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7 Activities that Can be Done at Home during Lebaran

7 Activities that Can be Done at Home during Lebaran Activities that can be done at home during Lebaran (credit: Freepik) - The Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing, so the government has issued regulations for the public to avoid gathering in crowds. With this situation, it will be difficult to visit neighbors or relatives and friends during Lebaran. But don't be sad KLovers, you can still experience Lebaran joyfully. One of them is by doing several Lebaran activities that can be done at home.

Of course, these activities can be very exciting to do. You can engage in activities such as playing games, storytelling, watching movies, and even karaoke. Therefore, based on various sources, here are 7 activities that can be done at home during Lebaran. Let's check them out KLovers.



1. Cooking Together

One of the activities that can be done at home during Eid is cooking together. It's not a bad idea to celebrate the victory day by cooking. Whether it's Eid special menu like ketupat or one of the family members' favorite food. This Eid activity can be done while chatting and getting to know each other better.

In addition to Eid dishes, you can also make cakes together. This activity is safer and suitable if you want to involve the little ones. Decorating cakes can also be a means to channel creativity. After baking, don't forget to enjoy the cake together. The sweet taste of the cake can enhance our mood and make everyone happy, especially the children.



2. Watching Movies

Another activity that can be done at home during Eid is watching movies. Streaming the latest movies, especially those with religious themes, is one of the classic ideas to spend Eid with family. There's no need to go far to the mall, you can create a room that feels like a cinema.

Turn off all the lights, close the curtains, and prepare your favorite snacks to enjoy while watching the movie. The best part of watching at home is that you can marathon your favorite movies or dramas while chatting in the living room without disturbing others.



3. Board Game

Want to spend time together without using gadgets? You can choose to play board games. Some popular board games include twister, jenga, and monopoly. You and your family can also prepare traditional games or cards at home when you get bored playing the same game.

These board games are suitable for all ages so that all members can be invited to play. No need to feel left out with this activity. Not only that, by playing games, you feel closer on the festive day.



4. Picnic in the Yard

For those of you who have a spacious yard, it's not a bad idea to use it to gather together. Occasionally change the atmosphere and scenery to avoid getting bored during the holidays. You can lay out a mat and serve snacks to chat, or you can also have a barbecue to strengthen the bond in a more exciting way.



5. Karaoke

Then another activity that can be done at home during Eid is karaoke. Karaoke is one of the Eid activities that can be enjoyed together with family. You just need to prepare a portable karaoke microphone and a set of karaoke songs without lyrics. There are many song choices that you can find on YouTube for free. Also, find out who among you is talented in singing.



6. Sharing THR

Besides karaoke, there are also various THR activities that can be done at home during Eid. Yup! Various THR (holiday bonuses) have become a tradition during the Eid al-Fitr, so this cannot be left behind even during a pandemic. You can still do this activity together with your beloved family.

You can distribute THR to nephews, family, and relatives online. Utilize bank transfers and e-wallets to send THR. Sharing THR is a form of gratitude and expression of love. Make a note of the people who will receive THR to make it easier for you.



7. Chatting Together

And the last Eid activity is spending time chatting together with family. Do some activities that are rarely done together in daily life, such as telling funny stories or reminiscing happy moments from a few years ago. This is not only for entertainment, but also can be a beautiful activity that you can do together with your family at home.

Those are 7 Eid activities that can be done at home. Not only complying with health protocols, but you can also still gather with your beloved family.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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