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Meaning of Menstruation Based on Myths, Seen from the Date, Day, and Month of Arrival

Meaning of Menstruation Based on Myths, Seen from the Date, Day, and Month of Arrival Illustration (credit: - The meaning of menstruation is also known as menstruation or commonly known as a period. Not only according to medical science, there is also a meaning of menstruation based on popular myths. For example, based on the date, day, hour, or month.

The meaning of menstruation is certainly widely known. Menstruation is a normal cycle that occurs in every woman when they enter puberty. The meaning of menstruation is the discharge of blood from the vagina, which is called dirty blood according to some views.

But did you know that there is a meaning of menstruation based on the date, day, month, and hour, which contains a certain meaning and myth? Yes, there is a meaning of menstruation according to myths that can indicate a good sign or a sign to be cautious.

That's why below is a discussion of the meaning of menstruation according to the date, day, month, and hour. The meaning of menstruation according to popular myths as follows might answer your curiosity about the meaning and significance of menstruation. However, once again, the meaning of menstruation according to the date, day, month, and hour is just a myth which is not yet certain whether it is true or not. The following discussion has been summarized by from various sources.

1. Meaning of Menstruation According to Medical Science

Normal menstruation occurs every month, between 21 to 35 days. The meaning of menstruation in medical terms is the shedding of the uterine lining, known as the endometrium, along with blood or mucus discharged through the vagina.

Menstruation is a natural cycle that occurs in every woman who has reached puberty. One of the signs of puberty in women is experiencing menstruation. In this case, every woman may have a different menstrual cycle. However, menstruation usually lasts for about 4 to 6 days.

The occurrence of menstruation can sometimes also affect hormones. That is why a woman may experience sensitivity during menstruation. However, this condition can vary from woman to woman. There are at least several signs when a woman is about to menstruate, such as changes in mood, feeling tired, headache, breast tenderness, or the appearance of acne on the skin.

2. Meaning of Menstruation Based on Date

Did you know that besides the medical meaning of menstruation, there are also popular myths about the meaning of menstruation? Yes, there is a meaning of menstruation based on dates, days, months, and times according to popular myths. One of them is the meaning of menstruation based on dates. The meaning of menstruation based on dates according to the myth. The following is the explanation of the meaning of menstruation based on dates according to popular myths.

1. Meaning of menstruation on the 1st: A sign of good luck and happiness.

2. Meaning of menstruation on the 2nd: Indicates the arrival of sadness or disappointment.

3. Meaning of menstruation on the 3rd: Indicates the presence of arguments or disputes.

4. Meaning of menstruation on the 4th: Indicates luck in the form of blessings.

5. Meaning of menstruation on the 5th: Indicates feeling sad.

6. Meaning of menstruation on the 6th: Indicates receiving news from someone far away.

7. Meaning of menstruation on the 7th: Indicates receiving a gift.

8. Meaning of menstruation on the 8th: Indicates receiving an invitation.

9. Meaning of menstruation on the 9th: Indicates being spared from sadness.

10. Meaning of menstruation on the 10th: Indicates receiving a letter from the awaited person, namely someone who is loved.

11. Meaning of menstruation on the 11th: Indicates obtaining pleasure.

12. Meaning of menstruation on the 12th: Indicates feeling sad.

13. Meaning of menstruation on the 13th: Indicates soon getting rid of burdens.

14. Meaning of menstruation on the 14th: Indicates receiving an invitation.

15. Meaning of menstruation on the 15th: Indicates getting unexpected news.

16. Meaning of menstruation on the 16th: Indicates being cautious about the arrival of danger.

17. Meaning of menstruation on the 17th: Indicates receiving praise.

18. Meaning of menstruation on the 18th: Indicates encountering obstacles or hindrances.

19. Meaning of menstruation on the 19th: Indicates someone spreading slander.

20. Meaning of menstruation on the 20th: Indicates the presence of hostility.

21. Meaning of menstruation on the 21st: Indicates the occurrence of riots.

22. Meaning of menstruation on the 22nd: Indicates obtaining a pleasure.

23. Meaning of menstruation on the 23rd: Indicates feeling ashamed.

24. Meaning of menstruation on the 24th: Indicates luck, namely gaining profit.

25. Meaning of menstruation on the 25th: Indicates receiving sustenance.

26. Meaning of menstruation on the 26th: Indicates receiving praise.

27. Meaning of menstruation on the 27th: Indicates a relieved heart.

28. Meaning of menstruation on the 28th: Indicates experiencing sadness.

29. Meaning of menstruation on the 29th: Indicates going on a trip.

30. Meaning of menstruation on the 30th: Indicates experiencing happiness.

31. Meaning of menstruation on the 31st: Indicates receiving good news.

3. Meaning of Menstruation Based on the Day

In addition to the meaning of menstruation based on the date, there are also popular myths based on the day. If you are curious to know the meaning of menstruation based on the day according to popular myths, here is the review that you need to know.

