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The 73rd Emmy Awards Night Will be Broadcasted Live and Exclusively on CATCHPLAY+

The 73rd Emmy Awards Night Will be Broadcasted Live and Exclusively on CATCHPLAY+ Photo Credit: Catchplay+ - The nomination reading night for the 73rd Emmy Awards was held on Tuesday (13/7). On this occasion, it was also announced that the awards ceremony will be held in Los Angeles, United States on September 19, 2021, or precisely on September 20, 2021, at 07:00 WIB in Indonesia.

Interestingly, the 73rd Emmy Awards ceremony can also be watched live and exclusively through the CATCHPLAY+ platform on its streaming service in Indonesia and Taiwan, followed by the highlights and complete subtitle and video of the event available on the same day.

This awards ceremony will be a joy for the entertainment industry and millions of fans worldwide, as it is the largest awards ceremony held in the United States since the Covid-19 pandemic. Glamorous celebrities and host Cedric the Entertainer can be watched through each gadget screen.

"CATCHPLAY+ is committed to bringing and offering more variety of international entertainment to customers, as well as continuously promoting quality original Asian content. We also continue to present various other interesting program shows, including broadcasting live from prestigious entertainment programs worldwide. The LIVE and Exclusive broadcast of the 73rd Emmy Awards presentation is not only the first for us, but also the first for viewers in Indonesia and Taiwan. We hope to bring more interesting live program shows like this to customers, in addition to our distinctive feature of showcasing the latest films and series," said CEO of CATCHPLAY Group, Daphne Yang.

1. Live and Exclusive

The Emmy Awards broadcast will be available Live and exclusively for CATCHPLAY+ subscribers in Indonesia and Taiwan. Monthly subscribers can watch the live broadcast of this event according to the schedule or watch on-demand videos with subtitles without having to pay any additional fees. One account allows up to two devices to watch different videos simultaneously or watch the live broadcast together, providing convenience for sharing with family and friends.

Since its launch in 2016, CATCHPLAY+ streaming service has reached over 7 million users. Focusing on offering premium international and local entertainment content, this service has become one of the largest paid OTT services in Southeast Asia. Following its alliance with Warner Media last year to bring the entire HBO GO branded services.

In addition, you can also watch quality box office films on the CATCHPLAY+ platform, such as THE CONJURING: THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT, MORTAL KOMBAT, GODZILLA VS KONG, and many more.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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