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5 Tips for Processing White Turmeric, One of the Spices Good for Treatment

5 Tips for Processing White Turmeric, One of the Spices Good for Treatment How to Process White Turmeric (credit: Freepik) - Turmeric or commonly known as white turmeric is a spice that is good for body health. In addition to being delicious to consume, white turmeric is also commonly used by the industry as a perfume ingredient, food coloring, and also medicine.

And of course, white turmeric also has many benefits for the body. Such as being a natural remedy for indigestion, preventing cancer, anti-toxin, anti-inflammatory, and many more benefits of this spice.

I wonder how to properly process white turmeric for body treatment? Reported from various sources, here are 5 tips for processing white turmeric properly for body treatment. Let's check it out.






1. Warm Drink

The first tip for processing white turmeric is by making it into a warm drink. Besides being a delicious and healthy drink, this warm drink made from white turmeric is also very good for treating the body.

This warm drink is highly recommended to be consumed when you experience stomachache or indigestion. And if you feel such symptoms, you can consume white turmeric as a remedy.

The way to process it is easy, you only need to take 1 or 2 cleaned white turmeric rhizomes. Then finely chop them and boil them in 500 cc of water. Add honey or rock sugar to give a sweet taste when consumed.



2. Mixed with Temulawak

The next tip for processing white turmeric is by mixing it with temulawak. This method is almost similar to making tea, the only difference is that the ingredients used are white turmeric and temulawak.

This method of processing white turmeric with temulawak is very effective in increasing appetite in children. If your child has difficulty eating, then this herbal concoction is worth a try. In addition, the content of white turmeric and temulawak can enhance the body's immune system.

The method is quite simple, you only need to thinly slice the white turmeric and temulawak. Then, dry both spices under the sunlight until completely dry. After that, you can boil the white turmeric and temulawak like making tea, don't forget to add rock sugar to give it a sweet taste.



3. Finely Grated

Besides being used as a drink, it turns out that white turmeric can also be used as a natural ingredient for facial beauty. Of course, the way to process this white turmeric is by finely grating it and adding a little squeeze of lemon juice or olive oil.

White turmeric does have a fairly high antibacterial content, so it can provide skin health benefits such as removing acne or preventing acne breakouts. In addition, white turmeric also makes the face cleaner and avoids dull-looking skin.



4. Remedy for Breast Cancer

The next way to process white turmeric is to use it as a remedy for breast cancer. Besides using medical treatment, we can also use white turmeric as a natural way to treat breast cancer.

The processing is quite easy, you just need to prepare 20 grams of mistletoe tea, 10 grams of pearl grass, 10 grams of hedgehog mallow, 6 grams of mouse ear, and 12 grams of white turmeric. After boiling all the ingredients except white turmeric until boiling, let it cool.

While waiting, boil the white turmeric in water. Then, after that, drink the first remedy that contains various types of spices, and then continue by drinking the boiled white turmeric water until finished.



5. Burn Wound Medicine

And the last tip for processing white turmeric is to use it as a burn wound medicine. Actually, burn wounds should be immediately treated medically, KLovers. This white turmeric concoction is only for removing burn wounds that have dried enough to prevent excessive scarring and long healing time.

The way to process it is quite easy, first, clean the white turmeric and grate it until smooth. Then, add kawak acid and a little coconut oil to create a warm sensation on the skin affected by the burn wound. Then, apply this natural medicine to the burn wound and let it dry.

Those are 5 good and correct tips for processing white turmeric when used for body treatment. Besides being a spice for food and perfume ingredients, it turns out that white turmeric also has many benefits for body treatment.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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