1. Monday: Menstruation on Monday is a good sign that you will soon gain profit.

2. Tuesday: Menstruation on Tuesday is a good sign that you will be happy for several days.

3. Wednesday: Menstruation on Wednesday is a sign to be careful as you may argue with someone.

4. Thursday: Menstruation on Thursday is a bad sign that you will encounter a disaster.

5. Friday: Menstruation on Friday is a good sign that you will experience pleasure.

6. Saturday: Menstruation on Saturday is a sign that you will experience a surprising event.

7. Sunday: Menstruation on Sunday indicates that you will meet an old acquaintance again.

4. Meaning of Menstruation Based on Javanese Pasaran

In addition, there is a meaning of menstruation based on Javanese Pasaran. As known according to the Javanese calendar, there are several names of pasaran days. According to Javanese Pasaran, this also indicates a certain meaning related to the meaning of menstruation. The following is an explanation of the meaning of menstruation according to Javanese Pasaran.

1. Kliwon: The meaning of menstruation is a good sign that indicates obtaining good luck.

2. Legi: The meaning of menstruation is a good sign that indicates receiving news that brings joy to the heart.

3. Pahing: The meaning of menstruation is a sign of the arrival of guests or distant family members who will visit.

4. Wage: The meaning of menstruation is a bad sign indicating something that may be sad.

5. Pon: The meaning of menstruation is a bad sign indicating encountering an obstacle.

5. Meaning of Menstruation Based on Month

Meanwhile, according to the month, there is also a meaning of menstruation based on popular myths. The meaning of menstruation according to this month consists of January to December. Want to know the meaning of menstruation based on the month? Let's see the review below.

1. January: A sign that you will get something that makes you happy.

2. February: A sign that someone secretly has feelings for you.

3. March: A sign that someone will wait for your arrival.

4. April: A sign that someone will express their feelings of love.

5. May: A sign of unsettled feelings and thoughts.

6. June: A sign that someone will hate you.

7. July: A sign that someone is expecting your arrival.

8. August: A sign that someone loves you.

9. September: A sign that someone is in love with you.

10. October: A sign that someone far away is waiting for you.

11. November: A sign that you will be loved by someone you miss.

12. December: A sign of jealousy.

6. Meaning of Menstruation Based on Time

If we go by the time, there is also a popular myth about the meaning of menstruation. Starting from 01:00 to 24:00, here is the meaning of menstruation according to the myth. Let's directly see the explanation about the meaning of menstruation based on the time and its myth.

1. 01:00: Indicates meeting someone from the past.

2. 02:00: Indicates that what you hope for will not be forgotten.

3. 03:00: Indicates that someone will keep their promise.

4. 04:00: Indicates that the feeling of love within you is decreasing.

5. At 05.00: A sign as a warning of getting embarrassed.

6.At 06.00: A sign of feeling suspicious.

7.At 07.00: A sign of receiving news that brings joy.

8.At 08.00: A sign of missing family.

9.At 09.00: A sign of having an intimate appointment.

10.At 10.00: A sign of feeling happy.

11.At 11.00: A sign about loyalty.

12. At 12.00: A sign of only feelings.

13.At 13.00: A sign of not easily feeling disappointed.

14.At 14.00: A sign of feeling disappointed.

15.At 15.00: A sign of receiving something from a lover.

16.At 16.00: A sign about inner struggles.

17.At 17.00: A sign of growing love.

18.At 18.00: A sign of feeling unsatisfied with what is owned.

19. At 19.00: A sign of deep disappointment.

20.At 20.00: A sign of mere fantasies.

21.At 21.00: A sign of missing someone loved.

22.At 22.00: A sign of having a negative experience.

23. At 23.00: A sign of loyalty.

24.At 24.00: A sign of reciprocated love.

That is the meaning of menstruation according to popular myths based on the day, date, time, or month. Based on the above reviews, it can certainly answer your curiosity about the myth of menstruation based on its timing.

Source: and other sources


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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