Kapanlagi.com - Tajin water is a thick rice cooking water. By traditional and ancient communities, tajin water is often given to babies. Usually, parents give tajin water as a substitute for milk. Not only the color is the same white, it turns out there are many benefits of tajin water for health.
Not many people know, tajin water turns out to not only be beneficial for babies or children. Adults who consume tajin water are also believed to get various benefits. This is because, in the rice cooking water, there are several beneficial nutritional contents for the body.
So, what are the benefits of tajin water for health? Here are some reviews summarized from various sources.
1. Overcoming Vomiting and Diarrhea in Babies
Although often underestimated, giving tajin water to babies is actually very beneficial. One of the benefits is that it can promote baby's digestion. Regularly giving tajin water can also prevent babies from digestive disorders called gastroenteritis. Babies who experience this digestive disorder usually show symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.
So, giving tajin water to babies should not be underestimated. Tajin water cannot completely replace the role of milk. However, giving tajin water and other complementary foods along with breastfeeding is believed to maintain the baby's health.
2. Nourishing Baby's Skin

(credit: pixabay)
The next benefit of tajin water for babies is related to skin health. As we know, babies tend to have soft and smooth skin. However, improper care and nutrition can also disrupt the health of a baby's skin. One way to maintain the softness and moisture of a baby's skin is by giving them tajin water.
Tajin water is believed to contain antioxidants that are beneficial for skin health. In adult skin, antioxidants can act as anti-aging agents. Meanwhile, for baby's skin, antioxidants play a role in maintaining its smoothness and softness. In addition, a study suggests that rice water also contains ferulic acid, gamma-oryzanol, and phytic acid, which are commonly found in cosmetic products.
3. Source of Energy
Often given to babies as a substitute for milk, tajin water can also function as a source of energy. This is because tajin water is made from boiled rice water. As we know, rice is one of the staple foods rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, it is believed that rice water or tajin water also contains carbohydrate extracts found in rice.
Tajin water not only serves as an energy source for babies but also for adults. However, it should be understood that for adults, tajin water can only serve as an additional source of energy.
4. Improving Digestion
As mentioned earlier, tajin water is not only beneficial for baby's health. One of the benefits of tajin water for adults is good for digestion. Not only can it treat diarrhea in children or babies, tajin water can also provide similar benefits for adults.
In addition to treating diarrhea, consuming tajin water for adults is also believed to be able to treat constipation. However, to treat constipation, it is advisable to also pay attention to fiber-rich food intake.
5. Improving Hair Health

(credit: pixabay)
Another benefit of tajin water is that it can improve hair health. Besides being consumed by drinking, tajin water can also be used for hair. Tajin water is believed to contain inositol compounds that are beneficial for hair elasticity. If the elasticity is maintained, the hair will not easily experience damage such as hair loss.
The way to use tajin water for hair treatment is very easy. You just need to use it like when using shampoo or conditioner. Made from natural ingredients, the use of tajin water for hair treatment is relatively safer. In addition, tajin water can also be an economical and environmentally friendly hair care product.
6. Relieving Fever

(credit: pixabay)
Not many people know that boiled rice water or tajin water can also be used as a fever remedy. According to thehealthsite.com, tajin water helps to address the lack of body fluids caused by fever and vomiting. Indirectly, this will help the body replenish the lost nutrients during fever. With that, the body's recovery process can be faster and more effective.
Those are some of the benefits of tajin water for the health of babies and adults. So, don't just throw away tajin water when cooking rice. Occasionally, you can consume it or give it to babies as additional nutrition.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.