Kapanlagi.com - Mangosteen fruit indeed has many benefits for body health. But not only the fruit, it turns out that mangosteen skin also has many benefits for KLovers' body health. Currently, mangosteen skin is widely made into health supplements that are good for nourishing and healing various diseases.
The fruit skin, which is a favorite of Queen Victoria, contains many nutrients, one of which is antioxidants. Not only rich in antioxidants, mangosteen skin also contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which are good for body health. In 100 grams of mangosteen skin, it can fulfill 2.96% of the body's daily calorie needs.
Mangosteen skin also contains a considerable amount of healthy fiber, making it suitable as a diet menu. Mangosteen skin extract is also suitable for consumption by all ages, adjusting to each person's fiber needs.
And what are the other benefits of mangosteen skin? According to various sources, here are 7 benefits of mangosteen skin, let's check it out KLovers.
1. Improving the Immune System

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The first benefit of mangosteen skin is that it can improve the immune system. Yup! It's not unfamiliar that mangosteen is one of the fruits that can enhance the human immune system. This is because mangosteen skin contains antioxidants and vitamin C that play a role in maintaining the immune system.
With sufficient vitamin C in the body, it becomes more resistant to viral infections and rarely gets sick. Mangosteen skin is also good for consumption by people who are sick or experiencing a weakened immune system, such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS patients. This is because the antimicrobial content in mangosteen skin can fight against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that cause a person's immune system to weaken.
2. Prevent Cancer
The next benefit of mangosteen skin is that it can prevent cancer. Cancer has long been one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Usually, someone who has cancer is due to an unhealthy lifestyle over a long period of time. This causes damaged cells in the body to accumulate and transform into cancer.
To prevent cancer, you can use the benefits of mangosteen skin. This is because mangosteen skin contains antioxidants in the form of xanthones, which are very good for preventing the development of cancer cells in the body. The antioxidants in mangosteen skin can effectively fight against free radicals that cause cancer.
3. Blood Sugar Control

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Not only can it reduce the risk of cancer, it turns out that the benefits of mangosteen skin are also good for blood sugar control. For diabetes sufferers, controlling blood sugar levels is very important. That's why we need to know some good foods for controlling blood sugar levels, one of which is mangosteen skin.
In mangosteen skin, there are fibers that make blood sugar levels normal. Mangosteen skin is also able to prevent excessive sugar absorption by the blood. In addition, the calorie content in mangosteen skin is not too high, so it is safe to consume for diabetes sufferers.
4. Detoxify the Body
Toxins in the body are indeed one of the dangerous things for the body. If detoxification is not done regularly, it will cause dangerous diseases for the body. In addition to exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can also consume mangosteen skin to eliminate toxins in the body.
This is once again because of the antioxidant content in mangosteen skin, which is believed to be able to remove toxins from the body. These antioxidants can protect the body from toxins and harmful chemicals caused by radiation, pollution, and so on.
5. Providing Bone Health

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Apparently, mangosteen skin is able to provide nutrition for your bones, KLovers. Bones are indeed one of the important things to be maintained, by providing nutrition, the bones will be healthier. In addition, you will also be free from various diseases, one of which is osteoporosis.
And to maintain good health and keep your bones in good condition, you can use the benefits of mangosteen skin. This is because mangosteen contains a high amount of calcium. Calcium is important for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis.
Of course, mangosteen skin is very good for consumption by children and teenagers, as it can support optimal bone growth. This will make children grow taller with strong bones.
6. Nourishing Eye Health
In addition to providing health to the bones, another benefit of mangosteen skin is that it can provide nutrition for your eye health. Yup! Healthy eyes will indeed help us facilitate doing something. That's why, providing natural nutrition to the eyes is one of the solutions.
You can consume mangosteen skin regularly to get maximum results. This is because mangosteen skin contains high levels of vitamin A. Vitamin A is very good for maintaining eye health. In addition, vitamin A can also protect the retina and sharpen vision, as well as prevent xerophthalmia (dim/dark vision).
7. Preventing Constipation

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
And the last benefit of mangosteen skin is that it can prevent constipation. Although it is considered mild, constipation can actually be one of the diseases that can be very dangerous if left untreated. This is because constipation can lead to hemorrhoids, bloating, cholesterol, and even stomach cancer.
To overcome this, you can consume mangosteen skin. The high fiber content in mangosteen skin can absorb water outside the intestines, making the food that enters the body easier to absorb. So you won't suffer from constipation.
Those are the 7 benefits of mangosteen skin for your body's health. Not only the fruit itself can provide health, but mangosteen fruit can also provide health for your body.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.