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10 Benefits of Raisins for Body Health that are Rarely Known

10 Benefits of Raisins for Body Health that are Rarely Known Raisin benefits (credit: Freepik) - Raisins are dried grapes that we often find in cakes, bread, and cereal. Its sweet and sour taste makes raisins loved by many people. In fact, raisins are one of the popular accompaniments for sweet foods. Besides being delicious to consume, it turns out that there are many benefits of raisins for body health KLovers.

Raisins themselves have been around since the 11th century BC and are still a good food to consume today. Not only does it have an unattractive appearance, but it has also been proven that raisins have many benefits in providing health and nourishing the body.

Curious about what are the benefits of raisins for body health? According to various sources, here are 6 benefits of raisins for body health that you must know. Let's check it out.




1. Improving Digestion

The first benefit of raisins is to improve digestion. A healthy digestion is a sign of a healthy body. This is because raisins have a high fiber content, so it is not surprising that raisins can improve digestion. The fiber in raisins can help smooth digestion and prevent severe constipation.

You can consume raisins in the morning as a breakfast food to improve your digestion. In addition to improving digestion, raisins can also provide a temporary feeling of fullness, as the fiber and sugar content is higher in the morning compared to protein.




2. Anti-Cancer

The second benefit of raisins is its anti-cancer properties. This is because raisins contain antioxidants that are good for the body. These antioxidants will protect the body's cells from free radicals that can attack the body. If the body's cells are attacked, it can lead to various diseases, including cancer.

In addition, antioxidants are also very good for the body's metabolism. This is because antioxidants can enhance and strengthen the body's metabolism and make the body healthy. So it is not wrong to consume raisins regularly in moderate amounts to avoid the risk of cancer.




3. Preventing Anemia

Besides being anti-cancer, it turns out that raisins can also prevent anemia. This is because raisins contain enough iron for the body. Anemia itself is caused by a lack of hemoglobin in the body, while iron is a mineral that plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin.

That's why someone with anemia should consume foods that are high in iron. In addition, raisins are also good for pregnant women because pregnant women who lack iron are more susceptible to premature labor and giving birth to low birth weight babies.

Not only that, if a pregnant woman lacks minerals, she is more susceptible to infections, which can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. But it is important to remember not to consume raisins excessively, because raisins also have a high sugar content. Consume them in the right amount so that raisins can be beneficial for the body.




4. Bone and Dental Health

Bone and dental health is indeed very important, especially for children in their growth phase. This is because healthy bones and teeth can reduce the risk of osteoporosis in the future. In addition to consuming milk, you can also get bone and dental nutrition benefits from raisins.

This is because raisins contain several nutrients such as oleanolic acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid which have antimicrobial properties. These antimicrobial properties can be beneficial in fighting bacteria that cause dental problems, such as cavities and gum inflammation.

In addition, raisins contain calcium and boron. Both minerals play an important role in maintaining the health of your bones and joints. These minerals can even prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis, which usually happens as you age.




5. Maintaining Heart Health

The heart is indeed one of the vital organs that is important to maintain its health. In addition to exercising, another healthy lifestyle is consuming foods that are good for the heart. And one of those foods is raisins. This is because raisins contain antioxidants in the form of phenols and polyphenols that are high in fighting free radicals.

Excessive free radicals that are left untreated can potentially cause damage to your cells and DNA. This condition will increase the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. In addition, raisins are low in sodium and also contain good sources of potassium, which helps relax blood vessels.




6. Maintaining Skin Health

Not only for the overall health of the body, it turns out that raisins also have other benefits for maintaining skin health. In addition to being good antioxidants for the skin, there are also selenium, zinc, and vitamin C content that are good for maintaining your skin health. And make the skin look brighter, smoother, and fresher.

In addition to consuming them directly on a regular basis, you can also use raisins as a face mask. The way you do it is by simply grinding raisins with yogurt or honey to form a paste. Then let it cool in the refrigerator for a while, then apply it to the face and leave it on for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, rinse your face with clean water.




7. Controlling Body pH

The body does have a pH, and it must be controlled within normal levels. This is because if the body fluid conditions are too acidic or too alkaline, it will affect the function of the body's organs and the body's metabolism. Organs can only function under certain pH conditions.

And the pH levels range from 0 to 14. With 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most alkaline. So one way the body regulates pH well and naturally is by consuming raisins. This is because raisins are rich in minerals that are alkaline, such as potassium, iron, copper, and magnesium, which can neutralize acidity in your body.




8. Neutralizing Stomach Acid

Stomach acid can indeed be experienced by anyone. And this happens because someone consumes the wrong food or eats too late, causing stomach acid to rise. But don't worry, you can lower stomach acid levels by using the benefits of raisins. This is because raisins contain minerals that are alkaline, such as potassium, iron, copper, and magnesium, which can neutralize acidity in the stomach.

So if you feel your stomach acid rising, you can immediately consume raisins as a natural initial treatment. And raisins are also good for someone who is on a diet. Because the high fiber and sugar content in raisins can provide a feeling of fullness and extra energy to the body. The acid content in raisins can also handle stomach acid when eating is delayed.




9. Lowering Blood Pressure

Another benefit of raisins is that they can lower blood pressure in the body. High blood pressure is indeed very dangerous for the body, as it can lead to stroke and heart disease. There are many foods that are good for lowering blood pressure, one of which is raisins.

This is because raisins contain potassium which can reduce the risk of stroke. You can consume raisins three times a day to lower blood pressure. Do it regularly to get maximum results, KLovers.




10. Maintaining Eye Health

And the last benefit of raisins is that they can maintain good eye health. This is because the polyphenol antioxidants found in raisins can protect the eye cells from free radicals. It also prevents eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related vision loss.

You can start consuming raisins from now on to prevent eye diseases, and it can be one of the foods for the elderly who want to maintain their eye health. However, it is important to remember not to consume them excessively and to consume them in the right amount for the body.

Those are the 10 benefits of raisins for body health. It is also important to note that raisins will not be beneficial to the maximum if not accompanied by exercise and a healthy lifestyle. So good luck trying, KLovers.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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