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Meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas Along with Recitation and Virtues, Learn How to Practice It

Meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas Along with Recitation and Virtues, Learn How to Practice It Illustration (credit: - Surah Al Ikhlas is a short surah in the Quran. Surah Al Ikhlas consists of four verses with amazing meanings and virtues. Because, the meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas explains the Oneness of Allah. It is so special that Surah Al Ikhlas can be practiced every day in prayer or remembrance.

The Quran consists of 114 surahs, some of which are short surahs. Short surahs in the Quran are very easy to memorize and can be practiced for prayer recitation. One of them is Surah Al Ikhlas, which can be practiced for obligatory or sunnah prayers.

The meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas indicates the Oneness of Allah. It means that Allah is the One and Only God. One means one or singular. Because there is no creature that can match the Oneness and power of Allah. Because, Allah is the only God who deserves to be worshiped. The meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas is also related to the teachings of monotheism. That is, believing that God is only one.

As for the discussion of the meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas along with its recitation and virtues, you can read it through the review below. The following has been summarized by from various sources about the meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas along with its recitation.


1. Reading Surah Al-Ikhlas and its Latin Translation

Surah Al-Ikhlas is a short surah in the Quran that is also special. This short surah in the Quran is very easy to memorize. It's no wonder that even young children are so good at memorizing Surah Al-Ikhlas, which only has four verses. Before knowing the meaning of Surah Al-Ikhlas and its reasons for revelation, here is a reading of Surah Al-Ikhlas that you need to know. The following is the Latin version of the recitation of Surah Al-Ikhlas that will make it easier for you to memorize and understand Surah Al-Ikhlas.

1) Say, "He is Allah, the One."

2) Allah is Eternal, Absolute.

3) He neither begets nor is born.

4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent."


2. Meaning of Surah Al-Ikhlas

Meanwhile, the meaning of Surah Al-Ikhlas is the Oneness of Allah. In addition, the meaning of Surah Al-Ikhlas also describes monotheism. Esa is taken from the Arabic language which means single or one. Meanwhile, the teaching of monotheism means affirming the Oneness of Allah. The meaning of Surah Al-Ikhlas can be understood through the following explanation.

1) Say, "He is Allah, the One."

2) Allah is the place to seek all things.

3) He neither begets nor is born.

4) And there is none comparable to Him."


3. Asbabun Nuzul Surat Al Ikhlas

After knowing the reading and meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas, it is also important for you to know the background of the revelation of this short Surah. Because, the reason for the revelation of Surah Al Ikhlas is related to the teachings of monotheism. Surah Al Ikhlas itself is a Makkiyah Surah. Meaning a Surah that was revealed in the city of Mecca. Meanwhile, in the Quran, Surah Al Ikhlas is the 112th Surah revealed after Surah An-Nas. As it is known, every Surah and verse in the Quran has a reason for revelation or asbabun nuzul. One of them is Surah Al Ikhlas which also has a reason for its revelation.

Based on the reason for the revelation of Surah Al Ikhlas, it is related to the main points or essence of the teachings of monotheism. As reported by, there are several names or other designations for Surah Al Ikhlas according to Sheikh Wahbah Az Zuhaili. Among them are Surah Al Ikhlas also called Surah at Tafrid, at Tajrid, at Tauhid, an Najah, and al Wilayah.

Meanwhile, the reason for the revelation of Surah Al Ikhlas is related to the incident that occurred to the Prophet Muhammad when the polytheists questioned the God worshiped by Prophet Muhammad. In a narration by Imam Ahmad from Ubay bin Ka'b, the Prophet Muhammad said,

"O Muhammad, describe to us your God." So Allah revealed (Say: He is Allah, the One).

That is why Surah Al Ikhlas was finally revealed. Another narration also mentions a similar incident but it was not the polytheists who questioned the God of the Prophet Muhammad. Instead, it was the Bedouins who asked the Prophet Muhammad about the God he worshiped.

"Describe to us your God." So Surah Al Ikhlas was revealed.

That is the reason for the revelation or the reason for the revelation of Surah Al Ikhlas which is related to and contains teachings of monotheism.


4. Tafsir Arti Surat Al Ikhlas

Meanwhile, based on the interpretation of Surah Al-Ikhlas, according to Imam Ibn Kathir, this Surah describes the oneness of Allah SWT. As for the explanation, as quoted from, Imam Ibn Kathir said,

"He is the First and the Only, there is no partner or assistant, there is nothing equal to Him and nothing resembles Him, and there is nothing comparable to Him. This word is not used to describe anyone other than Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, because He is Perfect in all His attributes and actions."

That is why Surah Al-Ikhlas shows the oneness of Allah SWT as the only God worthy of worship. Where no creature can rival the oneness and power of Allah SWT.


5. Virtues and Specialties of Surah Al Ikhlas

After knowing the meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas and the reasons for its revelation, this short surah has several specialties. Moreover, Surah Al Ikhlas is very easy to memorize and practice every day. By doing so, one can obtain its extraordinary virtues. Now, here are the virtues of Surah Al Ikhlas that you need to know.

- Provides self-protection from various evils.

- Obtains forgiveness of sins by practicing Surah Al Ikhlas.

- Provides peace of mind and can be practiced before sleep.

- Increases sustenance by reciting Surah Al Ikhlas 1,000 times.

- Facilitates the opening of the gates of heaven.


6. How to Practice Surah Al Ikhlas

It is also important to know how to practice Surah Al Ikhlas. So that you can maximize yourself in practicing Surah Al Ikhlas. Now, here are some ways to practice Surah Al Ikhlas.

- Can be recited three times before sleep.

- Can be practiced in Witr prayer of three rak'ahs.

- Can be practiced after Maghrib prayer on Friday night.

- Can be practiced after completing the prayer.

- Can be recited as a morning and evening remembrance.

- Can be practiced during the pre-dawn prayer.

- Can be practiced for ruqyah.

So that is the meaning of Surah Al Ikhlas along with its recitation and virtues. Hopefully, the above explanation of Surah Al Ikhlas can be helpful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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