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53 Fiersa Besari Quotes that Make You Emotional and Meaningful

53 Fiersa Besari Quotes that Make You Emotional and Meaningful Fiersa Besari (credit: © Santoso) - Fiersa Besari is a popular writer and singer among the millennial generation. His writings and song lyrics seem to represent the broken-hearted, making him known by many people. Even Fiersa Besari's poems and words are able to provide deep meaning in life.

Of course, there are many works of Fiersa Besari in terms of writing. Fiersa is known as a romantic figure, so it's no wonder that Fiersa Besari's words can make people feel emotional because they are full of deep meaning. Even these romantic poems and words by Fiersa Besari are often used as references by some people to give to their partners or just to be used as captions on social media.

Therefore, according to various sources, here are 53 words by Fiersa Besari that are full of meaning and can be your motivation in life, love, and heartache. Let's check them out, KLovers.




1. Words of Fiersa Besari About Life

Fiersa Besari's Words the first one is about life. Yup! Who says Fiersa Besari only gives melancholic words, in fact, he often gives words about life. And here are Fiersa Besari's words about life:

  1. When they ask me if I regret it, my answer is no. Whether successful or failed, I am proud to live by my own decisions.
  2. In due time, the world just needs to know that we are great. Happiness doesn't need other people's judgment.
  3. When you make an effort to approach your dreams, at the same time your dreams are also approaching you. The universe works like that.
  4. Friends seek you out when others mock you. They embrace you when others hit you.
  5. No need to be afraid. Just show your true colors. Even the world's best painting has haters and critics.
  6. Realize that God tests you because He believes in you more than you think. Rise. Life won't wait.
  7. Some people stay in your life so that you appreciate memories. Some people stay in memories so that you appreciate your life.
  8. Life is a series of coincidences. Coincidences are disguised as destiny.
  9. No need to be stingy with knowledge. Anyone can hold the same guitar, not everyone will play the same song.
  10. No need to bother comparing yourself to others.You were created to be unique.There are already too many people who are the same as most people.

2. Meaningful Words of Fiersa Besari

Fiersa Besari's second word is, there are words full of meaning. And here are some meaningful words from Fiersa Besari that make you emotional:

  1. I don't know where the end of this journey is, I can't promise anything. But, as long as I can, our dreams are a priority.
  2. His hands become a substitute for my hands to guide you. His shoulders become a substitute for my shoulders for you to lean on. Let the drizzle, twilight, a cup of tea, and a verse of a song be your substitutes.
  3. I am silent, it doesn't mean I'm not paying attention.
  4. Nothing is eternal, neither happiness nor pain. Someday we will reach the point of laughing at the pain we once felt, or crying over the beauty we once had.
  5. When loyalty becomes expensive. When saying sorry is too difficult to say. Whose ego are we feeding?
  6. In a timeline that crawls forward, there will come a time when you meet someone who changes your life forever. Then that person will become the biggest part of your agenda. And your heart will not give any choice except to fall in love, even though logic keeps saying that the risk of falling in love is to be plunged into the depths of misery.
  7. The time will come when we find the most appropriate reason to fight. When it arrives, hold on tight. Something special will not come twice.
  8. You won't be noble waiting for an apology. You won't be humiliated by apologizing first.
  9. The most annoying thing about an adventure is: once you get poisoned by it, you will be addicted. You will find a way to wander again, even if you have to hitchhike, sleep on the streets. And when you arrive at your dream destination, you know all the sacrifices were worth it.
  10. Some poets are busy hiding behind sunsets, rain, stars, horizons, mountains, beaches, sunrises, twilight, coffee, daydreams, and various other romantic words, only to forget the fact that the world is not doing well. Until finally words are just decorations.
  11. No need for the latest trend, because what is trendy will be outdated in time.

