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How to Create a Business Instagram for Beginners, Along with Features and Explanations

How to Create a Business Instagram for Beginners, Along with Features and Explanations Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Instagram is one of the social media platforms widely used for entertainment. However, besides being a social media platform, Instagram can also be an account for those who have businesses, KLovers. Yes, for those of you who want to create a business account, there is a way to create a business Instagram for beginners.

Yes, as it develops, Instagram provides a service feature for those who want to do business online. Even this advanced feature can market your products comprehensively, KLovers. Having a business account on Instagram can make your store appear more trustworthy and professional.

Now, for KLovers who want to know how to create a business Instagram? Here, compiled from various sources, is how to create Instagram business for you beginners along with the features of Instagram business and their explanations.

1. Features Available on Instagram Business

Before KLovers know how to create an Instagram business account, you need to know what features are available on Instagram business. And here are some main features available on Instagram business:

1.Business Category

The first feature of Instagram business is the business category feature. In a business account type, you can use it to inform anyone visiting your Instagram account that the account is in a specific business industry.


In the insights feature, you can see all the information you need to know about your business. From information about the content you create, how your account's activities and developments are, to information about the followers your business account has.


The next feature of Instagram business is Ads. With the help of Ads, your chances of reaching a larger audience can be even greater. You can target audiences more specifically based on age, demographics, interests, behavior, and so on.

4. Ad Tools

As the name suggests, Ad tools are used to manage the ads you will display. In this section, there are 2 parts, one if you are just starting to advertise and another to manage the ads you have created.

5. Add Shop

If your business has several products or even many products, then this feature is very suitable for you to use. Add Shop will help make it easier for followers and audiences to see the products you have, as well as descriptions and prices of those products. However, before you can add product photos to the store catalog, your account must first be connected to your Facebook account.

6. Call to Action

Just like in other types of marketing, the presence of a call to action is very important and Instagram is aware of this. Therefore, there are call to action options that you can use to complement your business needs.

2. How to Create an Instagram Business Account

Well, after knowing the features available in Instagram business, then you can learn how to create Instagram business, especially for beginners. And here are some complete ways to create Instagram business for you beginners:

1. Log in to your Instagram application. If you previously had an Instagram account for your business that has not been converted to a Business Account, you can use it and convert it.

But if you don't have an Instagram account yet, you can simply create a new account. Choose a username that clearly represents your business, such as your business name.

2. Switch to a business profile. After logging into your Instagram account, go to the Profile section. From your profile, tap the gear icon in the top right corner and select and tap to switch to a business profile.

3. Because Instagram is integrated with Facebook, your Business Account must have a Facebook Page to switch to a business profile.

You can first create a Facebook page on your Facebook account. But if you already have a Facebook page for your business, then you just need to connect it to switch to Instagram business.

4. Your Instagram account has successfully converted to a Business Account.

5. Create an Informative and Attractive Profile. Add a profile photo, biography, and link to your website.

6. You can use hashtags to promote your products, this method is quite effective in attracting audiences. In addition, create content for posts as interesting as possible.

You can do this by uploading Instagramable photos or posts with attractive designs. This way, the audience will be interested in visiting your account.

Those are some ways to create a business Instagram that you can easily do for you beginners. Not only how to create a business Instagram, but you can also find out the features available on business Instagram, along with their meanings. Good luck.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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