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Living in Luxury, Rachel Vennya Used to Live Hand-to-Mouth - Confused about What to Eat

Living in Luxury, Rachel Vennya Used to Live Hand-to-Mouth - Confused about What to Eat Rachel Vennya (credit: instagram @rachelvennya) - Rachel Vennya is an influencer or YouTuber who is known by many people. This beautiful influencer now has a successful life with her husband and child.

Her life is now filled with luxury thanks to her success as an influencer. However, behind that, there is an interesting story that she used to live in poverty before becoming successful, and she even used to struggle with thinking about what to eat every day.

1. Living on a Tight Budget

Rachel Vennya's interesting story when she used to experience living on a tight budget, during which she had to struggle to have meals with her mother. Rachel explained that the comparison was that someone who has money is considered able to buy food from outside.

"So back then, my mother and I, well, if you look at the standard, for me, if someone has money, it's ethical that they can eat, go to school, have money. But I was confused about what to eat with my mother," said Rachel Vennya.

2. Dependent on Her Grandparents

Knowing Rachel's past life condition when she lived on a tight budget and was confused about what to eat, she eventually relied on her grandparents and her mother.

"So we depended on my grandparents' money," said Rachel.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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