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7 Most Popular Types of Tea and Their Benefits for Health

7 Most Popular Types of Tea and Their Benefits for Health (credit: freepik) - Tea is one of the most popular drinks in Indonesia. Tea can be consumed in the morning, afternoon, and even at night. In fact, tea can also accompany any food. Not only that, the fragrant aroma of tea can help us relax as it can be used as aromatherapy. Behind its refreshing taste, tea apparently has many health benefits for the body. You can easily find tea in the market.

This brown-colored drink has various types with different benefits. In addition, tea is a delicious drink to be consumed cold or hot. Being one of the most popular drinks, do you know what types of tea there are? Instead of wondering, here is an explanation of the types of tea along with their benefits that you can use as a reference. Let's take a look.

1. Green Tea

Green tea is one of the types of tea that is already familiar. Green tea itself is known to originate from China. The benefits of green tea are well known to the public. The nutritional content in green tea is what makes it rich in benefits. This type of tea is also very enjoyable when brewed hot or cold.

One of the most trusted contents of green tea is as a natural remedy to reduce high blood pressure. Apparently, that's not the only benefit. There are a series of other benefits of green tea such as increasing metabolism, improving brain function, and increasing fat burning. So, green tea is one type of tea that is suitable for diet.

2. Peppermint Tea

The next type of tea that you need to know is peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is made from a mixture of tea leaves and peppermint leaves. Peppermint tea is known to help relax the muscles of the digestive tract, making it good for constipation and those who have difficulty passing stools.

In addition, this type of tea can be used as a remedy for sinus problems. This is because peppermint has a refreshing sensation that helps clear the respiratory tract and throat.

3. Black Tea

For some people, black tea is already familiar. This type of tea comes from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis which are rolled, fermented, dried, and crushed. The black color itself is a result of the oxidation process that produces high caffeine. It's no wonder that black tea has a strong flavor.

The benefits of black tea should not be underestimated. This type of tea can help you recover energy quickly. In addition, other benefits include preventing cancer, improving digestion, reducing the risk of heart attacks, and fighting free radicals.

4. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea comes from the petals of chamomile flowers as the main ingredient. This type of tea has a fragrant and distinctive aroma, and can make the body relax. There are two types of chamomile used for herbal tea, namely Roman chamomile and German chamomile.

Roman chamomile tastes very bitter, usually used as essential oil and dye. Meanwhile, the chamomile tea commonly consumed is German chamomile. The benefits of chamomile tea itself can help with sleep.

5. White Tea

Do you know about white tea? Among the many types of tea, white tea should not be overlooked. White tea is quite similar to green tea, as it is made from tea leaves whose buds have not fully opened. These young leaves are covered in fine white hairs. The buds, which are still very young, may be shielded from sunlight, causing the plant to not produce chlorophyll, which gives the tea leaves a white color when processed.

The processing method of white tea is different from green tea. White tea undergoes the least amount of processing compared to other types of tea. This is what allows white tea to maintain a high amount of antioxidants. It's no wonder that white tea has many benefits such as reducing heart disease, preventing cancer, and aiding in weight loss.

6. Oolong Tea

Basically, oolong tea is quite similar to black tea. Both go through a very short fermentation process, which gives them a strong flavor. Oolong tea has two types. Green oolong tea has a lower caffeine content, while black oolong tea has a higher caffeine content of about 30 mg per cup.

7. Rosella Tea

For some people, the rosella flower is already familiar. The red-colored flower from the stem to the petals can be used to make refreshing tea. This tea is also commonly known as hibiscus tea, which is made from the infusion of hibiscus sabdariffa flower petals. Rosella tea contains a lot of vitamin C and minerals, so it is also used as a traditional medicine.

The benefits of rosella flower tea include lowering low blood pressure and controlling cholesterol. In addition, this tea is rich in vitamin C, which can help the immune system.

Those are some types of tea and their benefits that you need to know. So, which type of tea is your favorite?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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