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Decorative Images are Works of Art with Decor Patterns, Here are Tips for Making Them

Decorative Images are Works of Art with Decor Patterns, Here are Tips for Making Them Illustration (credit: pixabay) - Decorative images are one of the artworks that are often created. Currently, images can be created traditionally or manually and with the use of digital technology. As part of art, images often serve as decorations to enhance the aesthetics of a home. Beautiful decorative visual images always succeed in pleasing anyone who sees them.

Decorating a room with decorative images can also create a comfortable atmosphere at home. This is because decorative images display various geometric patterns, such as triangles, squares, circles, and so on. Interestingly, from these shapes, decorative images can also be created as stylized decorative images that depict animal, plant, and human motifs.

Curious about what decorative images actually mean? Check out the following explanation, as reported by

1. Definition of Decorative Images

Decorative images are included in the realm of visual arts. Decorative images are artistic works in the form of pictures or paintings with specific patterns. The patterns in these decorative images can show specific designs, such as animals, plants, and even humans with all their activities. This is what makes decorative images interesting.

Broadly speaking, decorative images are divided into two forms. First, decorative images with geometric patterns. Decorative images with these patterns tend to have regular shapes. These shapes can appear in several styles, such as triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, and circles. The second form of decorative image is stylized. Meanwhile, stylized forms usually result in plants, animals, and even humans.

Decorative images are unique works of art. Therefore, decorative images are often used as decorations to beautify homes. In fact, it can be said that decorative images are one of the common and popular types of art. That is why we often find decorative images in various places.

2. Decorative Image Painter

Decorative images are a popular form of art. In the world of art, there are several artists known for their captivating decorative images. Some of these artists include:

1. I Gusti Ketut Kobot
The first decorative image artist, I Gusti Ketut Kobot. This Bali-born artist draws inspiration from Rudolf Bonnet's color composition style. He also pays great attention to the arrangement of elements in his compositions, creating a sense of rhythm in every artwork, even for war-themed paintings.

2. I Gusti Made Deblog
I Gusti Made Deblog is also a painter from Bali. I Gusti Made lived from 1906 to 1986. His paintings have a distinctive style, with black and white themes and dynamic magical patterns, paying attention to details.

3. Batara Lubis
Batara Lubis is a painter from Huta Godang, Mandailing Natal. He moved from Medan to Yogyakarta to deepen his knowledge of painting. Batara Lubis is known for his vibrant color patterns that emphasize contrast.

4. Kartono Yudhokusumo
Kartono Yudhokusumo is an Indonesian painter. He is also known as the first artist to paint in a decorative style in the late 1940s. In his youth, Kartono continued to hone his artistic talent by learning from Dutch and Japanese artists. It's no wonder that Kartono Yudhokusumo later became a professional painter.

3. Function of Decorative Images

Decorative images are a popular form of art. Over time, the interest in decorative art has grown. With the development of time, decorative images have several functions. The functions of decorative images are as follows.

1. Inspire creativity in humans to create an artwork that pleases the eye.

2. Enhance the aesthetic value of an object such as a room, building, or other spatial objects.

3. Increase the selling value of an object by creating a more attractive appearance than before.

4. Expand knowledge and understanding of how to decorate a room, building, or other spatial objects.
5. Serve as a medium for conveying messages.

4. Tips for Creating Decorative Images

Decorative images are works of art that can be both difficult and easy to create. However, it is not impossible to create beautiful decorative images for a beginner. Here are some tips and steps for creating decorative images.

1. Determine the concept of the decorative image to be created.

2. Decide whether to create a geometric or stylized decorative image.

3. Determine the medium to be used.

4. Start drawing on the chosen medium.

5. If creating a geometric decorative image, ensure that the composition of the motifs is balanced and consistent in each line. However, if creating a stylized image like an organism, balance is not necessary.

6. Decorative images of objects and abstracts can be expressed freely, but they should still be in accordance with their original forms.

7. It is advisable not to create just one decorative image. Decorative images will have a higher value if they are all combined in one frame.

8. Ensure the coloring process. Adjust it so it is not excessive.

9. If it is deemed better not to color, then there is no need to color it.

Those are some reviews about decorative images, which are a part of visual arts. Are you interested in creating them?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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