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Achmad Yurianto's Military Funeral, Here's a Photo of the Troops in the Deceased's Yard

Achmad Yurianto's Military Funeral, Here's a Photo of the Troops in the Deceased's Yard Achmad Yurianto (credit: Zakharia) - The body of Col. CKM (Pur) Dr. Achmad Yurianto, former Covid-19 spokesperson, was laid in state at the funeral home, Jalan Ir. Soekarno Number 31, Dadaprejo Village, Batu City. The deceased's body arrived from Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) Malang on Saturday (21/5) at 21.18 WIB.

The funeral home is the deceased's childhood home. The body was laid in the living room of the deceased's parents' house. The body has undergone the embalming process from Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) Malang.

The deceased's body was buried on Sunday at 10:00 WIB at the Dadaprejo Public Cemetery, Batu City. The distance from the funeral home to the cemetery is about 200 meters.

1. Buried in a Military Manner

The burial of the spokesman for the Covid-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force, Dr. Achmad Yurianto, was carried out in a military manner. The burial took place starting at 10:00 WIB.

"Yes, that's the agreement of the family," said Odang, the deceased's brother-in-law, on Sunday (22/5).

2. Photo of Troops in the House Yard

A team of pallbearers is seen being prepared in the deceased's house yard. The plan is to bury the body in Dadaprejo Cemetery, Junrejo, Kota Batu, which is about 200 meters away.

Hundreds of mourners are currently preparing to participate in the funeral procession. The body was dispatched at around 10:00 WIB.

3. Rest in Peace

Meanwhile, flower arrangements are seen lined up, including those from Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Minister of PMK Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, and others. expresses condolences for the passing of Achmad Yurianto. May his good deeds be accepted by Allah SWT and may the family be given strength.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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