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Irwan Chandra's Confession: Being Alone After Divorcing Moa, Takes Years to Meet Lee Jeong Hoon

Irwan Chandra's Confession: Being Alone After Divorcing Moa, Takes Years to Meet Lee Jeong Hoon Lee Jeong Hoon, Moa, and Irwan Chandra © Special - Irwan Chandra officially divorced Monique Octaviani, or commonly known as Moa, in 2012. Many things happened after the separation, which was eventually revealed by the Palembang-born man.

After the divorce process was completed, Irwan admitted that he decided to disappear from the entertainment world temporarily. It was not without reason, as he chose to be alone to improve his troubled feelings.

"For two years, I was angry at myself, being alone," said Irwan when met in the Kapten Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (10/3/2020).

1. Lesson After Serving

Right after two years, Irwan decided to deepen the teachings of his religion. He then became active in church activities and gained many valuable lessons while serving.

"I serve people, many of whom are left by their families, experience destruction, depression. In that situation, I say that it's not just me who has problems. Everyone has family problems. But I am grateful that I can serve them, encourage them, restore them. Someone who wants to restore others must first restore themselves. In that situation, I am getting better and I can say that my problems are zero. It's just my choice whether I want to move on or not," he explained.

2. Philosophy School

Not only that, at the same time, Irwan also attended a Philosophy College majoring in theology. He even plans to continue to S2 next year if he has spare time in between his work as an actor.

"During the five-year break from college at STT, I took S1 theology. After graduation, next year, I hope to take S2, also in theology. Why that major? Because it is needed now. I see many people, in terms of their mental and spiritual well-being, being supported through religion. Because the world is not getting better, human relationships are experiencing friction. And the world's patterns, cruelty, and crimes, can be reduced, can be diminished with knowledge of what kind of divine power. When humans are stressed, depressed, they should seek Allah," explained the 43-year-old man.

3. Finding Peace with Oneself

Furthermore, Irwan admitted that he has been able to move on from the problems that once plagued him. The divorced father of two even claimed to have found peace with himself.

"In essence, I have made peace with myself, it took until today, entering the eighth year. My relationship is good, in the past five years, I have had good communication with my ex, we often share matters related to our children and how we are growing the kids together," he said.

4. Meeting Lee Jeong Hoon

The 14th of February was a moment that Irwan Chandra will never forget. It was the first time he met his former colleague from the music group Hitz, Lee Jeong Hoon. As it is known, Lee got married to Moa in 2017.

"On the 14th of February, I accidentally met (Moa and Lee). I greeted them, hugged them, and congratulated them on having a family and children. I saw their two children, I touched their cheeks, their children are cute. I haven't had any communication with Lee all this time, but on the 14th, it was the first time. He just stayed silent, thinking, and said yes, yes, yes, like that," Irwan concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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