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7 Healthy Drink Ideas Suitable for Serving During Eid Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

7 Healthy Drink Ideas Suitable for Serving During Eid Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Eid is just around the corner, and there are many preparations that you must have done, from preparing the best clothes to extraordinary food. Besides preparing food, you can also prepare drinks. Especially during this Covid-19 pandemic, you can choose healthy drinks as your Eid menu. There are many healthy drink ideas suitable for serving during Eid.

You can make these healthy drinks as unique drinks on your Eid menu, KLovers. Because taking care of health during a pandemic and adhering to health protocols is important. So for KLovers who are looking for healthy drink ideas, here are 7 ideas sourced from various sources that are suitable for serving during Eid. Let's check it out KLovers.


1. Green Tea

The first healthy drink idea is green tea. Yup! This healthy drink can actually be one of the healthy dishes during Eid. You can serve it warm or cold, suitable for heavy meals or Eid cookies.

Green tea contains flavonoids and polyphenols, types of antioxidants that can protect the body from stroke, heart disease, hypertension, and even cancer. This type of drink is also low in calories, so it won't make your stomach bloated after Eid.


2. Coconut Water

Then, the next healthy drink idea suitable for serving during Eid in the pandemic is coconut water. Coconut water is a healthy drink that can be consumed anytime, including during Eid. Coconut contains 95 percent water, so it can quickly replenish body fluids.

Not only that, coconut water also contains potassium, sodium, minerals, and lots of vitamins. It's no wonder that coconut water can increase stamina in the body. So you can stay fit while celebrating Eid with your family.


3. Infused Water

Who says infused water is only a drink for those of you who are exercising. In fact, serving this drink during Eid can be one of the unique and healthy dishes, KLovers. Healthy infused water can be a refreshing and healthy drink that is suitable to be served during Eid in this pandemic.

Of course, this drink is very simple, just mix water, lemon, cucumber, and mint leaves. Add ice cubes to make it fresher. This drink deserves to be included in the starter kit in the Eid menu. According to a journal published by the American Heart Association, the potassium content in cucumbers can lower sodium levels, which can cause high blood pressure.

Its antioxidant content can also lower cholesterol levels, which can cause degenerative diseases. So this drink is suitable for you after consuming a lot of oily food. Besides that, you can create infused water drinks with other healthy fruits such as dates, apples, pomegranates, and many more.


4. Lemongrass Tea

Tea is usually one of the warm drinks served during Eid. However, you can be a little more creative with it, KLovers. You can replace regular tea with lemongrass tea for a warm drink during Eid. This drink is also very suitable to be consumed as a healthy drink during the pandemic.

In a Food and Chemical Toxicology journal in 2011, it was found that lemongrass tea contains anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-hypercholesterolemia properties that can lower bad cholesterol levels. In addition, this healthy drink can also improve blood circulation throughout the body, minimizing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Not only does it boost the immune system, but lemongrass tea can also reduce cholesterol levels after consuming meat and coconut milk. So don't hesitate, KLovers, you can replace regular tea with delicious and healthy lemongrass tea.


5. Apple Juice

This is for those of you who love eating sweet foods during Eid al-Fitr, then apple juice is one of the recommended drinks. In fact, this drink is very good for nutritionists for diabetes patients. This is because the soluble fiber in apples can help slow down the digestion process and stabilize cholesterol levels.

In addition to reducing the risk of diabetes, a study published in Atherosclerosis states that apples also have the potential to reduce the risk of stroke. In fact, apples are one of the fruits that can improve immunity in the body. This is a great idea for a healthy drink during the COVID-19 pandemic.


6. Yogurt

Apparently, consuming ingredients that contain probiotics during Eid is very good. A study published in the Journal of Functional Foods in 2013 revealed that consuming yogurt containing Lactobacillus fermentum or Lactobacillus amylovorus for six weeks can effectively reduce body fat by three to four percent.

Probiotics in yogurt are also very good for our digestion. It is no wonder that this food is a good companion for healthy diet practitioners. Make it a habit to drink sugar-free yogurt when you are eating a lot of fatty foods. Or it can be served as a refreshing drink during Eid.


7. Tomato Juice

And a healthy drink idea that is suitable to be served during the last Eid is tomato juice. For those of you who like sweet food, you can neutralize it with tomato juice. This is because tomatoes have been proven to reduce the risk of diabetes, especially for those who are prone to blood clotting, which can trigger cardiovascular problems.

Not only that, tomatoes also have a very high content of vitamin C. We already know that this high vitamin C can increase your body's immune system. So this drink will be very suitable for you to consume during Eid in this Covid-19 pandemic.

Those are 7 healthy drink ideas that are suitable to be served during Eid in this Covid-19 pandemic. Not only complying with health protocols, but you can also serve healthy food and drinks that can maintain your body's immune system.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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