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8 Losses of Leaving the 5 Daily Prayers for Muslims, Understand So as Not to Become a Loser

8 Losses of Leaving the 5 Daily Prayers for Muslims, Understand So as Not to Become a Loser Illustration (credit: - The five daily prayers are obligatory prayers that Muslims must perform. Being obligatory, there is a great sin in intentionally abandoning the five daily prayers. Furthermore, the Quran and hadith have explained the sin and loss of abandoning the five daily prayers for Muslims.

The five daily prayers are obligatory prayers commanded by Allah SWT to be performed by every Muslim. The command to establish the five daily prayers occurred during the event of Isra Mi'raj when the Prophet Muhammad SAW was commanded by Allah SWT to perform prayer 50 times a day. However, Prophet Muhammad SAW asked for leniency so that the prayers would be performed five times a day.

That is why the five daily prayers are known as Subuh prayer, Dzuhur prayer, Ashar prayer, Maghrib prayer, and Isya prayer. The five daily prayers consist of a minimum of two rak'ahs and a maximum of four rak'ahs.

Although there are some concessions given by Allah SWT to His people to perform the five daily prayers, such as combining prayers, shortening prayers, and making up missed prayers, this obligatory prayer cannot be underestimated, as there are great losses that Muslims can suffer if they abandon it.

Not only will they be at a loss, but also leaving the five daily prayers is a major sin because it is an obligatory act of worship. To understand more clearly about the losses of abandoning the five daily prayers, you can read the following discussion. The following are the losses of leaving the 5 daily prayers that have been summarized by from various sources.


1. The First Deed to be Accounted for on the Day of Judgment

The loss of leaving the 5 daily prayers is the first good deed that will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. This has been explained in a hadith that says the following,

From Abu Hurairah r.a. He said, I heard the Messenger of Allah SAW. said, "Indeed, the first deed of a servant that will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment is his prayer. If his prayer is good, then he will succeed. And if his prayer is flawed, then he will regret and lose. So if there is a deficiency in his obligatory prayer, Allah Azza Wa Jalla says, 'Look, does My servant have any voluntary prayers, for they are what can complete the deficiency of his obligatory prayers, then all his deeds will be like that.'" (HR. At-Timidzi)


2. Prayers Not Answered

The disadvantage of leaving the 5 daily prayers is that one's prayers will not be answered. As it is known, every human being certainly has desires that are offered in a prayer directed to Allah SWT. However, the acceptance of that prayer also depends on the deeds of the Muslim community towards Allah SWT.

This includes fulfilling Allah SWT's command to perform the five daily prayers. This has been explained in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 186, which means,

"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided."


3. Thrown into Hell

The disadvantage of leaving the 5 daily prayers is being thrown into hell. This is explained in a verse of the Quran about Muslims who abandon prayers will be thrown into the Saqar hellfire.

"What has caused you to enter Saqar?" They will say, "We were not of those who prayed." (Quran, Al-Mudathir 74:42-43)

Therefore, maintaining the 5 daily prayers consistently is necessary to avoid being a loser. Because in the hereafter, only regret can occur but it means nothing to Allah SWT.


4. Including Infidels

How unfortunate it is for someone to deliberately abandon the 5 daily prayers even though they have many opportunities to perform them. One of the consequences of abandoning the 5 daily prayers is that it includes being an infidel, as stated in the following hadith.

"The covenant between us and them (the infidels) is the prayer. Whoever abandons it, has indeed become an infidel." (HR. Tirmidhi)


5. Not Saved in the Hereafter

On the Day of Judgment, all human actions will be taken into account, including prayers. It has been explained in the previous discussion that prayer is the most important worship that will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. However, for those who do not maintain prayers, there is a great loss that can await them on the Day of Judgment, which is not being saved.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said,

"Whoever does not maintain the prayer, they will not have any light, they will not have any excuse, and they will not be saved. On the Day of Judgment, they will be gathered together with Qarun, Pharaoh, Haman, and Ubay bin Khalaf." (HR. Ahmad)


6. Including Major Sins

The loss of leaving the 5 daily prayers is included in performing actions that result in major sins. Because the 5 daily prayers are obligatory worship, it will be considered a sin if they are neglected. The explanation of this loss is as follows,

Imam Adz-Dzahabi stated,

"A person who delays the prayer from its time is considered a perpetrator of major sins. Meanwhile, one who leaves it (even once) is equal to someone who commits adultery and the criminal act of theft. Leaving all the prayers (the five daily prayers) entirely is included in major sins. If this is done repeatedly, then the perpetrator is considered to have committed major sins, unless the person repents. Then, if they continue to do it, they are included among those who suffer loss, destruction, and sin."


7. Punishment in the Grave is More Severe

The loss of leaving the 5 daily prayers is that one will be tortured in the grave with even more pain. Quoting from, it is explained that the loss is that Allah SWT will narrow their grave in a very narrow and dark condition. Not only that, the torture of the grave will also be endless until the Day of Judgment comes.


8. A More Severe Death Agony

In addition to committing a major sin, the loss of leaving the 5 daily prayers will also result in a more severe death agony. In a certain source, it is mentioned that the death agony is dying in a humiliating state, dying in a state of hunger and thirst. Therefore, every Muslim is obliged to maintain the five daily prayers with devotion to obtain the pleasure of Allah SWT and to distance oneself from sinful acts and losses on the Day of Judgment.

So those are the 8 losses of leaving the 5 daily prayers for Muslims, understand them so as not to become a person who incurs losses. The above reviews can be a reflection and self-introspection to always maintain the five daily prayers.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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