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8 Refreshing and Delicious Vegetable Pickle Recipes, Very Easy to Make

8 Refreshing and Delicious Vegetable Pickle Recipes, Very Easy to Make Illustration (credit: - Besides gado-gado, various types of fresh vegetables can be made with vegetable pickle recipes. This vegetable pickle is usually combined with sour, sweet, and spicy sauce. This dish is suitable to be enjoyed anytime with a practical and appetizing vegetable pickle recipe.

Vegetable pickle consists of various types of vegetables including bean sprouts, cabbage, cucumber, lettuce, tofu, and noodle crackers. Although it is almost similar to gado-gado or pecel vegetables, vegetable pickle is different from those dishes. Because vegetable pickle has a spicy, sour, and sweet taste with a combination of selected spices.

The way to make vegetable pickle is considered very easy and simple. The ingredients are also affordable and can be obtained at various vegetable sellers. This dish is actually suitable to be enjoyed during the day with its refreshing taste. However, vegetable pickle can also be enjoyed anytime.

If you are interested in making it, a number of vegetable pickle recipes below can be used as a reference. The refreshing and delicious vegetable pickle recipes can be found through the following review compiled by from various sources.


1. Bogor Vegetable Asinan Recipe

Vegetable asinan is quite easy to find in various regions in Indonesia. One of them is Bogor, which has a delicious and appetizing vegetable asinan dish. The recipe for Bogor vegetable asinan is as follows.

The ingredients:

- 1 jicama.

- 1 cucumber.

- 1 carrot.

- 3 cabbage leaves.

- 100 grams of bean sprouts.

The sauce ingredients:

- 100 grams of sugar.

- 150 ml of water.

- 6 curly red chili peppers.

- 2 red bird's eye chili peppers.

- 1/4 tsp of shrimp paste, roasted.

- 1/2 tsp of salt.

- 3 tbsp of lime juice.

The complements:

- Asinan crackers.

- Roasted peanuts.

How to make it:

- First, make the sauce by boiling water with granulated sugar until dissolved, then let it cool.

- Then grind the chili peppers with some sugar water, then strain and mix again with chili water and sugar water.

- Then add salt and lime juice.

- Rinse all the fruits and vegetables thoroughly and cut them according to your preference. Sprinkle with salt, then rinse again.

- Pour the asinan sauce into the mixture of fruits and vegetables, then let it cool.

- Bogor vegetable asinan is ready to be served with complements such as crackers and roasted peanuts.


2. Spicy Vegetable Pickle Recipe

For those of you who are fans of spicy food, the following vegetable pickle recipe can be a suitable reference. Because besides being practical to make, this vegetable pickle also has a refreshing and delicious taste. The recipe for spicy vegetable pickle is as follows.

The ingredients:

- 3 carrots.

- 1/2 cabbage.

- 3 cucumbers.

- 4 tablespoons of fried peanuts.

- 8 red chili peppers.

- 5 bird's eye chili peppers.

- 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

- 1/2 tablespoon of white sugar.

How to make it:

- First, wash all the vegetables thoroughly and cut them according to your preference.

- Grind the fried peanuts together with the red chili peppers, bird's eye chili peppers, and a little water.

- Then pour water into a container containing the vegetables, add the seasoning, vinegar, salt, sugar, and mix well.


3. Peanut Seasoned Vegetable Pickle Recipe

Vegetable pickle can also be combined with peanut sauce with an equally appetizing taste. Here is the recipe, which you can read through the review below.

The ingredients:

- 100 grams of watercress.

- 200 grams of cabbage, thinly sliced.

- 100 grams of bean sprouts, remove the tails.

- 100 grams of carrots, cut lengthwise like matchsticks.

- 50 grams of salted mustard greens (optional or can be skipped).

- 3 small bundles of lokio (optional or can be skipped).

- 5 pieces of tofu, steamed/boiled briefly.

- Cucumber to taste.

- 50 grams of fried peanuts.

- Yellow crackers (optional or can be skipped if unavailable).

The seasoning ingredients:

- 200 grams of peanuts, already fried.

- 100 grams of boiled red chili peppers.

- Red bird's eye chili peppers, boiled to taste.

- 75 grams of palm sugar.

- 50 grams of tamarind.

- 1 tbsp pure vinegar.

- Salt to taste.

- 10 grams of dried shrimp.

- 4 cloves of garlic.

- 1 liter of water.

How to make it:

- First, grind the peanuts, chili peppers, and garlic, then add some water to the recipe, approximately 200-300 ml.

- Then prepare the tamarind and dissolve it with some water, approximately 100 ml.

- Boil the palm sugar until it boils using the remaining water in the recipe.

- Then add the tamarind solution and the ground peanuts, cook until boiling or the foam is no longer visible.

- Then cook the peanut sauce until cooked and a little oil is released from the peanuts and the sauce thickens.

- Add salt and a little vinegar, taste test.

- After that, you can serve the peanut sauce and various types of vegetables and other ingredients for vegetable pickle.


4. Fresh Vegetable Pickle Recipe

The vegetable pickle recipe below is quite simple and practical for you to try at home. Basically, the process of making it is similar to the previous recipe. However, for more complete information about the recipe for fresh vegetable pickle, you can read the following review.

The ingredients:

- 100 grams of bean sprouts.

- 100 grams of cabbage, thinly sliced.

- 2 cucumbers, diced.

