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8 Foods to Increase Height, Consume While in the Growth Period

8 Foods to Increase Height, Consume While in the Growth Period Illustration (credit: freepik) - Having an ideal height is the desire of many people. Ideal height indeed makes the appearance more attractive. In addition, tall body posture is often a requirement for several jobs. Therefore, many people try various ways to have a tall body. One way is to consume foods that can increase height.

Ideal height is actually influenced by genetic factors. However, physical activities such as exercise. In addition, consuming nutritious foods during the growth period is also believed to help someone achieve an ideal height. So, what nutritious foods can help increase height?

Summarized from various sources, here are some foods to increase height.


1. Legumes

Protein is one of the nutrients needed by the body for growth. As we know, legumes such as soybeans are one type of food that is rich in protein.

As reported by, legumes also contain iron and vitamin B which are also needed for tissue growth. Iron is also beneficial in preventing iron deficiency anemia which can cause growth retardation in children.

2. Green Vegetables

We have always been advised to consume a lot of vegetables. Not without reason, because vegetables do have nutritional content such as vitamins and minerals that are good for body health. In fact, green vegetables such as spinach, water spinach, and cabbage are believed to help increase height.

This is because these types of green vegetables are rich in vitamin K which is useful for increasing bone density. Not only that, vitamin K also helps support better growth and helps increase height. Long-term consumption, green vegetables can also maintain bone health.

3. Chicken Meat

The next food that can help increase height is chicken meat. Chicken meat is one type of food that is also rich in protein. In addition, chicken meat also contains many other nutrients such as vitamin B12 which is also useful for supporting growth. Not only that, chicken meat also contains amino acids that regulate bone formation and growth.

4. Eggs

Not only the meat, it turns out that chicken eggs also offer the same benefits. Eggs are also known as one of the commonly consumed sources of protein by the community. Eggs are also rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals that are important for growth.

One of the vitamins found in eggs is vitamin D. This type of vitamin is believed to help improve the body's ability to absorb calcium. As mentioned earlier, calcium is one of the important minerals for bone strength and density.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is known as one of the healthy dairy products. Yogurt that contains good bacteria or probiotics is very beneficial for maintaining digestive health. So who would have thought, it turns out that yogurt is also one of the foods that can increase height?

A fact that not many people know, yogurt is also a source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Therefore, yogurt is very beneficial for supporting bone strength and density.

6. Milk

Milk is considered one of the healthiest drinks for bone growth. Milk contains several nutrients and minerals needed for bone growth, such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Cow's milk is considered one of the best types of milk for growth.

According to, a study revealed that cow's milk is believed to stimulate growth in children and support muscle formation. Unfortunately, there are many people who are allergic to cow's milk.

7. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is one of the popular sources of carbohydrates among the Indonesian people. Not only delicious, sweet potato is also very nutritious. Sweet potato contains many vitamins and fiber that are good for health.

The fiber content in sweet potato will maintain digestive health. With that, the process of nutrient and mineral absorption by the intestines can be more optimal and maintained. As a result, body growth will also be more optimal.

8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is known to be a healthy food. Oatmeal is often consumed in the morning as a breakfast menu. As a healthy food, oatmeal contains a lot of protein and is low in fat and calories. This means that oatmeal can be a solution for those of you who want to increase height without gaining weight. So, don't hesitate to choose oatmeal as one of your breakfast menu choices.

Those are some of the foods that can help increase weight. Those of you who aspire to have an ideal height can consume them. But don't forget to exercise for maximum results!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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