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Meaning of Purple Color According to Psychology, Feng Shui, Body Aura Science, and Various Cultures around the World

Meaning of Purple Color According to Psychology, Feng Shui, Body Aura Science, and Various Cultures around the World Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Purple is one of the colors that is currently widely used in many things, for example in fashion. In Indonesia itself, purple is considered as the color of widows. But is that so? Yes, in fact, the meaning of purple color has many meanings, KLovers.

The meaning of purple color itself has its own meaning, depending on the knowledge. For example, the meaning of purple color according to psychology and the meaning of purple color according to Feng Shui do not have the same meaning. There are even, the meaning of purple color in various cultures around the world.

Now, for KLovers who want to know the meaning of color purple. Here is the meaning of purple color according to psychology, Feng Shui, body aura science, and according to various cultures. Let's check it out KLovers.


1. Meaning of Purple Color According to Feng Shui

The first meaning of the color purple is the meaning of purple according to Feng Shui. Yes, for KLovers who are interested in Feng Shui meanings, you can understand the meaning of purple color. Yes, the meaning of purple color according to Feng Shui can be a consideration if you want to use purple color in your home. According to Feng Shui, the meaning of purple color is the element of fire.

In ancient times, purple was considered a color of prestige. Purple was considered the highest and most expensive color. It is not uncommon for many ancient kingdoms to use purple as the color of royal clothing or royal attributes. Purple color should not be used by just anyone other than the royal family or those who have a family connection to the royal family.

Purple color is indeed very impressive because it has a high spiritual value. The meaning of purple color is synonymous with luxury. As a color with a high spiritual level, purple color is very suitable to be applied in bedrooms and meditation rooms. This is expected to bring positive changes when you sleep or meditate. Purple color should not be applied as the color for kitchens and bathrooms, KLovers.


2. Meaning of Purple Color According to Psychology

What is the meaning of purple color according to psychology? Yes, the meaning of purple color in psychology has several meanings, my dear KLovers. According to psychology, the meaning of purple color is considered unique and exotic. This is also what makes not everyone can accept it. There is polarization, from those who really like purple and on the other hand, there are those who don't like it at all.

Visually, purple color is actually the most difficult color to distinguish. In addition, its electromagnetic waves are also one of the strongest, above x-rays and gamma rays. That reason is also why purple is often used as an illusion of Pac-Man or lilac chaser illusion. In this illusion, initially people will see a round dot.

After a longer observation, this dot will disappear and only a green plate moving in a circle can be seen. In another psychological perception, purple also has the effect of stimulating creativity. Starting from stimulating the emergence of new ideas to motivation in carrying them out. At the same time, the effect of purple color also provides a calming sensation.


3. Meaning of Purple Color in the Science of Body Aura

There is also a meaning of purple color in the science of body aura. In the science of body aura known as chakra colors, purple is the crown chakra. The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is located at the top of the head. It is related to the crown of the head, the nervous system, and the brain, representing pure thought.

This chakra connects a person to boundless consciousness. Opening this chakra will help enter deep spiritual understanding. Gemstones that assist the sensitivity of the Crown Chakra are amethyst and clear quartz. Therefore, the meaning of purple color in the science of body aura is somewhat similar to Feng Shui.


4. Meaning of Purple Color in World Culture

Well, after KLovers know the meaning of purple according to science. Then you can know the meaning of purple in the culture of various countries in the world. Yes, in some cultures, the meaning of purple is different in each country, KLovers. And here are some meanings of purple in the culture of various countries in the world:

1. In Tibet, the purple amethyst stone is considered sacred to Buddha, and rosary necklaces are often made from that material.

2. Purple in the US military award called "Purple Heart" represents bravery. The Purple Heart is given to members of the United States armed forces who are wounded in the line of duty.

3. In Thailand, the meaning of purple is worn by a widow who mourns the death of her husband.

4. The meaning of purple represents pride in the Christian religion. This color is associated with Advent and Lent. Catholic priests wear purple robes before performing Reconciliation.

5. Traditionally, in Iran, purple is the color of prediction of what will happen in the future. The sun or moon appearing purple during an eclipse is a sign of bloodshed in the coming year.

6. In Tudor England, purple is the color of mourning, as well as the color of spiritualism.

7. Julius and Augustus Caesar, the Roman Emperors, both decided that only the Emperor could wear purple clothes. Even when Nero became Emperor, wearers and sellers of purple clothes could be sentenced to death.

8. A man who holds a high rank in the Roman Empire is called "The Purple", which is a nickname derived from the color of the robe he wears.

9. In Egypt, purple signifies virtue and steadfast faith. Purple is the color of the Emperors' royalty.

10. In Japan, the color purple indicates wealth and high position.

11. Some countries in Europe associate the color purple with mourning or death. An example of this is the countries in Latin America and South America, such as Brazil.

That is the meaning of the color purple that KLovers can know and understand. It is not only the meaning of the color purple according to psychology, but there is also the meaning of the color purple according to Feng Shui and the science of body aura.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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