetus in the womb. And one of the good nutrients for pregnant women is okra.
The folate content in okra can help the development of the fetus in the womb and reduce the risk of birth defects. That's why consuming okra during pregnancy can be an alternative to meet daily folate intake, as 100 grams of okra contains about 60 mcg of folate with a recommended daily intake of 400 mcg of folate.
4. Maintaining Digestive System
Digestion is one of the important aspects of body health. If digestion is not smooth, then the toxins that should be eliminated will cause new diseases that are dangerous to the body. It not only causes physical diseases such as constipation, hemorrhoids, and piles. But it can also cause other diseases such as obesity, bloating, and stomach cancer.
To overcome this, you can use the benefits of okra to keep your digestion smooth and healthy. That's because okra is one of the vegetables rich in fiber, so it can maintain the health of our digestive system.
In addition, the slimy substance in okra can be used to prevent constipation. Okra slime can be a natural laxative to make bowel movements more effective. So don't hesitate to consume okra, KLovers.
5. Strengthening Bones

Strengthening Bones (credit: Freepik)
Bones are indeed one of the important things to be maintained in the body. By providing nutrition, the bones will be healthier and stronger. In addition, you will also be free from various diseases, one of which is osteoporosis.
And to make the bones strong, you can use the benefits of okra to nourish your bones. This is because okra is rich in folate which is known to help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
Vegetables rich in Vitamin K like Okra can also maintain bone health and density. The Vitamin K content in okra can also help the body absorb calcium needed by the bones better.
6. Lowering Cholesterol
Cholesterol is indeed one of the important things for your body. This is because cholesterol is needed as a basic material for the formation of important elements in the body, such as cell formation, hormones, bile formation, and body protection.
However, excessive cholesterol is also not good for your health. It can cause high levels of bad cholesterol and lead to cholesterol-related diseases and heart problems. And to lower cholesterol levels, you can use the benefits of okra.
This is because okra contains soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol, so the body can avoid problems with blocked blood vessels. Thus, blocked blood vessels that cause stroke and heart disease can be overcome.
7. Maintaining Eye Health

Maintaining Eye Health (credit: Freepik)
The next benefit of okra is that it can maintain eye health. Maintaining eye health is indeed very important, that's why you can maintain eye health by consuming okra vegetables.
This is because okra contains lutein, beta carotene, and xanthin which are good for maintaining eye health. By consuming okra regularly, your eyes will be free from eye problems.
8. Maintaining Hair Health
And the last benefit of okra is that it can maintain hair health. Yup! Not only can it provide health for the body, but okra can also maintain and nourish hair health, KLovers. Many mention that okra is a medicinal plant that can maintain hair and skin health.
This is because the antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K in okra can make hair more shiny. In addition, okra can also prevent dandruff and maintain scalp moisture.
Those are 8 amazing benefits of okra for body health. Even though it is one of the plants that is avoided and less favored, okra can actually provide health for your body.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.