Kapanlagi.com - Makkiyah and Madaniyah are two types of surahs in the Quran that have several characteristics. Makkiyah means verses that were revealed in the city of Mecca. This meaning can be seen from the location of the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Understanding the meaning of Makkiyah surahs is certainly very important. This way, one can gain more insight into the verses of the Quran and its history. Well, Muslims are certainly familiar with the terms Makkiyah and Madaniyah.
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It is not difficult to distinguish between the two which can be seen from the location of revelation, time, and a number of special recitations. However, in this review, we will discuss more about the meaning of Makkiyah in the Quran.
Let's take a look at the explanation below, which has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources. This review will cover the meaning, characteristics, and examples of Makkiyah.
1. Makkiyah Meaning in the Quran

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The cities of Mecca and Medina are two cities where the Prophet Muhammad first spread the religion of Islam. That is why there are letters and verses of the Quran revealed in the two cities. Therefore, Muslims are certainly very familiar with two types of Quranic letters, namely Makkiyah and Madaniyah letters. However, this time we will discuss the meaning of Makkiyah in the Quran.
Makkiyah means Quranic verses that were revealed in the city of Mecca. The meaning of Makkiyah can be seen from the location where the Quranic verses were revealed by Allah SWT. In addition, Makkiyah means verses that were revealed before Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated to Medina. The meaning of Makkiyah can be seen from the time when the Quranic verses were revealed.
In addition, also note that the Makkiyah letter was revealed within a period of 12 years, 5 months, and 13 days. The first revelation came when the Prophet Muhammad SAW was 40 years old. The first verses revealed were verses 1-5 of Surah Al-Alaq which explain the command to read. That is the meaning of Makkiyah that you need to understand. By doing so, you can understand the meaning of the Makkiyah letter in the Quran.
2. History of the Propagation of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the City of Mecca

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The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW in several stages. One of them was when he was preaching in the city of Mecca. Therefore, also learn about the brief history of Prophet Muhammad's preaching in Mecca, which is one of the characteristics of the Makkiyah surah.
Prophet Muhammad SAW received the first revelation at the age of 40 after being appointed as a prophet. At that time, the first revelation was revealed in the Cave of Hira. At the time of the first revelation, it was surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5 which contained an important call to read. Because at that time, the people in Mecca were still in the period of ignorance. Therefore, the word 'read' was mentioned twice.
In addition, when Prophet Muhammad SAW was preaching in Mecca, there were many challenges he faced, ranging from insults, ridicule, curses, and rejection from the disbelievers of the Quraysh. When preaching in Mecca, the Prophet spread Islam secretly, starting from his family, relatives, friends, or closest people.
For about 13 years, Prophet Muhammad SAW preached in Mecca, where some of the first people to embrace Islam were later dubbed as As-Sabiqun Al-Awwalun, consisting of Prophet Muhammad's family and friends such as Abu Bakar Ash-Shidiq, Umar bin Khatab, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Thalib, Thalhal bin Ubaidillah, Az-Zubair bin Al Awwam, Aburrahman bin Auf, Abu 'Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash, Said bin Zaid. That is the brief history of Prophet Muhammad's preaching in Mecca.
3. Characteristics of Makki Surahs

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As we know, the Quran was revealed gradually, some of which are classified as Makki surahs. After you know that Makki means the surah was revealed in Mecca based on its location, below are some characteristics of Makki surahs.
- There are prostration verses in every surah that is read, which is recommended to perform prostration when encountering the Sajdah verse, making it a Makki surah.
- The word Kalla is mentioned 33 times in 15 surahs.
- Makki surahs tend to contain more short verses.
- Most of the Makki surahs discuss Aqidah, Tawhid, and faith.
- It starts with the greeting Ya Ayyuha an-Nas (O mankind) or Ya Bani Adam (O children of Adam), making it a Makki surah.
- It starts with letters such as qaf, shad, alif-lam-mim-ra, alif-lam-mim, except for surah Al-Baqarah and surah Ali-Imran.
- Makki surahs mostly contain stories of the Prophets and previous nations except for surah Al-Baqarah.
Those are some explanations regarding the characteristics of Makki surahs that you need to know. So that it can be used as a guide to recognize the type of Makki surahs.
4. Examples of Makki Surahs

