Kapanlagi.com - After cooking meat or fish, it usually leaves a fishy smell on various cooking equipment. Especially on stainless steel cooking utensils such as knives, pans, pots, and so on, the fishy smell tends to stick strongly. In those cooking utensils, the fishy smell cannot be eliminated by just washing. Therefore, specific and effective methods are needed to remove the fishy smell from cooking equipment.
The fishy smell on cooking equipment not only disturbs comfort. Besides causing nausea, the fishy smell can also affect the taste of the next dish to be made. Therefore, it is important to know the ways to eliminate the fishy smell from cooking equipment.
Summarized from various sources, here are some ways to remove the fishy smell from cooking equipment.
1. Basil Leaves
Basil leaves are often consumed as a side dish. With a refreshing taste and aroma, basil leaves are often served with fried catfish or chicken with sambal. Not only does it add freshness to the meal, but basil leaves also help reduce bad breath after eating such food.
In addition to eliminating bad breath, basil leaves are also effective in removing fishy odor from cooking utensils. The usage is quite simple, you just need to rub the basil leaves on the utensils that have a fishy smell. Rub it like when scrubbing a sponge while washing. The fresh aroma of basil leaves will replace the fishy smell.
2. Kaffir Lime or Lemon

(credit: pixabay)
The second method to eliminate fishy odor from cooking utensils is by using kaffir lime or lemon. As we know, both types of citrus fruits have a very refreshing taste and aroma. In addition, kaffir lime and lemon contain citric acid which is useful for removing fishy odor. It is not surprising that both types of citrus fruits are often used directly to remove fishy odor from meat or fish.
To eliminate fishy odor, you simply need to apply and rub the squeezed kaffir lime or lemon juice with a sponge or cloth. Rub it evenly on the cooking utensils that have a fishy smell. Once done, leave it for a few minutes, about 5-10 minutes, and then rinse it clean.
3. Coffee Grounds
Coffee with a strong aroma has often been used to eliminate unpleasant odors. It turns out that coffee grounds can also be used to remove fishy smells from cooking utensils. Removing fishy smells with coffee is very easy. You just need to brew coffee, then take the grounds. Apply the grounds to cooking utensils that have a fishy smell. Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse until clean.
4. Baking Soda

(credit: pixabay)
In addition to baking cakes, baking soda is also often used to clean household items. Not only that, baking soda is also effective in removing fishy smells from knives and other cooking utensils. The way to remove fishy smells from cooking utensils with baking soda is very easy.
First, you need to turn baking soda into a paste. Simply mix baking soda with water, then stir until thick. After that, apply the baking soda paste to cooking utensils that have a fishy smell. Leave it on for about 15 minutes, then rinse until clean.
5. Charcoal Powder

(credit: pixabay)
Among some people, charcoal powder is often used for washing dishes. In addition to dishes, charcoal powder is also suitable for washing various other cooking utensils. Charcoal powder is also believed to be quite effective in removing the fishy smell that sticks to cooking utensils.
To do this, you simply need to coat the cooking utensils with the charcoal powder. Then, gently scrub it as you would when washing normally. Repeat this process for about 5 minutes. Finally, rinse the cooking utensils until clean. If the fishy smell is still not completely gone, you can repeat the previous steps. Continue until the fishy smell is completely eliminated.
6. White Vinegar
Another way to remove the fishy smell from cooking utensils is by using white vinegar. The method is very easy, you only need to soak the cooking utensils in a mixture of water and vinegar. After that, let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then wash and rinse until clean. This method is considered practical and effective, especially for small-sized stainless steel utensils such as knives, spatulas, spoons, and the like.
Those are some ways to remove the fishy smell from cooking utensils. It's so easy and simple, so you can try it at home right away. Hope it's useful.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.