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Shahrukh Khan to Katrina Kaif Positive for Covid, Karan Johar's Birthday Party Said to be the New Cluster

Shahrukh Khan to Katrina Kaif Positive for Covid, Karan Johar's Birthday Party Said to be the New Cluster Shahrukh Khan and Katrina Kaif © AFP - The covid19 wave has not subsided all over the world, including in India which has relaxed mask-wearing rules since a few months ago. Recently, Shahrukh Khan and Katrina Kaif were declared positive for covid.

As reported by, currently Shahrukh Khan is in good condition. He only experiences mild symptoms but immediately undergoes self-quarantine in an undisclosed location.


1. Katrina Kaif

Besides Shahrukh Khan, another top Bollywood artist who was declared positive for covid is Katrina Kaif. Like SRK, Katrina is also said to be in good condition.

After being declared positive, Katrina underwent self-quarantine. It is not yet known how long Katrina will undergo isolation and where she is doing it.


2. Other Celebrities Positive

Before Shahrukh Khan and Katrina were declared positive for covid19, actor Aditya Roy Kapoor was also declared positive. He was known to be sick while promoting his new film trailer.

In addition, actor Kartik Aryan is also known to be positive for covid19. Like Aditya, Kartik is now promoting his new film and must undergo quarantine until declared negative.


3. Karan Johar's Cluster?

There are rumors that many celebrities were infected with Covid-19 after attending Karan Johar's 50th birthday party some time ago. At that time, hundreds of guests including top celebrities were present.

At the party, Shahrukh Khan and Katrina Kaif attended with their respective partners. Indian media reported that 55 guests were exposed to Covid-19 after the party at Karan's house, but this renowned Indian producer remains silent.

Hopefully all those affected will recover soon!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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