Do you still remember Yuyun Sukawati? Yes, she became known for starring in the soap opera Jin and Jun. But now Yuyun suddenly appears with some unpleasant news.
What is the story? Find out here.
Celebrity Domestic Violence
Do you still remember Yuyun Sukawati? Yes, she became known for starring in the soap opera Jin and Jun. But now Yuyun suddenly appears with some unpleasant news.
What is the story? Find out here.
Long time no hear from her, Yuyun Sukawati, the actress who played Santi in the TV series Jin dan Jun, brings heartbreaking news.
She and her child experienced violence committed by Fajar Umbara, the scriptwriter of the movie, who is also Yuyun's husband.
Yuyun, who didn't stay silent, reported the assault she experienced to the Cirebon police on March 10, 2021.
As for the assault experienced by her child, Yuyun reported it to the Pondok Aren Police Station in South Jakarta on March 23, 2021.
"Since getting married in 2019, I have often been treated harshly. Even my child has also experienced it," said Yuyun while sobbing in Jakarta, on Tuesday (6/4/2021).
Soon, Yuyun will also soon end her marriage with Fajar.
"I will focus on this report first. If the divorce, I will handle it soon," she said.
According to Yuyun, she made a wrong choice in marrying Fajar. She did not expect that the Fajar she once knew as a good and religious person turned out to have a temper and a tendency for violence.
"He used to be religious, his faith was good. That's why I chose him. But it turns out...," said Yuyun while sobbing.
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