- 3 lettuce leaves.

- 50 grams of peanuts.

- 5 yellow tofu, steamed, diced.

- Mie crackers.

The broth ingredients:

- 100 grams of peanuts, fried.

- 3 small packs of dried ebi, soaked in hot water.

- 5 pieces of tamarind, squeezed with 150 ml of water.

- 100 grams of palm sugar, grated.

- 2 cloves of garlic.

- 6 red bird's eye chilies.

- 8 curly red chilies.

- 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

- 400 ml of water.

How to make it:

- First, grind the peanuts with chilies, garlic, and ebi.

- Then, boil the spices with water.

- Then, add the tamarind solution and palm sugar, cook until boiling.

- Add vinegar, stir well, then remove from heat and let it cool.

- Arrange all the vegetables and then pour the peanut broth over them.


5. Jakarta Pickle Recipe

In addition to Bogor, Jakarta vegetable pickle is also quite popular among the people. The taste is equally delicious and refreshing by making it as described in the review below.

The ingredients:

- 200 grams of cabbage, sliced according to taste.

- 5 cucumbers, diced.

- 200 grams of bean sprouts.

- 4 small tofu, steamed and diced.

- 2 lettuce, sliced according to taste.

- Some salted mustard greens.

The complements:

- Peanut sauce.

- Fried peanuts.

- Red crackers.

- Yellow noodle crackers.

The sauce ingredients:

- 7 tablespoons of fried peanuts.

- 20 curly chili peppers.

- 10 bird's eye chili peppers.

- 5 tablespoons of dried shrimp (soak in hot water first).

- 7 cloves of garlic.

- 250 ml of tamarind water.

- 200 grams of palm sugar, ground.

- 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

- 3 teaspoons of salt.

- 500 ml of water.

How to make it:

- First, grind the peanuts, curly chili peppers, bird's eye chili peppers, garlic, and dried shrimp with water until well blended.

- Then pour into a pan and add tamarind water, salt, granulated sugar, and palm sugar.

- Cook until boiling, then remove from heat and let it cool.

- Arrange the vegetables and pour the pickle sauce.

- Add the complements for Jakarta vegetable pickle and it is ready to be served.


6. Vegetable Asinan Recipe Without Vinegar

Combining with vinegar usually gives a refreshing sour taste. However, you can replace vinegar with lemon for vegetable asinan recipe as described in the following review.

The ingredients:

- 3 pieces of boiled white tofu, diced.

- 2 pieces of cucumber, diced.

- 1 bowl of cabbage, sliced.

- 1 bowl of bean sprouts, cut the roots.

- 400-500 ml of warm boiling water.

- 5-6 local lemons (or about 3 imported lemons) according to taste.

The seasoning ingredients:

- 20 pieces of curly red chili or according to taste.

- 5 pieces of red bird's eye chili or according to taste.

- Salt, granulated sugar, brown sugar, shrimp paste according to taste.

How to make it:

- First, grind the seasoning and place it in a bowl, then add warm water to dissolve the sugar and salt.

- Then arrange the vegetables in a bowl and pour the asinan sauce into it.

- Add lemon juice and stir well, adjust the taste.

- Add salt, sugar, lemon, adjust the taste.

- Vegetable asinan is ready to be served.


7. Recipe for Green Mustard Vegetable Pickles

Here is the recipe for mustard vegetable pickles that you can follow through the review below. This mustard pickle is made only with mustard greens as the main ingredient without any additional ingredients. Let's directly read the review about the recipe for green mustard vegetable pickles.

The ingredients:

- 500 grams of bitter mustard greens.

- 10 teaspoons of salt.

- 1 liter of tajin water.

How to make it:

- First, wash the mustard greens thoroughly and then dry them for 2-3 hours.

- After that, arrange the mustard greens in an airtight container.

- Then add the salt while pressing. Let it sit for 30-60 minutes until the salt starts to dissolve and release water.

- Then separate the saltwater from the mustard greens.

- Arrange the mustard greens in a container, cover, and store in an airtight place.

- Let it sit for 5 to 8 days.

- The mustard vegetable pickles are ready to be served.


8. Vegetable Pineapple Pickle Recipe

Here is a recipe for vegetable pineapple pickle that you can try at home with a combination of fresh pineapple and various types of vegetables such as carrots and cabbage. The recipe for vegetable pickle is as follows.

The ingredients:

- 1 carrot, cut into matchsticks.

- 100 grams of cabbage, finely sliced.

- 1 pineapple, cut into small pieces.

- Small gandaria fruit, cut into small pieces.

- 2 cucumbers, cut as desired.

- Tamarind as needed.

- 1/2 tsp salt.

- 2 pieces of palm sugar.

- 200 ml of water.

- Fried peanuts (optional).

The seasoning:

- 2 large red chilies.

- 6 red bird's eye chilies.

How to make it:

- First, grind the seasoning ingredients by boiling the red chilies and bird's eye chilies until cooked, then blend until smooth.

- Then boil water and add the ground chili seasoning, add salt, tamarind, palm sugar, cook until boiling, remove from heat and let it cool.

- Then prepare a container and arrange the vegetables, pour the pickle sauce.

- Sprinkle with fried peanuts.

- Vegetable pickle is ready to be served.

Those are 8 refreshing and delicious vegetable pickle recipes, very easy to make. The vegetable pickle recipe above can be the most practical reference for a fresh and healthy dish.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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