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1 Week After Release, NCT Dream's First Full Album 'Hot Sauce' Achieves 1 Million Copies Sold!

1 Week After Release, NCT Dream's First Full Album 'Hot Sauce' Achieves 1 Million Copies Sold! NCT Dream. Credit: SM Entertainment - For the first time, NCT Dream has just made a comeback with a full album. As known, the popular K-Pop group from SM Entertainment has released the album 'Hot Sauce' with the title track of the same name.

Through their first full album, NCT Dream has achieved various interesting achievements. Including the fantastic album sales figures!

1. 1 Million Copies in One Week

Just one week after its release, NCT Dream's first full-length album 'Hot Sauce' has sold 1,010,766 copies, according to data released by Hanteo Chart, making it the number 1 album with the highest sales in one week of release.

This marks the first time NCT Dream has become a million-seller, following NCT 127, who achieved million-seller status with their second full-length album 'NCT #127 Neo Zone', as well as NCT, who achieved double million-seller status with their second full-length album 'NCT - The 2nd Album RESONANCE'.

2. Dominating the Music Charts

Through this album, NCT Dream has topped various music charts in South Korea, including 'Top Album' on iTunes in 37 countries, 'Digital Album Sales' on QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music, 'Album TOP100' on Line Music Japan, as well as the real-time chart on Rakuten Music Japan.

Not only that, today, May 17, 2021, NCT Dream's first full-length album 'Hot Sauce' has topped the physical album charts on Hanteo Chart, Synnara Record, Hottracks, Yes24, and Kyobo Book Centre.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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