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7 Causes of Cracked and Prevention of Cracked Feet

7 Causes of Cracked and Prevention of Cracked Feet Causes of cracked feet (credit: - Cracked feet can occur in anyone, especially those who are vulnerable due to certain conditions or habits that trigger cracked feet. The causes of cracked feet can occur due to medical factors or daily habits that can cause skin disorders on the feet.

Cracked feet are usually found on the heels, soles of the feet, or around the gaps between the skin of the toes. Experiencing cracked feet can cause various symptoms depending on the level of foot cracking. In certain conditions, cracked feet not only make the appearance of the skin unattractive but can also cause pain due to the resulting wounds.

This happens because cracked feet have severe cracks that cause deep skin wounds on the feet. As a result, pain and discomfort may occur, especially when the feet are exposed to water or when walking.

The causes of cracked feet can occur due to various factors, both daily habits and certain medical conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes of cracked feet in order to understand the appropriate prevention methods. The causes of cracked feet are summarized below.

For more details, here are the causes of cracked feet that have been compiled by from various sources.


1. Inappropriate Shoes

Stress is not only related to a person's mental or emotional condition, but it can also occur in the body. This condition is often referred to as physical stress, which occurs due to several factors. According to, cracked feet can be caused by physical or bodily stress.

Physical stress can occur due to wearing inappropriate shoes. Some types of shoes may generate heat on the feet. Especially if the weather is hot, it can reduce foot moisture and trigger dry skin on the feet. This condition can cause thickening of the skin layer or even cracked feet.


2. Efek Sabun Pembersih

The cause of cracked feet can also occur due to the side effects of using certain soaps. Some people may experience irritation to certain types of skin soaps that can trigger cracked feet.

According to, cracked feet can occur due to skin cleansing soaps that cause the loss of protective oil and moisture on the feet. As a result, the skin on the feet becomes dry, leading to cracked feet.


3. Cuaca Dingin

Another cause of cracked feet can occur due to cold weather conditions. As is known, cold weather can trigger dry skin not only on the feet but also on the body. As a result, this condition can cause the loss of moisture on the feet, leading to dry skin and cracking. Dry skin due to the effects of cold weather can also cause cracking effects on the lips, leading to certain health symptoms.


4. Experiencing Allergies

The cause of cracked feet can be triggered by certain allergies. Skin allergies can cause rashes and other symptoms, including cracked feet. According to various sources, allergies can be caused by bacteria, certain substances, or other foot cleansers. Examination and consultation with a doctor should be considered if experiencing allergies to prevent further impact.


5. Experiencing Venous Insufficiency

The cause of cracked feet can be triggered by venous insufficiency. This condition occurs when blood vessels or veins experience obstruction in carrying blood from the lower leg to the heart. As a result, several symptoms can occur such as skin irritation, swelling in the feet, changes in skin color, as well as thickening and hardening of the skin on the lower leg and ankle. This condition can lead to cracked feet as reported by


6. Experiencing Psoriasis

According to, another cause of cracked feet can occur due to experiencing psoriasis. Psoriasis is inflammation of the skin characterized by rash, dry skin, thickened skin, scaling, and prone to peeling. This is what causes cracked feet due to certain factors such as cold weather, stress, and infection. Consultation and further examination may be considered to determine the exact cause of psoriasis.


7. Experiencing Tinea Pedis

The cause of cracked feet can also occur due to experiencing tinea pedis. Tinea pedis is a condition commonly experienced by athletes. This condition causes sufferers to experience several symptoms such as itching, wounds or blisters on the feet, or redness between the toes. The risk of tinea pedis will increase with several triggering factors such as not wearing footwear, frequently wearing socks or shoes for a long period of time.


8. Prevention of Cracked Feet

After understanding the causes of cracked feet, it is also important to understand how to prevent them. The following are simple and easy ways to prevent cracked feet.

- Keep the feet moisturized to prevent dryness.

- Apply moisturizer regularly to the feet.

- Maintain adequate fluid intake.

- Rub the feet with a pumice stone.

- Use a gentle soap that does not cause irritation.

These are the causes of cracked feet and the prevention methods that need to be known. Some of the above causes may vary for each person depending on their body condition.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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