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How to Make a Farmer's Card and its Requirements, Also Learn the Benefits and Usage Guide

How to Make a Farmer's Card and its Requirements, Also Learn the Benefits and Usage Guide Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Kartu tani menjadi satu benda penting yang harus dimiliki para petani saat ini. Pasalnya, kartu tani berguna bagi petani untuk mendapatkan pupuk subsidi. Sebab tanpa subsidi, harga pupuk yang tinggi tentu akan memberatkan petani. Maka dari itu, penting untuk tahu cara membuat kartu tani khususnya bagi keluarga petani.

Sayangnya, sampai saat ini masih banyak petani yang tidak tahu cara membuat kartu tani. Padahal, untuk mendapatkan kartu tani sebenarnya tidaklah sulit. Selama memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan, setiap petani bisa mendaftarkan diri dan mendapatkan kartu tani.

Lantas, bagaimana cara membuat kartu tani? Untuk tahu langkah-langkahnya, langsung saja simak ulasan berikut yang telah dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.


1. Benefits of Farmer Card

Farmers' cards can basically be used like other government subsidy cards, such as the healthy Indonesia card or the smart Indonesia card. However, the farmers' card is specifically intended for farmers. Farmers can use this card to meet their needs.

Therefore, before knowing how to make a farmers' card, it is good to know its benefits and uses first. Because with that, the farmers' card can be used to its maximum function. Here are some functions or benefits of the farmers' card.

1. Ensuring Farmers Get Subsidized Fertilizers

As mentioned earlier, the farmers' card is useful for obtaining subsidized fertilizers. Because the amount of subsidized fertilizers is very limited. Therefore, farmers' card holders will be prioritized.

2. Can Be Used for Business Credit Payments

Not only for buying subsidized fertilizers, the farmers' card can also be used to pay business credit. This is certainly useful for farmers who have other businesses besides selling their harvest.

3. Useful for Direct Sales Without Intermediaries

The farmers' card also functions like a membership card. Therefore, farmers' card holders have the right and more freedom to sell their harvest directly without going through middlemen. In fact, farmers' card holders can also sell their harvest to the Logistics Affairs Agency (BULOG).

4. Can Function as Savings or Social Assistance

In this case, the farmers' card can be used as savings for business capital for farmers. Because with the farmer card, someone can more easily access social assistance from the Ministry of Cooperatives, the Ministry of Agriculture, and others.


2. Requirements for Making Farmer Card

After knowing the benefits, it is also important to know the requirements for making a farmer card. Because without fulfilling these requirements, the process of making a farmer card cannot be done. The requirements for making a farmer card are as follows.

1. Farmers who make a farmer card must be registered as members of a farmer group.

2. Applicants for a farmer card must prepare a photocopy of their ID card.

3. Applicants for a farmer card must prepare a photocopy of the Land Certificate.

4. Applicants for a farmer card must prepare a photocopy of the Family Card.


3. How to Make a Farmer Card

Actually, making a farmer card is very easy and practical. It is so easy that the process of making a farmer card can be done quickly. For more details, here is how to make a farmer card.

- After ensuring membership in a farmer group, prepare all the required documents.

- Once ready, bring these documents to the head of the farmer group where the farmer is a member.

- After the documents are collected, they will be forwarded from the head of the farmer group to the Gapoktan. Then, they will be further forwarded to the field extension officer.

- Next, the verification process will be carried out by the agricultural department officer. Some of the data to be verified include NIK, land area, commodities, and the type of fertilizer needed.

- After ensuring that all the data is correct and verified, the farmer card will be directly given to the registered farmer.


4. How to Use the Farmer Card to Buy Subsidized Fertilizers

After understanding how to make a farmer card, next you also need to know how to use it. As mentioned earlier, the farmer card has several benefits. However, the most fundamental one is that the farmer card is used to purchase subsidized fertilizers. Unlike ATM cards or Smart Indonesia Cards that can be used for withdrawals. The use of the farmer card is slightly different.

The farmer card can be used manually. To buy subsidized fertilizers with the farmer card, the cardholder can directly go to an official kiosk or store. This official fertilizer store or kiosk will be equipped with an Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine.

Upon arrival at the kiosk or store, the cardholder can hand it over to the staff at the kiosk or store. Then, the staff will swipe the farmer card on the EDC device. Next, the farmers can choose fertilizers according to the available quota.

Those are some reviews on how to make a farmer card along with its requirements, benefits, and how to use it. Hopefully, it is useful and good luck in making a farmer card!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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