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8 Most Popular and Consumed Papaya Varieties, Know Their Characteristics!

8 Most Popular and Consumed Papaya Varieties, Know Their Characteristics! (credit: pixabay) - Papaya is one of the fruit that is highly demanded in Indonesia. Its soft texture and sweetness are very enjoyable when consumed. In addition, papaya is also an easily cultivated fruit, so you often find papaya in the market at an affordable price. This papaya plant has the advantage of having a sweet and refreshing taste, making it a favorite fruit because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. It's no wonder that there are many health benefits obtained from regularly consuming papaya.

Papaya fruit itself has various types, each with its own advantages. Although, at first glance, papaya trees have a similar shape. However, the fruits produced certainly have differences. Not only in terms of physical appearance, but the taste and texture of each papaya variety are also different. So, to increase your knowledge about papaya fruit, it doesn't hurt to also know the types of papaya along with their taste and distinctive characteristics. Curious? Read the following review.

1. Hawaiian Papaya

The first type of papaya you should try is the Hawaiian papaya. This type of papaya is small, weighing less than 1 kilogram. It is no wonder that this papaya is called solo papaya because it can be eaten by only one person. The characteristics of Hawaiian papaya are that it has a slightly round physical appearance with bright yellow skin. In addition, this type of papaya has a very sweet and refreshing taste. Hawaiian papaya is also widely cultivated because it is a fast-growing tree. In fact, this papaya can be harvested 9 months after the seed is planted.

2. Bangkok Papaya

Bangkok papaya is a variety of papaya that originates from Bangkok, Thailand and was introduced to Indonesia in the 1970s. The characteristics of Bangkok papaya are that it has an elongated shape and its flesh is reddish in color. As for the taste, there is no doubt about Bangkok papaya, because it is so sweet and refreshing. Unlike Hawaiian papaya, Bangkok papaya weighs up to 3 kilograms per fruit. Bangkok papaya is one of the favorite varieties among farmers. One of its advantages is that it grows quickly, taking only a year to become a tree.

3. Red Lady Papaya

The next type of papaya is Red Lady. Compared to other types of papaya, this type has a sweeter taste. The flesh of the fruit is also redder and appetizing. This type of papaya also has its own uniqueness, where it has the ability to produce approximately 30 fruits in one harvest. The physical characteristic of Red Lady papaya is that it has a very smooth and shiny skin. In addition, it has a red-orange colored texture that is very delicious to consume.

4. California Papaya

Next, another superior type of papaya is California papaya. This papaya, also known as Calina, has a very smooth and green skin surface. Meanwhile, the flesh is reddish-orange with a sweet and delicious taste. The fruit also has a thick flesh even though its size is not too big, reaching 1.5 kilograms. You can easily find this type of papaya in the market, especially in supermarkets.

5. Carisya Papaya

Carisya papaya is one of the types of papaya that you can easily find in Indonesia. The characteristics of carisya papaya are that it has a mini fruit shape and greenish skin. The flesh of the fruit is red, small and hollow, and has a thick texture. It is known that this type of papaya also grows easily anywhere, both in lowlands and highlands. This fruit with a sweet taste is also productive, as the tree can bear fruit every four months.

6. Pepaya Arum Bogor

Pepaya arum bogor has the same shape as the carisya papaya type, which is relatively small in size. Nevertheless, the excellence of the taste of pepaya arum bogor is undeniable. This type of papaya is very sweet and has an ergonomic fruit shape. In addition, the arum bogor fruit is a local variety that has advantages over hawai varieties. It's no wonder many people consider pepaya arum bogor as one of the competitors of hawai papaya varieties.

7. Cibinong Papaya

Cibinong papaya is a local variety that is equally superior. The name of this variety is taken from the original name of the fruit, which is developed in the Cibinong area, West Java. This type of papaya, when the fruit is starting to ripen, the skin turns dark green to dark green. The characteristic of this fruit is that it has an elongated and pointed shape at the end. Meanwhile, the inside of the fruit is reddish-yellow, with a sweet and refreshing taste.

Those are some of the most popular and easily found types of papaya. Which type of papaya have you not tried yet?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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