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Bimbim Slank Reveals His Father's Medical History Before Passing Away

Bimbim Slank Reveals His Father's Medical History Before Passing Away Bimbim Slank © Akrom Sukarya - Bimbim Slank tells the illness experienced by his father, Sidharta M Soemarno. Bimbim said that his father had a history of heart and lung disease.

"Dad has been in and out of the hospital for the past year. So, he would be healthy for a while, then come home, and go back to the hospital. Finally, in the past week, he was admitted to the hospital with chills," said Bimbim Slank at TPU Karet Bivak, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (5/3/2024).

"He was admitted to the hospital and had chills, and finally he was examined and found to have had heart problems. His lungs were infected, so he needed respiratory assistance," added Bimbim Slank.

1. Initially Planning Actions

Bimbim explained that initially the doctor planned a medical procedure to fix the digestive and respiratory tract. However, considering the complex health condition, the doctor chose to provide appropriate treatment.

"Originally, the doctor wanted to create holes for eating and breathing, but the patient needed to regain consciousness first. Due to complications to the heart, it eventually led to kidney failure and the inability to urinate. So the doctor said, let's just treat it," said Bimbim.

2. Waiting for Bunda Iffet's Death

During the treatment period, Bimbim's father was intentionally kept unconscious to reduce the pain he experienced. However, when the operation was about to be performed, he no longer responded.

"Indeed, he was sedated to avoid pain. But when we tried to wake him up for the surgery, he didn't respond anymore. We were all gathered and it felt like we were really waiting for Bunda that day," he said.

Bimbim Slank's father passed away at Asri Hospital Jakarta on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 21:27 WIB, at the age of 88. After being laid to rest at the funeral home in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, the body was finally buried at the Karet Bivak Public Cemetery, Central Jakarta.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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