3. Words of Fiersa Besari About Love

It is not strange anymore when Fiersa Besari often gives sad words about love. And here are some words from Fiersa Besari about love that can touch your heart:

  1. Falling in love can never choose. God chooses. We are just victims. Disappointment is a consequence, happiness is a bonus.
  2. Isn't life actually easy? If you miss someone, go to them. If you're not happy, express it. If you're jealous, emphasize it. If you're hungry, eat. If you have stomach ache, go to the bathroom. If you're wrong, correct it. If you like someone, express it. If you love someone, show it. Humans are the ones who often complicate everything. Ego prevents someone from saying "I need you".
  3. If the time comes, sadness will turn into laughter, pain will become a story, memories will become a teacher, longing will become a meeting, you and I will become us.
  4. I don't know how to hate you properly, just like you don't know how to love me properly.
  5. Love is not about letting go, but about letting it go willingly. It's not about forcing, but about fighting for it. It's not about giving up, but about letting go. It's not about chaining, but about giving wings.
  6. The right person doesn't always come at the right time. Sometimes they come after you're tired of being hurt by someone who doesn't know how to appreciate you.
  7. I give in. I give in because I believe that if you are meant for me, no matter how far your feet take you away, the path you take will only bring you back to me.
  8. Some feelings should be kept as secrets. Not to be expressed, only to be grateful for their existence.
  9. I'm not good at telling jokes, but I know how to make you happy.
  10. No need to be together forever. Forever is too long. Just a lifetime is enough for me.
  11. Enough. You and I don't need to boast. The quiet and serene is usually the lasting one. Not the one that is displayed.
  12. If we are meant to be, even if we don't meet today and in this place, we will definitely be reunited in another way.
  13. You can place your feet in the highest place, but can you place your heart in the lowest place?
  14. Not everything that leans, anchors. Not everything that stops by, stays.

4. Words of Fiersa Besari About Longing

Missing your loved one? Here are some words of Fiersa Besari that discuss longing, which will surely make you feel sentimental. Check them out:

  1. Some longings indeed need to be kept hidden. Not to be conveyed, only to be sent through prayers.
  2. We used to always say words of love at the end of the night. Now, we are nothing more than two strangers longing for the past in silence.
  3. I want you to long for me, I want you to chase after me, I want you to write poems for me. Then, I will act like I don't care, so you know what it feels like to be me.
  4. If you can't erase someone from your memory, maybe they are meant to be there. Let it be, humans will forget in due time.
  5. Once again, imagination mocks me because it always succeeds in finding you.
  6. Gradually, I realize that some longings indeed need to be kept hidden. Not to be conveyed, only to be sent through prayers.
  7. Let "How are you?" replace "I miss you"; "Take care of yourself" replace "I love you".
  8. In a parallel world, the situation would be very different. Nevertheless, you know I will remain the same person, longing for you simply, chasing after you reasonably, loving you extraordinarily, and hurting you impossibly.

5. Fiersa Besari's Words About Sadness

And the last words from Fiersa Besari are about sadness. For those of you who can't move on, you can use Fiersa Besari's words to represent your feelings. Here are some of Fiersa Besari's words:

  1. Let me be like the earth. Supporting even when stepped on, giving even when rained on, staying silent even when heated. Until you realize, if I break.. so do you.
  2. Sometimes, meetings and partings happen too quickly. But memories and feelings linger for too long.
  3. In reality, the two of us are just two people running. I'm busy chasing you, you're busy avoiding me. Oh, calm down. I'm not tired. In fact, I enjoy the process.
  4. Feelings are like rain, they never come with evil intentions. It is the circumstances and time that make us hate their arrival.
  5. Some people stop greeting not because their feelings stop, but because they have reached the point of consciousness to stop being hurt.
  6. Placing your heart on uncertainty is the same as placing your hand in the hand of someone who doesn't want to hold it at all.
  7. If it's hot, dry your wounds. If it's raining, enjoy the longing. If it's dark, let hope guide you. The sun will always rise, just like your smile.
  8. Let the wounded ones enjoy their time. Let the happy ones forget that they will be hurt again. And in between all that, be grateful.
  9. Crying doesn't prove that you're weak, it indicates that you're alive. What you do after crying determines whether you're weak or not.
  10. If only I knew that was the last time I saw you, I would have said something better.
These are 53 words by Fiersa Besari that make you emotional and full of meaning. Not only giving words about love, but Fiersa Besari also gives words about life and gratitude that motivate.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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