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There are a number of letters that are of the Makiyyah type. Some examples of Makiyyah letters can be seen below. However, note that there are letters called Makiyyah letters but there are also verses in the letter that are Madaniyah. According to the MUI website, it is mentioned that there is a letter that contains the characteristics of a Makiyyah letter but in fact the letter is Madaniyah, namely like the letter Al-Baqarah verse 21. There is also the letter Al-Hajj verse 7 which is a Makiyyah letter but contains characteristics like Madaniyah letters. Meanwhile, below are some examples of Makiyyah letters.
QS. Al Fatihah, QS. Al An'am, QS. Al a'raf, QS. Yunus, QS. Hud, QS. Yusuf, QS. Ar-Ra'd, QS. Ibrahim, QS. Al Balad, QS.Asy Syams, QS.Al Lail, QS.Adh Dhuha, QS.Al Insyirah, QS.At Tiin, QS.Al 'Alaq, QS. Al Qadr, QS.Al 'Adiyat, QS.Al Qari'ah, QS.At Takatsur, QS.Al 'Ashr, QS.Al Humazah, QS.Al Fiil, QS. Al Quraisy, QS.Al Ma'un, QS.Al Kautsar, QS.Al Kafirun, QS.Al Lahab, QS.Al Ikhlash, QS.Al Falaq and QS. An Naas.
Al Hijr, QS. An Nahl, QS. Al Isra', QS. Al Kahfi, QS. Maryam, QS. Thaha, QS. Al Anbiya, QS. Al Mu'minun, QS. Al Furqan, QS. Asy Syu'ara, QS. An Naml, QS. Al Qashash, QS. Al Ankabut, QS. Ar Ruum, QS. Luqman, QS. As Sajdah, QS. Sabaa', QS. Fathir, QS. Yasin, QS. Ash Shaffat, QS. Shad, QS. Az Zumar, QS. Al Mu'min, QS. Al Fushshilat, QS. Asy Syuraa, QS. Az Zukhruf, QS. Ad Dukhan, QS. Al Jasiyah, QS. Al Ahqaf, QS. Qaaf, QS. Az Zariyat, QS. Ath Thur, QS. An Najm, QS. Al Qamar, QS. Al Waqi'ah, QS. Al Mulk, QS. Al Qalam, QS. Al Haqqah, QS. Al Ma'arij, QS. Nuh, QS. Al Jin, QS. Al Muzammil, QS. Al Muddatstsir, QS.Al Qiyamah, QS.Al Mursalat, QS.An Naba', QS.An Nazi'at, QS. 'Abasa, QS.At Takwir, QS.Al Infithar, QS. Al Muthaffifin, QS.Al Insyiqaq, QS.Al Buruj, QS.Ath Thariq, QS.Al a'la, QS.Al Ghasyiyah, QS.Al Fajr, QS.
5. Difference between Makkiyah and Madaniyah Surahs

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After knowing that Makkiyah means the surahs revealed before Prophet Muhammad's migration, also know the meaning of Madaniyah surahs. Because both have some important differences that Muslims need to know. Here are the differences between Makkiyah and Madaniyah surahs.
1. Based on the time of revelation
Makkiyah surahs were revealed before Prophet Muhammad's migration. While Madaniyah surahs were revealed after Prophet Muhammad's migration, although the place of receiving revelation was not only in Mecca or Medina.
2. Based on the location of revelation
Makkiyah surahs were revealed in Mecca and surrounding areas such as Gudaibiyah, Mina, or Arafah. While Madaniyah surahs were revealed in Medina and surrounding areas such as Sil', Quba, Uhud.
3. Based on the address in each surah
Makkiyah surahs are preceded by the address Ya Ayyuha an-Nas (O mankind). While Madaniyah surahs are preceded by the address Ya Ayyuhaladzina Amanu (O you who believe).
Those are the main differences between Makkiyah and Madaniyah surahs that you need to know. So that it will make it easier for you to understand the meaning of Makkiyah in the Quran.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.