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Said to be a Squatter and a Parasite in Raffi Ahmad's House, This is Nisya Ahmad's Response

Said to be a Squatter and a Parasite in Raffi Ahmad's House, This is Nisya Ahmad's Response Nisya Ahmad and Raffi Ahmad © Akrom Sukarya/ - Nisya Ahmad is the biological sister of Syahnaz Sadiqah, she is often said to be living as a squatter with Raffi Ahmad. Not only that, Nisya is also considered a parasite in Raffi's house.

In response to this, Nisya answered through the Trans Tv Official Youtube channel that she believes netizens do not know anything about her life, and what makes her upset is when they bully her husband.

"I actually don't know personally, being said to be living as a squatter, it's like, whatever, it's up to them to say whatever, it doesn't matter, they don't even know," said Nisya on the Trans TV Official Youtube account uploaded on 23/3/2020.

"But what I feel sorry for is when there are people bullying my husband, like that, bullying my husband, sometimes netizens can be harsh with their words," she added.



1. Syahnaz Reveals

Syahnaz, Nisya's younger sister, also explained that netizens do not know about Nisya's life all this time. At the same time, Syahnaz asked about Nisya's husband's job.

"It's not true, because netizens say that Nisya's husband doesn't work and lives off Raffi. But the thing is, they don't really know the truth about their lives, even though actually. So, what does your husband do?" said Syahnaz.

2. An Entrepreneur

Syahnaz's question was immediately answered by Iwang, Raffi's family assistant, that Nisya's husband is an entrepreneur who owns a Japanese restaurant in Bandung. This was further explained by Nisya that besides the restaurant business, her husband also owns a sand mine.

"But I know, I've eaten there before, one of the restaurants managed by her husband," answered Iwang, Raffi's family assistant.

"Yes, it's not just managed, it's owned. There's a Japanese restaurant in Bandung, and also a sand mine business, and this factory produces spare parts for cars in Subang," explained Nisya.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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