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Already Received a Scholarship to Study in America, Here are 8 Portraits of Marco Putra Diah Permatasari's Graduation - Looking Handsome and Dashing in a Graduation Gown

Already Received a Scholarship to Study in America, Here are 8 Portraits of Marco Putra Diah Permatasari's Graduation - Looking Handsome and Dashing in a Graduation Gown

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Already Received a Scholarship to Study in America, Here are 8 Portraits of Marco Putra Diah Permatasari's Graduation - Looking Handsome and Dashing in a Graduation Gown

Happiness is surrounding Diah Permatasari's day. This is because her son, Marco, recently graduated from high school. The graduation moment was attended by Diah and her family. Marco himself caught everyone's attention. Here are more details.

Already Received a Scholarship to Study in America, Here are 8 Portraits of Marco Putra Diah Permatasari's Graduation - Looking Handsome and Dashing in a Graduation Gown

Graduation is always a joyful moment, and it is no exception for Marco. Marco has finally graduated. He celebrated this happy day with his family and friends.


Noticedly, Diah looked beautiful that day. She wore a patterned blazer paired with white pants. Her appearance was completed with a small bag and black sunglasses.


Meanwhile, Marco looks handsome in a graduation gown. He has always caught public attention because of his good looks and basketball skills.


Diah also wrote about her happiness on Instagram. "Congratulations on your graduation, dear! Today is a historic day. Dad, mom, and older sister are very happy to be with you in this moment," she wrote.

Already Received a Scholarship to Study in America, Here are 8 Portraits of Marco Putra Diah Permatasari's Graduation - Looking Handsome and Dashing in a Graduation Gown

"Love, prayers, and blessings for your success. Dad and mom hope that your future life will always be successful, beautiful, and colorful," Diah continued.

Already Received a Scholarship to Study in America, Here are 8 Portraits of Marco Putra Diah Permatasari's Graduation - Looking Handsome and Dashing in a Graduation Gown

"Best wishes for you, amen. Proud of you, love you Marco," Diah concluded. Diah herself couldn't hold back her emotions when she saw Marco step on the stage.


Marco also walked on stage like a handsome model. Besides being handsome, Marco is also accomplished. He has received a scholarship to study in America. 


Marco revealed it himself in an interview with Feni Rose last April. Going to study in America, Marco admitted to taking a business major.