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Condolences, Bimbim Slank's Father Passed Away at the Age of 88

Condolences, Bimbim Slank's Father Passed Away at the Age of 88 Bimbim Slank © Utama Putra - Sad news comes from Bimbim Slank's family who has just lost their beloved father. Last night, Sidharta M Soemarno, Bimbim's father, took his last breath on Monday (4/3).

From the news received by via text message, Sidharta passed away at the age of 88 at Asri Hospital Jakarta. He returned to the presence of the Almighty God at 21:27 WIB.

1. Burial Today

Currently, the late Sidharta's body is being laid at the family's house in Potlot III, South Jakarta. The family plans to bury Sidharta at TPU Karet Bivak Jakarta on Tuesday (5/3) afternoon.

Bimbim and the family will hold the burial after Dhuhr prayer, around 12:30 WIB. The family will accompany the deceased from the funeral home to TPU Karet Bivak.


This sad news was also spread by the Instagram account Slankdotcom. They conveyed condolences and shared grief to Bimbim who lost his beloved father.

"Slank and Management express condolences for the passing of Mr. Sidharta M Soemarno (father of @bimbimslank). May his good deeds be accepted by HIM and may strength be given to the family left behind. Amen," wrote the Slankdotcom account on Instagram.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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