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Exploring the Beauty of the Lyrics of Jefri Al Buchori's Song - Doa Khatam Quran

Exploring the Beauty of the Lyrics of Jefri Al Buchori's Song - Doa Khatam Quran Jefri Al Buchori's Song (credit: - Jefri Al Buchori, or affectionately known as Ustaz Uje, is known for his meaningful religious songs. One of his works, Doa Khatam Quran, has beautiful lyrics filled with prayers, reflecting the hopes of a Muslim after completing the reading of the Quran.

This song not only serves as a reminder of Allah's greatness but also instills tranquility. With its melodious rendition and touching lyrics, Doa Khatam Quran teaches the importance of the Quran as a guide for life and as a source of light for Muslims.

Let's take a look at the lyrics of the song Doa Khatam Quran sung by Jefri Al Buchori. Come on, let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Jefri Al Buchori - Doa Khatam Quran

O Allah, have mercy on us through the Qur'an
And make it for us an imam and
A light and guidance and mercy

O Allah, remind us of what we have forgotten
(And teach us, and teach us)
What we are ignorant of

And grant us the ability to recite it
At night (the night, the night)
And during the day

And make it a proof for us
O Lord... O Lord of the Worlds

O Allah, have mercy on us through the Qur'an
And make it for us an imam and
A light and guidance and mercy

O Allah, remind us of what we have forgotten
(And teach us, and teach us)
What we are ignorant of

And grant us the ability to recite it
At night (the night, the night)
And during the day

And make it a proof for us

O Allah, have mercy on us through the Qur'an
And make it for us an imam and
A light and guidance and mercy

O Allah, remind us of what we have forgotten
(And teach us, and teach us)
What we are ignorant of

And grant us the ability to recite it
At night (the night, the night)
And during the day

And make it a proof for us
O Lord of the Worlds

Those are the lyrics of the song Doa Khatam Quran sung by Jefri Al Buchori that KLovers can know. There are still many other lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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