Kapanlagi.com - In order to maintain the health of the body, it is important to consume various essential nutrients, including vitamins, to avoid certain health disorders. One of the vitamins needed by the body to stay fit and healthy is vitamin C. This vitamin offers many benefits, including fighting free radicals, the cause of diseases. Several signs of vitamin C deficiency can even be identified by several symptoms.
Nutrients such as vitamins can be found in certain foods such as fruits and vegetables. Both of these food ingredients are rich in nutrients and vitamins needed by the body. It is no wonder that vegetables and fruits can be beneficial in overcoming various health disorders that occur in the body. Vitamin C is one of the important vitamins that need to be fulfilled to prevent certain health disorders.
Because if the body lacks vitamin C, it will be prone to certain diseases. To recognize as early as possible the signs of a vitamin C deficiency need to be done to prevent health problems that may arise.
So what are the signs of a vitamin C deficiency?
The signs of a vitamin C deficiency can be found in several points below. Here are 7 signs of a vitamin C deficiency that can be recognized as early as possible.
1. Weak Immune System

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One of the signs of vitamin C deficiency is a weak immune system. Vitamin C is known to play a crucial role in enhancing the human immune system, which can protect against various diseases, including exposure to free radicals. If the immune system is weak, the body will be more susceptible to certain illnesses.
As reported by northportwellnesscenter.com, based on a study published in the Journal Nutrients and shared by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, is important for the immune system. Vitamin C can be obtained from various fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and others.
2. Swollen Gums Until Bleeding

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The sign of a body lacking vitamin C is a disturbance in the mouth and teeth. The disturbance can be seen from the condition of swollen and bleeding gums. Insufficient vitamin C in the body can trigger dental and oral health problems, making it susceptible to canker sores.
It is no wonder that vitamin C is often associated with canker sores. This condition can occur because vitamin C plays an important role in collagen formation in the skin. If there is a lack of vitamin C, it can indirectly cause swollen and bleeding gums.
3. Hair Easily Falls Out

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The sign of a body lacking vitamin C can also be seen from the condition of hair health. Insufficient vitamin C in the body can cause hair to fall out. However, as it is known, hair loss can be considered normal if there is a loss of 50 to 100 strands per day.
If experiencing excessive hair loss, it is possible that it is one of the signs of a body lacking vitamin C. However, to determine the exact cause of hair loss, it is important to consult a doctor as not all hair loss is due to a lack of vitamin C.
4. Dry Skin

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One sign of a vitamin C deficiency is experiencing skin health problems, such as dry skin. This is because vitamin C plays an important role in producing collagen, which is beneficial for the skin. This condition has been proven in several studies that mention the connection between vitamin C and skin health. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the body's vitamin C needs in order to maintain good skin health.
5. Easily Tired

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In addition to the signs mentioned above, a vitamin C deficiency can also cause symptoms of easily tired body. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science, a lack of vitamin C is closely related to mood and fatigue.
In this case, a vitamin C deficiency can make the body more susceptible to joint pain, which can occur due to inflammation in the body. Therefore, it is important to meet the body's vitamin C needs, as vitamin C plays a crucial role as a strong antioxidant that can enhance the body's immune system.
6. Triggering Anemia

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The body's signs of vitamin C deficiency can also trigger anemia. As known, anemia is a health disorder that occurs when the body lacks red blood cells below normal limits. As reported by ndtv.com, vitamin C plays an important role in absorbing iron from consumed food. Iron is closely related to the risk of anemia. Both nutrients, vitamin C and iron, have an important role in preventing the risk of anemia.
7. Healing Chronic Wounds

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The body's signs of vitamin C deficiency can also be characterized by slow healing of wounds. This is because vitamin C plays an important role in collagen formation, which is also related to the wound healing process. If there is a lack of vitamin C, the injured skin can experience slow or delayed healing. Therefore, it is important to consume various sources of vitamin C to maintain good body health.
Those are the 7 signs of vitamin C deficiency in the body. However, to check if the body is deficient in vitamin C, consultation with a doctor is necessary to receive immediate treatment. It is also important to ensure sufficient vitamin C intake within normal limits and not excessive.
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