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Things that Nagita Slavina Loves and Admires about Raffi Ahmad Even Though It's Not Romantic

Things that Nagita Slavina Loves and Admires about Raffi Ahmad Even Though It's Not Romantic Nagita Slavina and Raffi Ahmad © Akrom Sukarya - After revealing the reason why she decided to marry former playboy, Raffi Ahmad, Nagita Slavina now explains the things she loves about Raffi Ahmad, even though they may not be as romantic as usual.

Through her Youtube channel Ari Lasso TV, Gigi revealed that one of the things she loves and admires about Raffi is his hard work as a husband.

"Definitely hard work, that's him, maybe it's because of that, people have their strengths and weaknesses, maybe there are some shortcomings but there are also many strengths that become lessons for me," said Gigi when asked by Ari Lasso.

1. Having Responsibilities

In addition to his hard work, Raffi, who is now a father, also has responsibilities and is a fighter for his family. This is also something that Gigi loves and admires in their family relationship.

"Hard worker, fighter for the family," Ari Lasso asked Gigi.

"Yes, definitely, because I am a lazy person, as he says, so I learn a lot from him to be motivated, oh if you have potential, it should be pushed, he's the one who always pushes me, tells me to sing, tells me to play this and that, that's him," Gigi said while pointing to her beloved husband, Raffi Ahmad.

2. Not Romantic

Not only that, when asked by Ari Lasso about Raffi's personality, Gigi revealed that Raffi is a humble person, besides being humble he is also funny even though he is not romantic.

"Yes, that's him, humble to everyone. Oh, he's funny, funny, so he can make me smile when I'm angry or annoyed. No, not romantic," explained Gigi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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