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Subhanallah, These are 6 Extraordinary Benefits of Istighfar Along with its Recitations

Subhanallah, These are 6 Extraordinary Benefits of Istighfar Along with its Recitations Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Istighfar is one of the actions of asking for forgiveness or seeking forgiveness from Allah that is done by every Muslim. This action is repeated in the phrase astaghfirullah, which means "I seek forgiveness from Allah. However, besides being an apology, it turns out that istighfar has incredible benefits, KLovers.

Because istighfar makes a person always seek forgiveness from Allah SWT, it is not surprising that this phrase has extraordinary benefits for humans. In fact, istighfar becomes the gate of relief and happiness. By uttering istighfar, Allah SWT will assist in every difficulty.

And what are the benefits of istighfar? According to various sources, here are 6 incredible benefits of istighfar that you must know. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Relieving Excessive Worry

The first benefit of istighfar is that it can relieve excessive worry. We know that worry can be experienced by anyone, and excessive worry usually comes from the temptation of Satan. Our hearts will be restless and we will have irrational thoughts about someone due to excessive worry. When it reaches this point, you should perform istighfar.

By performing istighfar, it is possible that you will feel better. After seeking forgiveness, at least you have tried to correct your mistakes before Allah SWT. It is known that the Prophet Muhammad often uttered istighfar, he asked for forgiveness at least seventy times a day.

Abdullah bin 'Amr narrated from Abu Bakar As-Siddiq that he said,

"O Messenger of Allah, teach me a supplication that I can recite in prayer." He, Muhammad SAW, said: "Say: 'O Allah, I have done many wrongs to myself, and there is no one who forgives sins except You. So forgive me with Your forgiveness, and have mercy on me, for You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.'"

Therefore, by acknowledging our mistakes, we will feel more at ease. Because Allah SWT loves His servants who acknowledge their mistakes. This will make someone's heart feel more at peace and eliminate worry.


2. Bringing Us Closer to Allah SWT

Then another benefit of istighfar is that it can bring us closer to Allah SWT. Uttering istighfar is indeed one way to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. By constantly seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT, you will become closer to Him.

Allah SWT loves His servants who constantly seek His forgiveness. The more forgiveness they seek and the fewer sins they commit, the closer Allah SWT will be to them. And with their closeness to Allah SWT, He will bestow upon them more avenues of goodness.


3. Always in Good Deeds

Yes, the closer a servant is to Allah SWT, the more they will be inclined towards good deeds. Because by making istighfar, it becomes a way of seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT for everything we do. And sincere repentance is an effort we can make to distance ourselves from sin.

The Messenger of Allah SWT said, "Allah, the Most Great, has said: 'O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I will forgive you for whatever sins you have committed. O son of Adam, I do not care if your sins reach the height of the heavens, then you ask for My forgiveness, I will forgive you.'" (Hadith Tirmidhi).

Therefore, by seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT, you will always be engaged in good deeds. Because Allah is always with those who repent. And Allah SWT will always guide those who sincerely repent to the path of goodness. So, we will always be on the path guided by Allah SWT, which is the path of righteousness.

4. Giving Us Strength

Apparently, istighfar not only brings us peace, but it also gives us extraordinary strength. In this world, humans have to strive and struggle for their lives. There are many things in life that can make people fall and difficult to rise again.

However, in times like this, someone who remembers Allah SWT and submits to all His provisions will be given extra strength by Him. One way is by performing istighfar. Seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT for a failure will make you feel sincere and gain incredible strength.

The Quran says, ". . . ask forgiveness from your Lord and then repent to Him. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers and increase you in strength [added] to your strength." [Quran 11:52].

The world will always give us trials that sometimes make us fall and feel weak. However, with istighfar, we have the strength to give someone else strength and patience mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


5. Always Happy and Get Blessings

Another benefit of istighfar is that it can make someone always happy and always receive unexpected blessings from Allah SWT. Happiness can not only be obtained through worldly things, but spiritual aspects such as religion also play an important role in achieving eternal happiness. By doing good deeds such as worship, we will not only find happiness in this world, but also in the hereafter.

Your life will be easier if you live according to the guidance of Allah SWT. This is because your heart will be more peaceful, and as a result, your heart will become happier. This way, we can live a healthy life and radiate positivity to those around us. Even by doing istighfar, it will open the door of blessings for anyone who does it sincerely for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Whoever is always in a state of repentance, Allah will give them joy in times of sadness, ease in times of hardship, and provide them with blessings from unexpected directions." (HR. Ibn Majah).

6. Smooth and More Focused Activities

And the last benefit of istighfar is that it can smooth activities and make them more focused. You know that by uttering the phrase istighfar, it will make activities smoother and more focused. As mentioned earlier, happiness can emit a positive aura to the surroundings.

By doing so, we will achieve smoothness and more focus in living our lives. Of course, the peace of mind gained from always seeking forgiveness also makes us feel stronger because Allah is always with those who sincerely repent.


7. Types of Istighfar

Not only the phrase Astaghfirullah, there are also several phrases of istighfar that you can do. And here are some of those types of istighfar:

- Short Istighfar


Meaning: I seek forgiveness from Allah.

- Istighfar of the Prophet Before His Death

Subhanallahi wabihamdih, astaghfirullaha wa atuubu ilaih

Meaning: Glorified and praised be Allah. I seek forgiveness from Allah and repent to Him.

- Istighfar that Erases Major Sins

Astaghfirullah, alladzi la ilaha illa huwal hayyul qayyumu wa atuubu ilaih

Meaning: I seek forgiveness from Allah, the One who has no deity except Him. The Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And I repent to Him.

- Istighfar in a Gathering

Rabbighfirli wa tub ‘alaiya, innaka antat tawwabur rahiim

Meaning: O my Sustainer, forgive me and accept my repentance. You are indeed the One who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful.

- Istighfar during Prayer Before Salam

Allahumma inni dhalamtu nafsi dhulman katsira, wala yaghfirudz dzunuba illa anta, faghfirlii maghfiratan min indik, warhamnii innaka antal ghafurur rahiim

Meaning: O Allah, I have wronged myself greatly and no one forgives sins except You. So forgive me with forgiveness from You and have mercy on me, for You are the Forgiving, the Merciful. Forgive me with Your forgiveness and have mercy on me. Indeed, You are the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful.

Those are the 6 benefits of seeking forgiveness (istighfar) and some recitations of istighfar that you can recite after finishing prayers, anywhere. Indeed, Allah is always with His servants, especially those who constantly strive to get closer to Allah in ways that Allah loves. One of them is by uttering istighfar wherever they are.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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